Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Pray for Florida

 By all reports, a devastating hurricane is due to hit the family and friends of this silly little blog.  Florida is in the crosshairs of the most powerful storm within memory of most.  We can't stop it.  We can only watch it as it destroys.

What we can do is pray.  Pray for those who will undoubtedly lose their homes, their businesses, their lives.  

Today is a day of prayer for those who are in danger.  Please add your prayers to mine.


  1. Prayers away, Vicki! I was stationed in Miami while in the Coast Guard. I know what this is all about! These people are in a catch-22. A lot of them are evacuating south. Trouble is, if that storm carves the path of destruction anticipated, they, along with everyone south of the storm, are going to be cut off from supply lines. If they evacuate north, they're driving into the path of destruction wrought by Helene. This is NOT a good thing...

  2. I just don't know what else to do, Pete. I have never had the misfortune of living through a hurricane, but our tornado season and winter blizzards have put me on my knees in prayer more than once.

    On a sort of related note, I was filling saved soda 2-ltr bottles with water. That seems to work well for me in this small apartment. Anyway, one of the nurses couldn't figure out what I was doing. I asked how she stored water, and she looked at me like there was a third hand growing out of the top of my head. And after she questioned my sanity, sort of, I asked her how the pump that delivers water to the kitchen tap in her house works when the electricity is gone. Blank stare. I am convinced that many of the lives lost in storms will be those souls who just didn't think anything bad would ever happen to them.

    Pray without ceasing!

    1. She's probably one of those people who say "We don't need FARMS. Meat comes from the STORE." There's no helping those who believe that the ship is unsinkable... In high school biology class this was called "natural selection..."

    2. Precisely, Pete. Sad thing is - they seem to have done a great job of reproducing!!

  3. Thanks Vicki ... I'll give you guys an update if the cell towers keep working ! Starting to get breezy right now ! Have solar panel to charge phone and tablet when wind and rain stop ... 20' above sea level for this one ... have not always been ... flooded twice in the past , Blessings ,Patrick

    1. Thanks so much for checking in. I know I am not the only one worried about you. Prayers continue, my friend.

    2. Keep the powder dry, Patrick! ...How did you find 20ft above sea level in Florida???

    3. Take care Patrick. This thing is so big I’m afraid it’s going to stay strong all the way across the state. Prayers….Jan

  4. Hi Vicki. Prayers for Florida for certain. Been watching Ryan Hall off and on today. It’s throwing off some really big tornados. As if the hurricane isn’t going to do enough damage……Jan

    1. Oh, No! I missed the part about the tornados. As if a huge hurricane wasn't enough! Prayers continue, Jan.

  5. Many are praying and decreeing, Vicki. 🙏
    Be safe and God bless.
