Monday, February 10, 2025

Homemade Seasoned Rice

 In response to a request, over the weekend I tested recipes for Beef Rice Sides and Chicken Rice Sides.  I found these recipes online, but can't recall the author, so I can't give credit where credit is due.  

I keep the commercially made on hand as they are nice to have for a quick meal.  But because of the price hikes and the additions of chemicals with unpronounceable names in the commercial product, I thought the homemade version might be the answer.  I like them both, so I put together a dozen packets of each, using small Ziploc bags for each packet.  

 Beef Rice Sides

1 cup  rice                               1 tablespoon dry onion                    

1 tablespoon dry parsley         1 tablespoon powdered beef bouillon

Combine the rice and all of the other ingredients in a resealable plastic container. I like to use zip-lock bags. Label and seal the container. Store on the pantry shelf. This is enough for 1 package of mix. Make several at a time for the most convenience.

To Prepare:

2 tablespoons margarine                 1 package of Beef Rice Sides

3 cups water                                    1 tablespoon soy sauce

In a 2-quart saucepan combine the margarine, Rice Mix, soy sauce and water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place a lid on the pot. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible flame. Simmer, covered until done or for about 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Chicken Rice Sides

1 cup rice                                  1 tablespoon dry onion

1 teaspoon garlic powder       1 teaspoon thyme

1 tablespoon dry parsley           1 tablespoon powdered chicken bouillon

Combine the rice and all of the other ingredients in a resealable plastic container. I like to use zip-lock bags. Label and seal the container. Store on the pantry shelf. This is enough for 1 package of mix. Make several at a time for the most convenience.

To Prepare:

2 tablespoons margarine                1 package of Chicken Rice Sides

3 cups water

In a 2-quart saucepan combine the margarine, Rice Mix and water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place a lid on the pot. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible flame. Simmer, covered until done or for about 20 minutes. Serve hot.

I'm thinking that with the addition of a small can or a half pint jar of canned meat and maybe a cup of frozen veggies might make this a meal on its own.  I have done that with the commercial sides with good results.

I don't know as it would make any difference, but my dry onion powder is made by grinding dehydrated onions in a small coffee grinder I use for that purpose.  And in my experiments, I am not fussy about using level product in the teaspoons or tablespoons.  I go for rounded. 

Hope this helps.  As always, keep stacking and keep praying.


  1. Thank you for sharing. I have all the ingredients so will be putting them together tomorrow..Ramona

    1. Glad I could help, Ramona. Seems like whatever we can do to save some on the grocery bill will be helpful. I'm looking always for ways to save a dime - or two. Doubt it will get better any time soon!

  2. Replies
    1. Hope you find the recipes useful. May God truly bless you and yours.

  3. Looking forward to trying some of these recipes, as soon as I get rid of the nasty bug I have.

  4. sbrgirl...Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well. I've heard that bug is going around. Hope the recipes help. Take care and get well soon!

  5. Rounded is best and tastier. I use a coffee grinder, too.

    1. Linda...I'm not one to worry about every tablespoon being exact. I guess I'm more of a 'dump and stir' person. :)

      I used my little coffee grinder to turn several dehydrated veggies into powder. Makes it easy to add flavor to lots of dishes. But I'm betting you know that. :)
