It's that time of year again for one of my most favorite things to do - attend my granddaughters dance recital. This year, there were a couple of bonuses for me.
The first was when David and Jacob picked me up about noon. After we arrived at their home, Jacob and I had a great afternoon. We helped his Dad plant corn in the garden. Well, Jacob helped and Grandma did what she does best - supervise. Jacob showed me how high he could go on his swing and how far he could fly when he jumped off. He flies pretty well. And he showed me how high his toy rocket could fly and how well he can catch a ball with his baseball glove. We played some board games and I was trounced, and we read books and watched a little TV together. It was a busy afternoon that I thoroughly enjoyed. And in between all the activities that Jacob had for us, it was really nice to be able to sit with my son and just talk. We don't get a chance to do that very often.
Then, after a grilled chicken supper, it was on to the recital. David was running a few minutes late, which is understandable when you are dealing with a slow Mom and an active 5 year old! Unfortunately, about half-way to the school where the recital is held, we discovered that our tickets were sitting on the kitchen counter back at the house, which did us no good at all. So after backtracking to retrieve the tickets, we still managed to arrived in time.
The recital was wonderful. Both of my beautiful granddaughters (Yes. I am bragging. Grandmas get to brag. It says so in the bylaws.) are on competition teams, and this year I got to see some of the dances they performed at the various competitions. I think that this recital featured more of the competition teams dances than had previous recitals. Because I can't get to their competitions, this was extra special fun for me to see them dance these dances in person. They were great! I loved every second of it. I am so proud of these two girls, who put their hearts and souls into their art, and it shows.

A lot of credit has to go to Boston and Maddie's parents. Not only do they run them back and forth for practice sessions and lessons at the Jete Dance Centre, but they spend many weekends at competitions with them. And Staci is with the girls backstage, helping with costume changes and hair styles for each number. David always participates in the "Daddy - Daughter Dance" which is really fun to see.
There is another bonus for me at recital time. I get to see people that I rarely have the chance to see at other times. Staci's parents were there and it is always good for me when I can see them. This year, two of the girls Great-Aunts attended as well. They were seated in a location too far away for conversation, but afterward Janet took her sister, Jeanine home, and then drove me home as well. We all had time then for a nice chat. I was so glad that they were able to be there.
I just can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday, and I am making my reservation for next year. Wouldn't miss it for anything!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for coming! Jacob told me all about what he and Grandma did while I was fun!
Staci, the pleasure was all mine! It was the best Saturday, both afternoon and evening, that I have had in a very long time.