Earlier today I posted Version 1. Shortly thereafter I deleted the post. There are times when even cranky old grannies can be cowardly.
In these times of government officials mandating how we should live our lives, encouraging companies to fire those who are not on board with the agenda of the left, asking friends and family to snitch on those who refuse to take the jab and even in some cases threatening detention for those who will not comply, it is easy to keep quiet. Nobody wants to wind up on a government list.
Fear is a powerful thing. It makes us go against what we know is right and true in order to stay safe.
A ship in port is safe. But that is not what ships are for.
We are witnessing a government completely out of control. Our representatives do not represent us. They represent themselves and those who would enrich their bank accounts. They will and do lie, cheat and steal to further their agenda. They care not one whit about you or me – the ones who pay their salaries.
There are no knights in shining armor riding in to save the day. As much as we would love to see a hero who will save us from the lunacy around us, it is not going to happen. We are on our own.
I have posted two links below. The first is a video by Patriot Nurse. She details what is happening but also gives us hope. I strongly recommend watching it.
There's No One Coming: It's Up to Us to Check the Feds - YouTube
The second is a video sent to me by a friend. It is an interview of a person who has worked within a major pharmaceutical company for years. You might learn exactly why so many of us are refusing the jab.
WOW! Former Pfizer Employee: “Checkmate. Game Over. We WIN” | NC Renegades
For a year and a half we have been living in what can only be described as an episode of the Twilight Zone. And just this week we have seen what happens when a nation is led by agenda driven, arrogant, incompetent fools.
I am too fat to run and too old to take a whoopin. But I will not just go quietly into the good night. To do so would be a disservice to my children and grandchildren who will live their lives under anarchy if we play it safe.