Sunday, June 9, 2024

Reasons for Paranoia

Anybody else having nagging feelings about being watched.  Being listened to.  Being recorded.  All of the above?

There was a time when I would have been happy to show people my shelves of home canned and dehydrated food.   Not to brag...well, OK.  Maybe a little bit.  We do have the right to be proud of the results of hard work.  But mostly as an incentive to prepare.  As in, "See?   You can do this, too.  And if you want help, just let me know."

That's how things used to be.  Now...not so much.

As an example, not all that long ago I had a new to me nurse come by to deal with my legs.  Now, the exit door in my apartment and the door to the room where most of my food is stored are close to one another.   Perhaps it was an honest mistake.  Perhaps not.  But when she opened the wrong door when leaving, her remarks were:  "My God, but you have a lot of food in  there.  I know where I will come if anything bad happens."

At that point I informed her that this was for my family should an emergency arise.  And then I wanted to know which one of my grandchildren should go without so she could eat.  And then I called the nursing office to let them know that this particular nurse would not be allowed in my apartment again.  Never.

It's not like we aren't being watched nearly every minute of the day.  Grocery store parking lots have a camera on every light pole.  Buying stamps at the Post Office?  Cameras whirring there.  Cameras at every busy intersection, recording where you are at any given time.

A while back I asked my son in a phone conversation to please pick up a battery operated can opener for me.  Within a couple of hours the ads popping up on my computer were for battery operated can openers.  And I don't even own a cell phone.  Those phones that are notorious for gathering private information and tracking the users.

My daughter was here a few days ago.  We talked about her upcoming trip to Montana.  In a conversation with another family member, it was mentioned that one of my grands had just finished her first year at a Wisconsin college.  Want to take a wild guess as to the subjects of the vacation ads now visible on my computers?

I don't believe the Russians will come marching down my street.  I doubt that the marauding hordes will overtake my neighborhood.  And I am not buying into the fearmongering of many of the YouTube channels, as in "Buy this gadget or you will surely die!"

However, I have 16 people in my immediate family to worry about.  With that in mind, as much as I would like to help those outside my family in an emergency situation, that's not happening.   Family first.  Always.

And I believe that those who will come knocking on the door looking for a handout are the same people who went on vacation and who feel the need to dress in the latest fashion and who have money to spend on pedicures but failed to see the need to stock up on food and water.  And now expect someone else to feed them because they didn't bother preparing.

So I am doing whatever necessary to downplay my preparedness efforts to those locally.   But I do admit to being somewhat paranoid about those who I don't really trust.  Nevertheless, the stacking and praying continues.  Hope you all are busy doing the same.


  1. Turn off the microphone on your computer and get AdBlock (it's free). Everything 'smart' in your house is listening. Keep your phones in other rooms if you don't want to be overheard. Hopefully, you don't have Alexa, either. My phone is a phone only. Even then I get lots of ads. Luckily I live in an area with no cameras or stoplights. I agree with you completely. Hopefully, you are armed to protect your foodstuffs and loved ones should the need arise.

    1. Tewshooz...I have two computers - a desktop and a laptop. I have shut down, as far as I can tell, the voice record and the camera on both. I have no idea if my appliances are considered "smart." They came with the apartment and are not new. And yes - I am completely able to defend what is mine. :)
      I find it sad that this kind of thing even needs to be discussed. Sign of the times, I guess. What I wonder is, what's it going to take before right thinking people decide they have had enough! Take care and stay safe!

  2. But is it 'paranoia' if it's actually happening? Just saying..
    So the weirdest thing happened this week. I was on a Z00m video and my friend mentioned it was her wedding anniversary soon. I said 'happy anniversary' and then balloons appeared on the screen. I kid you not. We were both like -- oh...that was so creepy.

