Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm Ready

The blinds are down on all of my windows.  I refuse to watch at any more snowflakes falling.

The ingredients for peanut butter cookies and molasses cookies are waiting on the kitchen table.  The first pot of coffee of the day is steaming and delicious.

The Kindle is charged and ready to go.  The fuzzy blanket waits on my recliner.

Chicken soup is cooking in the crock pot.  Hot ham and cheese sandwiches are planned for lunch.  Soup and cornbread for supper.

Bring it on, Mother Nature.  Throw a temper tantrum.  Dump icy rain and snow on us.  See if I care.  I'm ready for you.  You can't wreck my day.  I'm going to have a good one in spite of you.


  1. That all sounds wonderful, especially the molasses cookies!


  2. Thank you, my beautiful daughter-in-law! I'll save you some molasses cookies.

  3. Ahh Peanut Butter Cookies my fav!!
    Hang in The sun will come back out...

  4. No snow here yet, just rain. It started here around 4am when I went to get the boys at work

  5. Mary...Lets see - molasses cookies for Staci - peanut butter cookies for you...oh crud. I'm out of chocolate chips for me.

    I'm not quite at the batsh*t crazy stage yet, but it's close. April is almost here. There is hope.

  6. Rob...I peeked out the window a while ago and there is just rain here as well. Hope it stays that way. Radar shows that band of precipitation is over you more than me. Guess I'll quit complaining!! I think you have been hit harder than me all winter.

  7. I completely sympathize. There's a show on the History Channel about a year when there was no summer. I wonder if they are making one now about the year with no spring. What was it the fox said in "The Chronicles of Narnia?"

    Always winter, and never Christmas.

  8. Peanut butter cookies....yum!

  9. Harry...Sometimes I feel like that - "Always winter..." But it really isn't as long as any other winter here. Just seems so, I think, because of so many sub-zero days and so much ice and snow. Minnesotans tend to be cranky until the first green leaves come out in the spring!

  10. Jess...I suppose it would be mean to tell you how good they taste right out of the I won't! Cookies and coffee make any miserable day a little bit better.

  11. Vicki Just about all the snow in our yard is about gone. I will post photos this weekend

  12. Rob...I think we may have dodged the bullet this time around. No snow here, either. Spring maybe has a fighting chance!
