So I ran out of a couple colors of yarn for Zach's graduation afghan. His mother, my daughter Jill, came to my rescue and picked up the needed yarn for me. I should have messaged her the proper names of the colors, for one of them, while being very close to the color used, was just far enough off in hue that it would be noticeable. She will bring me the proper yarn this week. In the meantime, I have finished another 10 granny squares with the yarn she brought and only have another dozen or so waiting for the proper colors. Then it will be ready to sew the squares together and add a border. Jill assures me that Zach will like it. I hope so.
I have plenty of yarn for my own afghan and only need to crochet the last two rows on about 15 squares. Then it will be ready to be sewn together and the border added to it. It is so pretty. I will post pictures of both afghans when they are finished.
While Jill was here I talked with her about yarn for the graduation afghans for my three youngest grands. She said she would be happy to pick out the colors and bring me the needed yarn. She said that my granddaughters seem to like her taste in colors so I am just leaving that selection up to her. As long as I am on a roll here with crochet hook and yarn, I think I would like to get the rest finished. After all, I am not getting any younger and I want to be sure that all the grands get their granny made afghans.
I don't keep regular hours like I did when in the working world. I sleep when I am tired and am up doing things when I am not. I slept for about three hours after supper last evening and as a result was awake all night. Probably a good thing it worked out that way, for the City crews were removing snow from the last snowfall a couple of days ago and the noise from the equipment they use likely would have kept me awake. The streets had been plowed, but there were rows of snow piled up along the curbs and in the alleys.
I watched the activity in the street in front of my building for a while. It was sort of like watching a precision drill team. The huge front end loader with a plow blade on it scraped the snow from the sidewalk and curb out into the street. A smaller loader cleaned the snow from the alley. A small bobcat came behind the other two and cleaned up what they had missed. All of the snow was piled in a row in the middle of the street. After that came the dump trucks which were loaded with snow and off they went to dump it wherever they dump snow - usually on a vacant lot. Other places I have lived in warmer climates have had the theory that God put the snow there, let Him worry about it. But here in Minnesota, we have precision drill teams of loaders and trucks to take care of the vast amount of snow we usually get in the winter. It was kind of fun to watch.
Duane brought me breakfast of some orange rolls the other morning. That was a treat. He was here yesterday, helping me put some jars of baking soda on a top shelf in my kitchen, when he found a container of raisins I had forgotten I had. So perhaps a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies is in my near future. That was Duane's suggestion anyway. He knows I share. :)
Not much else going on here in my little corner of the world. Hope all is well in yours.
Opus 2025-049: Daily Prepping
4 hours ago