Thursday, January 30, 2025

Here I am.

 Dear Friends...

I have been AWOL. But then you knew that, didn't you.  :)

And if you know me as well as most of you do, you know that my kids and grands come first.  And that's where I have been.  Working on the things that might affect my family.

I found a sale on beef and ordered some roasts to be canned.  Except that the grocery delivery service sent the wrong meat and 12 pints of beef cost me nearly $100.  Partly the fault of the order taker.  Mostly my fault for not being specific enough with my order.  Better be some really tasty meat at that price!!

The quilt I am sewing for my next Great-Grandbaby due in March is nearly finished.  I have been truly blessed to have 6 grands and soon 3 great grands!!  And making a quilt for each of them has been - and still is - pure joy.

I have to admit to not being very well organized sometimes.  So time is being spent going through the jars of home canned food on my shelves.  I admit to enjoying experimenting with some of my canning.  Sometimes an experiment I see on a canner's YouTube channel looks interesting and I give it a try.  Sometimes works.  Sometimes - not so much.  So, I am getting rid of the failed experiments.  No point in keeping what nobody will eat.  Better to have jars of tried-and-true food should the time come when we need it.

Wading through my gene pool has taken up time.  There are names and dates and places that need to be verified in order to show my descendants who their ancestors were.  Working with old photos helps as do the family stories from years past.  

The political side of me is enjoying watching left leaning heads explode, what with the fast-paced work being done by the newly elected administration.  I don't agree with everything our new president says or does.  But it is purely joyful to see changes actually being made in favor of honest-to-goodness American citizens rather than for those who have broken our laws by showing up here illegally.  About damn time!

I am fully aware that our new president doesn't work miracles.  There is only one who does that and He isn't an elected official.  But miracles aside, I now am beginning to think that there may be some hope for our nation.  Haven't been too sure about that the past few years.  

Regardless, we keep stacking and more importantly, we keep praying.

Thank you to those who reached out in my absence. Each and every one of my readers is so very much appreciated.  I make no promises, but I will do my best to not disappear again.


  1. I, too, have missed you and am glad to hear all is well and that you have been involved in more important things. And I am thoroughly enjoying all the left-leaning head explosions as well. Probably more than I should. Shame on me.

  2. Thanks, Jennifer...Yes, all is well. At my age, sometimes I feel like time is running out and I need to finish the projects that my family may need later on. And yes...the head explosions are a kick to behold. No shame on us. We earned the right to laugh at them!!

  3. Love the update. Write again when you're ready. But do what you love. I'm sure we'll all be here. Cheers,
    SJ. now in California

    1. Thanks, SJ...I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many interests. Need to live to age 147 in order to finish them all. :)

  4. Welcome back, Mom! Glad you have been doing things that make you happy. Love, David

    1. Thank you, Son...Your brother used to tell me that all of my projects were keeping me too busy to go to the bar next door. :)
      Love you, too!

  5. Hi Vicki! Always nice to hear from you! Figured you've been keeping busy, and that's a good thing!

    1. Good to hear from you. I guess staying busy is better than listening to all the bs that passes for news. :)

  6. Indeed, keep prepping and praying, Vicki. The pumps are staying ahead of the flooding right now, but we're still on the Titanic...

    Good to hear from you again. God bless you and yours!

    1. Good to hear from you, too, my friend...The Titanic reference is more true than I would like to admit. I keep hoping and praying that we might come out of this. Hope keeps me somewhat sane. But judging by the craziness of the confirmation hearngs, I'm not so sure.
      May God truly bless you and yours.

  7. Hi Vicki. It’s good to hear from you. I was sure you were busy doing all the things. It’s been quite a month hasn’t it?
    We actually got some snow. About an inch. So I’ve had all the winter I want. Lol.
    Don’t stop what you’re doing. We aren’t out of the woods.
    Keep on keeping on…Jan

    1. So good to hear from you, Jan...Yep. The month of January has been....interesting! Have to wonder where all of the changes will lead. To something better, hopefully. I will keep on with what I am working on, but taking time here is important to me as well. I think it will take time to get out of these woods but hope springs eternal! Take care.
