Thursday, September 26, 2024

Another Day in Paradise

 Ya ever have one of those days where you might have been better off just staying in bed?

Back story:  I have two computers.  One is a desktop with a humongous monitor screen.  It has a humongous monitor screen because my Granddaughter helped my son pick it out for me and she thought Grandma would like the large screen.  She does.

The other computer is a laptop that is used mostly for genealogy related stuff and photos.  

Yesterday I managed to spill a half a glass of cherry Kool Aide all over the desktop keyboard.  Apparently, the liquid shorted something out, because the keyboard no longer works.  Can't say I am surprised!  The mouse works though, so all is not lost.

This morning, I decided to print out some genealogy related stuff.  The very first thing I did was (I really don't know how) I managed to wind up with a piece of paper stuck inside the printer.  After a considerable amount of digging around in the bowels of the printer, spiced up with one or two choice words, I managed to get the printer unstuck.  By that time, I didn't want to print anything anymore!

On to this afternoon, when I got one of those robo calls from my pharmacy telling me I have prescriptions ready to pick up.  Since I am housebound and since my kids and older grands all have jobs, I have had my meds mailed to me for the past two or three years.  But the pharmacy won't automatically stick them in the mail.  I have to call and request the service each time.

I wouldn't mind, but now time is wasted waiting for that auto call to run through the many options.  I used to be able to talk to a real person at the end of all that foolishness.  Not anymore.  Now I need to leave a message, and they promise to return my call within an hour.  It has been 8 hours and no return call.


Life was so much simpler when we wrote everything out by hand.  And when we could easily talk to a real person.  Anybody know where I can find a time machine that will shoot me back to the 60's?

Gonna find me a movie and go snuggle up in my recliner.  I have had all the fun I can stand for one day!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh. *HUGS*
    Hopefully one of the family members can bring you a new keyboard.
    And if any of them are technically inclined, they could help you with a switch so you could use the big monitor for your laptop, too.
    Unless you prefer not to. :)
    You all be safe and God bless, Vicki.
    P.S. Hope you found a good movie!
