Friday, August 11, 2023

Normal? Really?

 We are never going to see what was 'normal' for us in years past.  Perhaps that is the reason I hate the phrase 'New Normal' so much.

I just don't see a whole lot in the world around us that could be considered normal.  Men wearing dresses and makeup and calling themselves women is not normal.  I hear the question 'what is a woman' so often that it makes me wonder if there is a shred of common sense left.  And why, pray tell, haven't some people figured that out.

I am seeing the names of several new viruses being hailed as the new diseases we need to be afraid of and for which, of course, new vaccines are at the ready.  And I am hearing that we should again be confined to our homes when these deadly viruses are upon us.  How ever did we manage to live through previous viruses without 'government protection.'

Granted, we have lived through some less than stellar administrations.  But the current one seems hell bent on destroying America rather than working toward a better future for us all.  It reached the epitome of 'petty' when its leader decided that home appliances were going to ruin the climate unless we changed them out for whatever he deems suitable.

Insert big sigh here.

Frankly, I just cannot keep up with all of the foolishness, nor do I want to at this point.  Each and every day there is something else coming at us destined to make life harder.

On the bright side, empty store shelves don't seem to have reached my area.  I am still receiving everything I order every two weeks.  There may be brand names that are unavailable, but there are substitutions that work just as well.

This week I ordered frozen corn and mixed vegetables to dehydrate.  Those are done, but celery, onions and potatoes are waiting to be cleaned, peeled, chopped, sliced and dried.  I am concentrating my efforts on dehydrating just now.  This is not the time to slack off with the preparedness.  God only knows what kind of crazy we will see tomorrow, next month, next year.

As always - keep preparing and keep praying.  God is our only hope.


  1. You continue to speak truth, common sense, and wisdom. As usual. :)

    1. Rev. Paul...I find it astounding that the above mentioned items can actually be debated. So very sad that society has fallen so far. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  2. Many believe that the insanity thrown at us is a distraction to keep us from noticing the more important things that this administration has been doing and continues to do.

    1. I'm not sure I was clear when I go back and read what I wrote - I meant the things this administration is doing that will be the downfall of this country.

    2. Rae...Your meaning is clear to me. It is my belief that the current administration is doing its level best to distract us from the crimes they have committed in the past as well as from the things they are doing now. It is all about control. They want it all and want us to have none. And if the people allow this to continue, there will be no country left to call our own.

  3. Amen, Vicki. Amen.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thanks, my friend. Take care and may God not only watch over you and yours, but may He truly bless.

    2. Thank you, Vicki. I believe He has.

  4. Amen to preparing and praying!

    1. sbrgirl...Both are my 'go to' solutions. I learned long ago that my representatives just don't give a care about those they represent. So we prepare and pray to the One we know does care.

  5. Nobody with an intellect likes what's going on, Vicki. Even the liberals and democrats are starting to get frustrated with the diversity freak show. They created this monster and now it has gotten away on them.

    Our church has had several attempts made by queers and marxist progressives to subvert it. They deal with it by politely shunning the zealots and refusing to engage with them and I think that might be the answer to all this. They soon lose interest and give up and go elsewhere to find someone they can provoke and start a fight with. I am beginning to think that is the best way to handle the insanity. Keep your personal airspace clean, be careful of who you let into your circle and of what you read and see... and these people suddenly become less than the mud on your shoes in the scheme of things.

    1. Glen...I think you are probably right in your approach in dealing with the fools. Me...I have a strong desire to just smack some sense into those folks, but because I like living somewhere without bars and I really don't look good in an orange jumpsuit, I believe I will just ignore the ruckus. If we play their game, we are buying into the lies. They seem to want attention, so if we ignore them, my guess is that they will just slink off into the underbrush after a while.
      I really miss common sense.

  6. The worst part of all this "new normalcy," Vicki, is that those of us still in the workforce are FORCED to accommodate these freaks of nature and treat them as "normal." I can't abide by that. Sooner or later it'll probably get me fired. That'll suck, but hey; I am what I am and I ain't what I ain't. Folks out there can like me or hate me. All I know is that no society that has embraced Sodomite behavior has ever survived. I'll pin my hope on God... and history...

    The shelves are still full out here in the Wild West, but NOTHING is affordable. 'Just paid $55.00 for ten gallons... of regular gas...

    Indeed, stay ahead of things as much as you can, Vicki. About all we can do at this point is to back away as the flaming wreckage of America rolls by on its way into the abyss...

    God bless you and yours!!!

  7. Pete...My heart goes out to those of you who are forced to deal with the stupidity every day. I never thought that being housebound would have advantages but turns out it does in that if I do find myself in the company of one of the crazy people, I can just kick them out!! You have more to lose than I do, but I just cannot see myself playing their game. To call them by their 'preferred pronouns' is to perpetuate the lie. Not playing that game. Ever.

    Gas prices here are averaging $3.69 per gallon today. Who knows what they will be tomorrow. Grocery prices are slowly creeping up. Me...doing whatever I can to make sure my family will be alright no matter what happens.

    Praying God keeps you and yours safe.