    Another friends not so smart/smart phone will randomly transcribe her conservations as she's talking. don't tell me that's not creepy.
    And btw -- I recently replaced my TV and could not find one that wasn't 'smart'.
    Be frosty everyone. cheers,
    SJ now in California

    1. SJ...All of that is just beyond creepy!! All I want out of life at this point is for "Big Brother" to just leave me alone. And yet there are those who think all of this AI stuff is just the coolest thing. Me...I think I would rather put up with the old, rural party telephone lines of my youth. At least you knew who was listening in on conversations!!
      "Be frosty." Thinking you are dealing with some heat in CA. Here - 64 degrees at 9 pm. :)

  3. And now they are making everything "AI".
    Whether you want it or not.
    Even conversations without a phone can sometimes get ads on my computer.
    1984 is here.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG...What scares me is that government thinks it needs to know every detail of our lives. As long as I am a law abiding citizen, the rest is none of their business. You are spot on. 1884 has arrived! Take care and may God bless and keep you and yours!

  4. The whole world carries a listening and watching device on is called a smart phone. Ever watch the kids nowadays? They cannot even function without one.

    1. Tewshooz...You are spot on about everyone having their phones in front of their noses all the time. I think I would rather have the rural party line of my youth, shared by the neighbors. At least then, a person knew who was listening. :)

  5. There's a saying, Vicki; "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you."

    Seriously though, The Oxford dictionary defines "paranoia" as "unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful." It's not "unreasonable" to think "they" are listening to us because, in fact THEY ARE. I have "a certain relative" who tells me "If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about." To that I said "Define "wrong." That word gets "redefined" at will, depending who "they" are trying to convict or protect from conviction." ...Crickets...

    No Vicki, we're not "paranoid." We're just among the very few who can see the emperor has no clothes on...

    1. Pete...I hadn't thought of it in terms of a naked emperor, but you are absolutely right. And the sheep are those on the sidelines who are admiring the clothes that aren't!

      At this stage of my life, all I want is for the government types to just leave me alone. But sadly, they don't seem to be able to do that.

      Just last week my nurse arrived with a questionnaire that needed to be filled out. She said those afore mentioned government types have decided these questions need to be answered every two months. Questions like what meds do I take, did I fall flat on my face recently, do I eat regular meals and (sigh) how often do I use the toilet. Really? And why does government need to know these things. (Hand waving in the air) I know! I know! CONTROL!

      I asked what would happen if I simply said none of this was anybody's business except mine. Answer? I would likely lose my nursing services.

      I may have graduated from paranoia and gone directly to fear. Fear, however, won't slow me down much, though. I recently celebrated my 78th birthday. A life sentence just isn't much of a threat any more.

    2. It's not fear, Vicki... It's ANGER!!!

    3. Just goes to show that 'free' services from the govt-types are anything but free....So my answers to 'meds I take '= the ones prescribed by my doctor....'toileting''== 'as needed'...'falling'= no....period. 'Eating regular meals' = you betcha...In other words,,, put words in for answers that don't give any information.
      BTW - reminds me of my recent trip to the new Senior's center to apply for their 'free' lunch program....but they asked me to fill out a 7page questionnaire in order to participate. Hmmm, not so 'free' after all..Let's just say I answered the questions that I thought were appropriate and left the rest blank.
      SJ now in California.

    4. Pete...You are absolutely spot on! And I find myself becoming more angry by the day. I think it is the constant lies. And the fact that the elites treat the rest of us like we don't have two brain cells to rub together. I wonder what it will take to get folks mad enough to do something about it. Soon. Please.

    5. SJ...You are brilliant. I wish I had thought to answer as you suggested. Next time I will. The fun part is that both the nurses who take care of me will love it. And will likely offer suggestions! Thanks.

  6. We are the elites because we have God. The so-called elites have nothing and are nothing. Gives one a whole other perspective.

  7. Tewshooz...You are right. I know for sure that come Judgement Day, I would not want to be in the shoes of those who are only interested in money and power. I will stack my faith up against anything the 'elites' have to offer. And thanks for the reminder!
