have learned over time to pay attention to what our bodies tell us. We know when we can forge ahead and we know when we need to back off and rest. The next day or two I believe I will be in 'rest mode.'
I mention this not because I am in a 'poor, pitiful me' place, but as an encouragement to others who may be facing similar circumstances. You see, there are those who tell us it is all just in our heads. Or we want sympathy. Or it is just an excuse to avoid something we do not want to do. It is none of these things.
The people who say these things to us are, for the most part, still able to hike up a mountain or go for a run or do the weekly housework in just a couple of hours. Because they don't have to deal with shortness of breath or pain in joints or any number of symptoms that plague the elderly, they don't understand what it is like for those who deal with these things on a daily basis. And I hope they never have to deal with limitations.
All things considered, I have accomplished quite a bit this week. I have drawn around a plastic template 810 times and cut out that many fabric rectangles. The 2-inch x 4-inch rectangles have been pinned and mostly sewn together giving me 4-inch x 4-inch squares. I have maybe 50 left to sew. When that is done, the squares will be sewn into rows of nine squares each. 15 rows will make one window quilt top.
In keeping with the theme of using what is on hand, I found I may have enough flannel left on the bolt I used for bandages and family cloths to use instead of regular quilt batting. I think that will be enough to make the window quilts thick enough to keep out the drafts. By using old sheets for the backs of the quilts, the only things I need to buy are curtain rods to hang them. I love it when a plan comes together.
Today was grocery delivery day. As I am not going to be doing any canning until after the holidays, the order was mostly canned goods like fruit and corned beef hash. The rest was staples like flour, sugar, cornmeal. We won't mention the package of Oreos - Double Stuff. :)
It was after I put everything away that my body said, 'OK. That's enough. Rest time coming up.'
I will be back at it in a day or two. Those of us who have limitations don't like it much. We wish those around us understood this is not by choice. My kids and grands get it. They see me often enough to understand. Others - not so much. But we learn to cope as best we can. And we find that even with limitations, life can be really grand!