Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blogger Hicup

 For reasons unknown to me, I can not reply to comments from the post on the results of the egg dehydrating experiment.  So I guess I will have to do it this way until things straighten out.

LindaG...You are welcome and may God bless you and yours.

Peteforester...I don't know the shelf life of dehydrated eggs.  I am storing them in canning jars.  I don't have oxygen absorbers.  Perhaps someone else who has done this knows more than I do on the subject. 

deb...You are very welcome. 

Results From Dehydrating Eggs

 Sorry it took so long to finish up with the dehydrated eggs.  I sort of got busy canning chicken, bacon and hamburger. 

My dehydrator fruit rollup inserts for the trays held 6 eggs each.  So I cracked 6 eggs into my blender, pulsed them just enough to blend them well and poured the eggs onto the trays.  It took about 24 hours at 125 degrees to completely dry.  I put the dried eggs into a ziploc bag. 

So this morning I ran the dried eggs through my little electric coffee grinder to turn them into powder.  36 fresh eggs became nearly 2 pints of powder.

The instructions I had seen said to mix 1 Tablespoon of egg powder with 1 Tablespoon of water to equal 1 egg.  Since both my trials needed 2 eggs each, I mixed up eggs and water accordingly in 2 coffee cups and let them sit for 5 minutes to allow the egg powder to absorb the water.

I melted a little butter in a pan and scrambled the first mixture.  I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised.  I had expected issues with texture and taste, but there was very little difference from fresh eggs.  I will have no problem at all eating these eggs when the fresh are no longer available or too expensive for my pay grade.

I used the other egg mixture to make a pan of brownies.  I could detect no difference from using fresh eggs.

All things considered, I will call this little experiment a success and I will be dehydrating more eggs soon.

Note:  When pouring the blended eggs onto the trays, I strongly suggest having the trays already on the dehydrator.  The reason I suggest this is from the experience of wiping 6 blended eggs off my leg, foot and floor.  Yep - not a good idea to fill trays and then move them to the dehydrator.  :) 

Thursday, April 21, 2022

If the current administration...

is trying to wreck our country, they are doing a fine job of it, judging by my grocery bill today.

A couple of months ago, a 3 lb. package of frozen chicken breast was $9.99. Today I paid $16.00 each. One loaf of bread was $4.99. The lady who takes my order was right. An 18 count carton of eggs is $4.50.

How on earth is a family with kids going to keep feeding them? Those who think it is foolish to stockpile food are going to be hungry if this trend continues.

I found 6 fruit rollup inserts for my dehydrator trays. I don't have the fancy, expensive dehydrators. Mine are the round ones with the heater and fan in the lid. They do the job.

I cracked 6 eggs at a time into my blender and pulsed them 3-4 times. I just wanted them blended – not whipped. Six eggs fit on a tray and I have 6 trays in the dehydrator now. Will let you know how they turn out and will also test making scrambled eggs and baking using them.

As long as I am at it, I decided to can some chicken and bacon. I am out of pint jars, so they will be canned in half pint jars. That is just the right amount for sandwiches and enough bacon to add to eggs or scalloped potatoes.

I know that I am paying too much for food, but it will cost more next month. So whatever I can put back now costs me less in the long run.

People are talking about food shortages and more inflation. I don't know if those predictions will happen, but I am not willing to bet food for my family on the outcome. Stack it to the rafters, people. And if nothing happens, you and yours will eat well for a long time.

Monday, April 18, 2022

Eggs Experiment

 The way my grocery delivery works is like this.  Every other Monday a volunteer calls to get my order, which is then delivered on Thursday of the same week.  Today my order went in.

I have decided, after doing some online research, to try dehydrating eggs.  I will post the results of this experiment after I give it a try.

I decided to dehydrate eggs after comparing the price of a #10 can of Augason Farms freeze dried eggs - 72 servings for $69.99 on sale - to purchasing 72 fresh eggs for $18.50.  Even figuring in the electricity used to run the dehydrator, it is still much cheaper to do it myself.

With the reports of 'bird flu' causing the slaughter of flocks of chickens, and knowing that the cost of a carton of 18 eggs has gone from under $2 to $4.50 within the last two months, finding a way to preserve eggs has become high on my list of things I need to do.

Dehydrated eggs can be used for scrambled eggs or omelets and for baking.  Granted, there will be no more fried eggs, but that is better than no eggs at all.

The way things seem to be headed with food shortages and higher prices, the more we can put back now, the better.  Nobody is going to save us.  We are on our own.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

True or False

 I try to keep track of what is going on in the world.  Or at least here at home in the States.  I hear about food shortages.  I hear about the possibility of the economy crashing.  I hear about threats of another World War.  And I hear that 'bird flu' is destined to be the next pandemic.

Because most of those in DC wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on the bum, and because most of the media doesn't recognize anything except the Democratic Party Line, I just don't know what is true and what is not.

But here's the thing.  Whether we are told the truth or we are lied to, whether bad things happen or not, our families still need to be taken care of.  I prefer to err on the side of caution.  

A few weeks ago I bought two turkeys on sale, cooked them and froze the meat.  This past week I bought carrots, potatoes, cabbage, celery and onions and with the turkey meat, canned 30 quarts of turkey vegetable soup.  And then canned the leftovers.  Next week I have about 10 lbs. of bacon to can.

Not everyone cans food.  And that's OK.  Some are in a place where they can plant a garden or raise animals and birds for meat, dairy and eggs.  Good for them.  Really.

Some of us have to rely on Farmer's Markets and local farmers or the grocery stores.  And if that is the case, I truly hope you have been preparing for quite some time.  It can be done.  I am living proof of that, as I am among the apartment dwellers who can maybe grow something in pots on a window sill, but doubt the landlord would be happy if I kept chickens in the kitchen.  :)

There are those who question the sanity of those who prepare.  There are those who believe nothing bad could ever happen here and if it does, it surely will not be in their back yard.  I wish you well, but do not look to me to take food from the mouths of my grandchildren because you can't or won't prepare for emergencies.

It is time to get busy.  Now.  While you still can.