Saturday, October 19, 2024

Finding Peace

Seems like everywhere I turn, there are those who are convinced the world will end the day after our election.  They say that we are in trouble if our supply of beans and bandaids isn't full to overflowing.  They offer little in the way of hope and much in the way of fear.

I realize that I have been guilty of those very things.  And I feel like it may be time for a change.

I look around and see that my storage shelves are full of home canned foods.  So are the boxes and tubs and buckets that hold all the rest of my food and supplies.  As is a closet full of sugar and flour and other baking supplies.  As is my chest freezer.  Unless the grocery stores close forever, my family will be OK.

I will still keep an eye on what is happening in the world around me.  I see too many that are blissfully ignorant of the problems we all face.  And the combination of ignorance and lack of any preparaton whatsoever is a deadly combination.

But I need a break from the constant worry and fear that we all have been living with for the past few years.  And frankly, I am sick to death of all the political bs.  Everywhere I look, I find politicians tossing insults at one another like third graders on the playground.  When all is said and done, they all are going to do whatever they want, regardless of what those who elected them think.  

I have things to do that make me happy.  I have a large box of old photos to get into albums so my kids and grands will know who some of those ancestors are.  I have quilts and crocheted afghans to finish.  And I think perhaps a batch of chocolate chip cookies might just be in my near future.

We are responsible for our own frames of mind.  We can choose to be angry or fearful or worried.  Right now, while I am still relatively sane, I choose peace.

Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hanse


  1. So true Vicki. And keeping a healthy mindset is one reason I go to the park every day with PuppyGirl - fresh air and pure fun. And perhaps a lot of mud thrown in on some days.
    Enjoy those cookies. I might be able to smell their goodness from here.
    SJ now in California

    1. SJ...I find I am happier when I do the things I really enjoy and ignore the political name-calling! Will be digging out the scrapbooking supplies and get old photos labeled. Been way too long since I did that. :)

  2. Same! I've done the best I can with what I have, but the recent tragedy in North Carolina just proves that things can change in an instant. I'm more concerned now with making my home a happy, safe haven, reading my Bible, and just starting to do a little writing down of memories to pass along to my son someday.

    1. Good for you, Mandy...I tend to get too wrapped up in the news of the day. Time to concentrate on a happy home - happy life. Guess all the political bs just got to me. Will be following your plan. :)
      And by the way...I have, for some time now, been writing down the family stories from my youth and from other family members. This is being done at the request of my son who seems to enjoy the family stories but wants them in black and white to share with his kids. Having fun with that!

  3. Vicki, I am not a "prepper", but I keep a good store of canned food (metal, not glass) in case inclement winter weather prevents travel for a week or two. Also, in my large house, I have camping stuff stored (3 or 4 sleeping bags, 3 camp stoves, and many other items. And I enjoy buying inexpensive things at rummage sales that "might come in handy" someday (like candles and kerosene lamps [and kerosene] as well as other stuff that could be useful [if I can find it].

    1. Don...I sometimes think that "prepper" is just a word to describe what people have been doing for centuries, without all the accompaning hullabaloo. My family raised a garden every summer, preserved the produce, traded with the neighbor for beef and added venison to the freezer every fall. We had enough supplies on hand so that when the roads to town were clogged with snow drifts, we could handle whatever happened. Today that is called "Prepping." Then it was just common sense!
