Monday, October 7, 2024


 Let me see if I have this right.

Southern states are in the middle of a weather-related crisis bigger than anyone can remember.  Folks still don't have food, drinkable water, supplies, power or even homes.  What they do have are the clothes on their backs and little else in the hardest hit areas.

And another hurricane is heading directly to the mainland of Florida.

FEMA is nowhere to be seen with one exception.  They are trying to tell civilians who are getting donations and filling trucks full of necessities for the victims that they can't do that without government authorization.

Kick rocks, you bastards.  You sent the emergency funds to the criminals who crossed our borders illegally.  Firing isn't good enough for you.  I'm thinking the methods of dealing with the bad guys in the old West might be more appropriate.

On top of all of the suffering of Americans, our illustrious vice president tells us that 157 million dollars of taxpayer's cash is on the way to Lebanon.  That's the country of Lebanon.  Because the problems of yet another country are far more important than the suffering of our own.

I do believe I now understand fully why the Second Amendment is so important.  It is there so citizens have the ability to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.  Any government that would treat its own citizens so badly has earned the title.  

I have to wonder just how much more abuse we can take before we do something about it.


  1. After Katrina, and Hurricane Rita caused Houston to be evacuated, $2000 was rewarded to those that left. Those that stayed, or came back immediately (like me) , didn't get anything, except long, hot days cleaning up the mess. That said all there was needed to be said about feckless FEMA. The next hurricane didn't offer anything, so most stayed. Those most impacted were offered small business loans, and some were given grant money that didn't pay for much of anything.

    Meanwhile, allocated funds for disasters is slushed into foreign aid, which is slushed back into the hands of reprobate politicians, and inside trading by the same offers more money from those so naive to believe the government operates within the moral boundaries of a healthy society.


    1. Moral boundaries, indeed, Jess...Suppose morality explains the multiple mansions many of our so-called representatives own. Ya think?

      I am just completely fed up with the influence peddling and chicanery of Washington. I sincerely doubt the truth would be recognized even if it bit 'em on the butt.

      The hateful disregard of politicians for the misery those folks are going through is not only shameful, it is criminal and somebody needs to pay for that.

  2. Hi Vicki. I think we all know what has to happen. I dread it though. My son got some good news though. The company he works for is going to pay their employees for a full 40 hour week even though they didn’t work. What a blessing. Take care. We never know what’s coming…Jan

    1. Jan...So happy to hear about your son's job. There are still some good people out there. Wonderful that his boss is one of them!

      I am not looking forward to what is likely coming either, but honestly, I see no other way around it. Those in power will most certainly continue to stomp all over the people unless they are stopped. And it will take more than just one election to fix things. Sigh.

      Hope you and yours are doing OK. God bless!

  3. Indeed, Vicki, these politicians should suffer the effects of short ropes and tall trees.

    The 2nd Amendment was put into place PRECISELY as a hedge against tyranny. Our forefathers KNEW the best defense against government run amok was the government knowing their intended victims might fight back. This is why they want to disarm us so badly. ...I honestly don't know how this fighting back hasn't commenced already...

    1. Agreed, Pete. Stupid should hurt, and what is being done to the population is not only stupid, it is pure evil.

      Of course they don't want us to be able to defend ourselves. I'm sure you have noticed that in any shooting incident, they always blame the pew pew and never the person firing it.

      I have to admit to being completely baffled as to why fighting back hasn't happened yet, too. Our ancestors would have been stacking the bodies like cord wood by now.

  4. I thought you must be kidding so I looked it up? First can she really do that and can our government stop this moron?

    1. Cheryl...At this point I'm not sure if anyone can stop her, whether she is allowed to send our tax dollars elsewhere or not. The current administration seems to do what they want no matter if it is legal or not. Supreme Court ruled against paying off student loans with tax dollars and yet, they are doing it anyway.

      To insult the victims of Helene with $750. checks and then turn around within a day or two and send off millions to another country is just plain evil.

  5. I totally agree. I like know where all this money is coming from. If the rich wanted to give more, they would have. They'll just leave like George Clooney.

    1. As far as I can tell, and somebody correct me if I am wrong, some of the money comes from taxes. And the rest they print out of thin air, giving us the worst national debt of all time. And then they turn around and send millions to other countries. Damn them.

  6. Hi Vicki , a start would be getting rid of as many democrats as possible ( by the vote) , after that avoid as far as decently possible Godless , perverted , mean spirited people ... in business , social situations , don't give them an inch , associate as far as possible with honest people ... we are finding out what happens when we give evil a foothold ... in government , schools , churches , business , everywhere ! If they do resort to violence we have a duty to resist ... I will for sure ... and so will lots of honest decent americans ... blessings Vicki ... send out prayers for Floridians , Patrick

    1. Sadly, Patrick, so many millions of illegals have been ushered into our country and presumably will vote democrat that I don't know how a fair election is even possible now.

      Seems like everything went to hell when those in charge decided to remove God from all phases of our lives. Schools. Government facilities. Some are even forbidden to preach on a street corner.

      This has to stop. And I would hope that every God fearing, patriotic American would have the courage to resist. I know that when I stopped writing here, I felt guilty - like I was too cowardly to say what I think. Guess I'm back, she says, kicking the soapbox back into the corner. :)

      I'm worried about you and yours, Patrick, with Milton bearing down on you. Prayers ongoing for Floridians. Be safe, my friend. Godspeed!

  7. After the 2020 election my husband and I started praying that the Lord would shine the light on what was going on and who the perpetrators were of our country's destruction. It's been a shock beyond words what the Lord has revealed! I try not to be anxious. I know the Lord Jesus is not surprised by anything AND knows the future. But I was raised in the 50-60's with rules and laws, a moral code that meant something. So the way of things is stress filled. Read Daniel. Read Revelation. The enemy has already been defeated and the father of lies will end up in the fiery abyss!!!
