Thursday, July 27, 2023

Little Green Men

Seems Congress has found something else to try to justify their existence.  They are holding hearings about Unidentified Flying Objects.  That's right, folks.  Now we need to worry about those pesky UFOs cluttering up our skies.  

This may be new territory for the younger set, but us old farts have been hearing about 'flying saucers' for, at the very least, 50 years.  A whole tourist industry was built upon rumors of what was hiding in 'Area 51.'   The book and comic book industry has produced countless publications featuring those little green men from Mars.  And the film industry - both movies with live actors and the animated variety - have produced many films about invasions from outer space.

Good grief...even Bugs Bunny has dealings with Marvin the Martian.

I am not saying that it is impossible to find life on other planets.  And I am not saying that such life could never find its way here.

What I am saying is that these hearings are a doozy of a distraction.

Seems to me there are some things to concern ourselves with that are just a tad bit more important.

How about the fact that government officials lie to us so often that lying has become standard practice for them.

How about the fact that millions are openly crossing our borders illegally and nobody is doing anything to stop it.

How about the fact that kids are being sold to pedophiles.

How about the fact that groceries are fast becoming a luxury item.  

How about the fact that our government wants to limit all sorts of items like gas stoves and firearms and meat.

And how about the fact that using the wrong pronouns in addressing some individuals is becoming unlawful.  Really?  When did we lose all forms of common sense!

There are countless other issues that our leaders should be addressing.  But holding hearings to try to prove to the voters that they are doing something for us is wearing thin.  Thing is, once they have performed for the cameras, they do nothing.

And once again, I do believe we desperately need a Do Over!


  1. History will give us that do-over. You can’t run a country like this. The grifters, the lunatics, the perverts and psychotic…somebody is going to come along and make these people go away. Will it be a case of watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants? Or will we suddenly, for no rhyme or reason whatsoever…start making troublesome people disappear in the night? History will judge that one too, I suppose. It’s not just America, here in Canada and in Europe we have guys in charge that make Joe and Kamala look like gifted intellects.

    I want to live on another planet. I don’t like Mars (too cold) or green men…but maybe living with the bum heads on Star Wars wouldn’t be that bad…?

    1. Filthie...Never in the world did I think I would see the names of Joe and Kamala in the same sentence as "gifted intellects!" I understand that thought, however, as every now and then I get a glimpse of what you have to contend with in your fearless leader! I am so sorry.

      I don't know what it is going to take to get us - both your country and mine - out of this horror we seem to be living in. Woke. Pronouns. Lies. Corruption. Perversion. I truly do wonder how much more of this outright insanity the general public - not the elites, but US - will take before we decide to just clear the deck and start again.

      Me...I just hope I live long enough to see it happen.

    2. PS...Filthie...Given the circumstances we find ourselves living in, anything Star Wars sounds good to me. :)

  2. UFO's... I don't have the words... Everything that's going on and Congress suddenly wants to discuss UFO's...

    ...Chickens are hard to catch. Even when you wait until they're roosted up for the night, try to lay hands on a hen and that thing is going to go crazy, leaving you gasping in a cloud of dust, feathers, and pulverized dry poop. So... What do you do?... Well, you go up to the chicken, just about, but not quite, in arm's reach. You take one hand, hold it up, and start wiggling your fingers. Once the hen starts giving that hand that "What the HELL??" look, you grab the hen with your other hand! That, Vicki, is what's going on with the sudden interest in UFO's... Unfortunately, a good chunk of the country is fine feasting on bovine BM's...

    Indeed, Vicki, a reset is in order...

    1. Pete...Your analogy is spot on. It is like just when we think we may see some truth out of Washington, we get...Oh! Look! Squirrel!! What amazes me is that so many are totally distracted by the squirrel. Or the UFO.

      UFO's? Really? I know toddlers who could come up with a better story than that. And if you think about it, our world is so very messed up that I can't imagine why anyone would want to land here.

      But you want to know what really gets my knickers in a twist? It is the fact that those who are supposed to be representing us, think we are stupid enough to believe such rot.

      I fear that if a reset doesn't happen soon, there will be nothing left to fight for. God help us all.

