They say the older you get, the faster time seems to pass. They are right. 2017 slid on by at warp speed.
The New Years celebrations of my youth were pretty tame affairs. Mother, being a very religious woman and a teetotaler to boot, made sure our celebrations included nothing more exciting to drink than Hawaiian Punch. She made oyster stew as a treat for Dad and a big pot of chili for the rest of us who considered oyster stew something not to be consumed but should be buried in the back yard.
After supper the board games were brought out and rousing games of Sorry or Yahtzee or Scrabble were played. A big bowl of popcorn accompanied the games. Sometimes Dad would cook up a batch of molasses taffy or maybe a pan of fudge. The leftover Christmas cookies were brought out, insuring that sugar highs would keep us awake until midnight.
My family didn't have a television until I was in high school, so we listened to the radio track the new year until it reached our old farmhouse in Minnesota. Sometimes we stayed awake to welcome the new year and sometimes, not. Depended on how much candy and cookies were available. If we were lucky, we would hear 'Auld Lang Syne' played half a dozen times.
I don't make New Years Resolutions. I learned at an early age that resolutions had a life span of maybe a week. Now I just remember the good times past and look forward to the new year.
Tonight will be a quiet night for me. I am a bit lazy today so meals consist of opening jars. Ham and bean soup for lunch and chili for supper. There will be crocheting on my grandson's afghan, possibly a bowl of popcorn, watching the ball drop in Times Square and some listening to the police scanner, which can get exciting on this holiday.
I wish for all of you a very Happy New Year, no matter how you celebrate. May it bring you peace and joy.
Opus 2025-134: Reasons for Election
3 hours ago