Thursday, October 11, 2018


7 AM.  34 degrees.  My son's Facebook post after his drive to work this morning:

"Aaaaand there are snowflakes in the air."



  1. It's cold here again, but not that cold lol!

    1. Kristina...Truth be told, there isn't enough snow to really notice unless you see it in the headlights and the forecast is for a small warm-up in a few days. We Minnesotans just like to gripe about the weather every chance we get. :)

  2. Just commented on the prior post.
    Also from two back about the water storage- I had made a mistake and thought my WalMart blue jugs were 12 gallons. they're actually 3 gallons each.Don't know where my brain went onthat one but wanted you to know.

    Truly too early for snow!
    Cheers, SJ

    1. SJ...My brain went for a walk and left me here all alone, too. I read your 12 gallons but pictured the 3-gallon ones I have been pricing online.

      At 2 PM we had a balmy 39 degrees! No more snow, though. Today I am very glad I don't live in North Dakota. Some parts of that state got 17 inches of the white stuff. Uff da, as we Minnesotans are wont to remark. :)

  3. I broke down and turned on the heat at 3am. Temp indoors 59. I surrendered. Summer seems like a life time ago now. Fashion is out the window, if its keep you are that's what in fashion.

    1. Rob...You are tougher than I am. I have had my heat on for several weeks now. If the heat weren't included in my rent, I expect I might have held out longer. You are right. The fashion statement is flannel shirts and long johns from here on out. :)

  4. I think it might have gotten to 80 today, but I was hot and used the ac in the car. It's 58 now in the house, and the ac is still on! I still have on a short sleeve blouse. that is what I have for summer and winter. Thin knit pants are what I wear in the winter. Maybe I will put on sweat sshirt and sweat pants for a week or two this winter.

    1. Linda...Such a difference in climates. You can wear light weight clothes most of the winter and here, before too long, we will be in parkas and snow boots. :) I never minded the cold, snowy winters when I was young - ice skating on the frozen lakes - snowmobile rides - sledding and skiing. Now that I am old, I love how pretty our town is after a snowfall, but I want to observe it from inside, sitting in my rocking chair and looking out the window!!

  5. Replies
    1. Send some of that heat my way, BW. :)
      It is only 35 degrees at 11:15 AM. Thing is, come February, 35 degrees will be considered a heat wave!!

  6. I gave in and turned the heat on yesterday. I'm still blowing leaves every day for about 20 minutes. I do what I can reach with my little electric blower and the 25ft cord.
    Had a great morning on Saturday at my community garden. It was clean up day and most everyone shows up. The homemade cookies were a plus.
    Hope you have a good day.

    1. SJ...I have had the heat turned on here for quite a while. I think our beautiful fall weather that we usually have occurred on a Tuesday a couple of weeks ago between 10 am and 3 pm. :) It went right from hot and humid to cold.
      I would have been happy to do garden cleanup especially if homemade cookies were involved!!
      I have a couple of busy days ahead, but know better than to try to tackle it all at once. Easy does it!
      Take care.

    2. Easy does it is the only way to go these days.
      Although I'm encouraged by a treatment I'm starting later this week. I had a phone appointment with my specialist doctor last week and he's starting me on some new meds. Prayers would be welcome that this treatment helps me regain my health.
      Cheers, SJ

    3. SJ...Of course prayers are ongoing, my friend. That is great news. Whatever it takes to be healthy again is good. Please keep me informed. I care about you and Mr. Dog.
