Saturday, October 7, 2023

No Rant. Just Work.

As you all know, I enjoy a good rant now and then.  Gets rid of some of the frustrations we are facing, and it really is kind of fun sometimes to virtually slap the snot out of those who are determined to rule over us.

Just now I simply do not have the time.

I pay very little attention to any of the major news sources.  For the most part, they wouldn't recognize truth if it bit them on the bum.  And I stay away from the YouTube Channels and Blogs that tell me if we don't do what they say, buy the gear they are selling or stock up on what they say we must stock up on, we will surely die.

But there are those who have earned my respect over the years.  Pinball Preparedness ( Pinball Preparedness - YouTube).  Patara at Appalachia's Homestead  (Appalachia's Homestead with Patara - YouTube).  Modern Refugee  (Modern Refugee. - YouTube).  Rudy at Alaska Prepper  (Alaska Prepper - YouTube).  Alaska Granny whose link is on my sidebar.  There are others, but these are the ones I pay attention to the most.

All of the above are not busy screaming that the sky is falling like so many others do.  They do not try to scare us. They instead are keeping us informed about what is happening and are urging us to continue our preparations or better yet, step up what we are doing.  

I don't care what the sound bites from the White House or Congress say, things are not getting better.  We are up to our necks in government debt.  I buy groceries every two weeks and every two weeks prices are higher.  There is a whole boatload of things that need to be fixed.  Not happening.

Those that I trust keep saying that the future is not looking all that great.  I seriously doubt that the upcoming election will make much of a difference either way.

So most of my time is now being spent doing whatever needs to be done.  Today I dehydrated broccoli and mixed vegetables.  In the morning 4 large bags of shredded hash browns are going in the dehydrators.  While they are drying, there are bags of flour that need to be repackaged to avoid creepy crawlers.  There are several quilts that need to be finished, including one quilt top made from bright pink plain and floral flannel that my daughter has laid claim to in exchange for a fabric store run to bring me quilt backing fabric and quilt batting.  :)  My storeroom (formerly my bedroom) needs to be sorted out so I know exactly what I have and what I need.  There can no longer be guesswork in my grocery orders.  Not with prices headed skyward.

Prayer has also increased.  Not for myself.  I am doing OK for a cranky old lady.  For our nation.  For those who are having a rough time keeping body and soul together.  But mostly to allow the Almighty back into the areas of our lives that He has been tossed out of.  Schools.  Courthouses.  Government buildings.  Some have even been arrested for preaching on city sidewalks.  

Pray.  Keep on preparing.  And pray some more.


  1. I also like Homestead Corner on YT. And Dollar Tree Dinners has given me some ideas for different meals on a budget.
    And yes -- pray often. SJ now in California

    1. I have added both to my list. Thanks.

    2. And I added the ones you mentioned too! I forgot to mention here that I also read Survivalblog dot com
      SJ now in California

  2. It is not all doom and gloom. Sure, everyone is freaking out or trying to sell something… but there’s a lot of sense out there too. And more coming.

    The stupids are running out of road. All the birds are coming home to roost and you can see the perch sagging under the weight. We are smart and resourceful, we’ll face tough times, but we’ll get through.

    1. Oh, Filthie...I truly hope you are right about the stupids running out of road. I would love to see more common sense, more humanity and less hatred than has been displayed not only now, but in the recent past as well. You are spot on about having weathered tough times. I have faith that in the end, we will get through it all.

  3. Folks like us, Vicki; if we were on Titanic after she hit the iceberg, we'd be in lifeboat #1. Then again, we actually ARE on a ship that has hit an iceberg... If you get to LB1 first, save seats for the likes of us... We'll be along right after grabbing coats, a radio, food, and water...

  4. Pete...I look around and see a whole lot of crazy. This ship we are on seems to be sinking fast. I cannot remember a time when we were as divided as we are now. That lifeboat - save me a seat please. In the meantime, I can be found in the kitche - cannig more chicken.

  5. Cannot remember website but in comments laundromat owner said his business has increased threefold as more families and individuals are homeless living in their vehicles
    AS soon as bye den has gas price and spare parts prices entirely out of reach these people will have nowhere to go
    Meanwhile strip malls sit empty and vets are put on the streets to be replaced by illegal aliens, some of whom are obviously sleeper cells of our enemies
    We may be about to experience our own trail of tears
