Monday, October 14, 2024


First and foremost...our friend Patrick, who is in Florida, added a comment last evening letting us know that although there was considerable damage in his area, the power is back on and he is OK.  So prayers of thanks are ongoing today.

I'm thinking that for many, the past two hurricanes may have served as a wake-up call.  I know that seeing reports of what happened to those in the path of the storms gave me pause to reconsider some of the preparedness things I am doing.

I am not going to list what I think everyone should be doing.  Each situation is different from the next.  Each family has its own list of needs.  Foods that your family loves, another family wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole!  I have a list of medical supplies needed for the care of my legs.  Others may need totally different supplies.  Each person needs to decide what items make sense to store for their family.  

Nor will I try to tell anyone what supplies, gadgets, etc. everyone "has to have or they will die."  There are some who feature iterms that can be helpful in emergency situations.  Those I will consider.  It is the ones who insist I will not survive without their product that I avoid like the plague.

The point is...being as prepared as possible for whatever happens is the smart thing to do.   I have seen reports and videos and even comments here, telling us what worked for their families when things went from bad to worse.  It is my hope and prayer that some of those who were convinced the government would save them have realized that is pure fantasy.  

We know that bad things can happen, sometimes without warnng.  Folks may survive.  But the survival is much easier if some preparations have been made in advance.

Those Boy Scouts - the ones with the moitto "Be Prepared" had the right idea.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, Vicki. Everyone's prep is different. Climate-wise, you and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Both our preps are important, but are attacked from totally different directions! I truly hope that these past few storms wake more folks up!

    The Coast Guard motto is similar to the Boy Scouts; "Semper Paratus;" "Always Ready." Forty-two years after raising my right hand and taking my oath, I STILL take that motto to heart. I wish more people would...