  3. I don't understand why congress sits on its hands while whoever is running the white house issues edicts like the pope
    If I were congress I,d be hopping mad having my powers usurped by the executive branch

  4. That last comment is me Deb harvey. Don't know why it says anonymous in

    1. Deb...I don't know why Blogger won't use your name. Several commenters have the same result, but just sign the bottom of the comment.

      I am of the opinion that the majority of Congress is just as crooked as the executive branch. If they legislate to help us, chances are pretty good they would lose their illicit and illegal income.

  5. I see this as another attempt to alter/nullify the Word of God. Just WHO is coming in clouds of glory...little green men? And people keep saying "OMG!" - as if they believe in Him. Such willing blindness, I say.

    1. BarbaCat...I would agree that anything to nullify the Word of God is being done, as well as using this as a distraction. No matter how we look at it, evil is still evil.

    2. Remember Jesus said there would be signs said wonders in the skies but 'be not deceived'.
      At least one of the prophets said we would see strange creatures from the forest
      All this is foretold plainly
      The evil one uses our stupidity against us as we chase the proverbial squirrel
      Just remember 'do not be deceived'.
      Deb harvey

  6. It was easier to believe they existed before the Same government that has been spending Our money telling us that, Not only do they not exist, but anyone who sees one is nuts. I've read some stories, the logger who was gone for a while, they accused his friends of killing him and getting rid of him in the woods. Lie detector tests for everyone, everyone passed, even the guy who eventually showed up. The stories about how the missiles in silos would go off-line, and there was Something hovering around.. IDK What to believe,, but since whatever it is has been happening for decades, I'm NOT about to get shook up because IF they were dangerous, wouldn't they have already done whatever they wanted to do?

    1. Justin...You are spot on. Seems to me if people were claiming to see UFOs for as many years as they have been reported, we would no longer be speculating about them. We would have concrete proof.

      It is my opinion that all the hoopla surrounding UFOs is nothing more than another distraction so the general population has something to talk about. And if we are busy getting all excited about that, we won't be questioning government corruption. Still ticks me off that the elite think we are stupid enough to believe all that bs.

    2. I have seen one
      They exist but there is nothing outer spacey about them
      Purely demonic
      Some may be holographic
      Demons can appear in any guide even that of an angel of light
      The sole purpose is deceit but if they can terrorize you it is the icing in the cake for evil doers
      Be not deceived either way
      Deb h

  7. It used to be a regular thing, someone would say
    How stupid do they think we are?
    Well, look who is president. And look at what they are doing to the best president I've seen.
    And we still just talking about the Second Amendment.
    They have been destroying our society while the generation that would have s said No have become crippled old men who can't check their own fence line.
    They don't just Think we're stupid, look at the blatant, in your face, criminal behavior and the willful blindness of half the population.
    Sixth grade, they had declared the schools Broken a year or so earlier. Watching the news, dude says, testing following last years changes show negative returns. We will continue to make appropriate changes.

    NOTHING they had done, which by their own admission didn't improve the schools, but dropped the scores, nothing was put Back like it was. Every mistake was made permanent. That is when I realized it was being done on purpose.
    Charlotte Iserbyt, YouTube, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

    1. Justin...The dumbing down of America has been methodically done on purpose. After all, it is hard to control people who are smart. They question government's decisions. They keep track of what happens around them. They recognize the lies as lies. And when they are told they have to do something stupid, the response is not only 'NO.' It is 'Oh, Hell No.'

      Stupid does what it is told to do. Never questions. Never thinks for themselves. Just expects that if things get bad, someone else will take care of them.

      If common sense doesn't reappear soon, we will be in a world of hurt.

    2. The amazing thing is such a huge percentage not only goes along with evil but promotes it

  8. And now over the weekend a country western video (JasonAldean -Trythat in a Small Town) that is 'racists'....Really --- I've watched the video at least 3X so far and can't actually id the 'race' of anyone who's protesting....Baffles the mind what's going on. Except...oh no...huddle in the cornrer... Whoopi Goldberg is 'upset'.....that effects my life for sure (snarc)....Keep writing....and stacking it deep and praying..... SJ now in California

    1. SJ...Love the snarc, which is all the cast of that TV show deserves. But then, I doubt any of them would recognize truth even if it bit them on the bum.

      I am so very tired of this constant fighting between our citizens. This used to be a happy place to live.

      Writing is the only form of protest I can manage these days. But stacking and praying are front and center here. I know you are doing the same.
