Someone - I don't know who - once said, "We make plans. God just laughs at us." This is very true.
I had planned on discontinuing canning for a while to concentrate on other areas of preparation. But my youngest son asked me to email him my wish list for Sam's Club. He said he will pick up part of it for me soon and the rest when he and his brother go shopping in June. Makes sense. Less for him to have to haul up the stairs to my apartment at one time.
Much of my list is stuff for the freezer. My chest freezer was nearly full, so something had to change in order to find room for the Sam's haul.
My kitchen table is now covered with 4 venison roasts, 2 pork roasts, 5 boneless pork chops, 18 lbs. of hamburger, 2 large turkey breasts and 2 grocery bags full of quart freezer bags of slaw/relish. I had to stop there because my table is the only space available to let some of this start to thaw. I'm kind of scared to find out what is lurking at the bottom of the freezer.
I believe my weekend is now taken up with the canning I wasn't going to do. But there are times when we just have to go with the flow. I need the freezer space. Haven't a clue where I will store the jars of canned meat and slaw, but I am not about to let any of it go to waste.
In these uncertain times, it doesn't matter that there were other things I wanted to do this weekend. What matters is that I need to do whatever is necessary to feed my family. And if you think things will be just fine, you really need to take a look at the two videos posted over at "Thoughts from Frank and Fern." If they don't wake us up to what is in store for us, I doubt anything will.
Pray and prep, my friends. We need a whole lot of both.
Opus 2025-134: Reasons for Election
3 hours ago