I grew up in America. The country where I now reside goes by the same name, but bears little resemblance to the America I knew and loved.
My America was a place where a person could speak their mind. A place where opinions could be voiced without fear of being labeled "racist" when those opinions did not toe the government line. A place where folks could agree to disagree without it becoming a headline.
My America was a place where God was not only worshiped but respected. A place where prayer was allowed anywhere. Heck, I probably would never have made it through high school had it not been for prayer. But now it seems that any reference to God is being eradicated. Christmas nativity scenes cause some to hyperventilate. The ten commandments can not appear in any government building. And churches are expected to go against the teachings of the Bible in order to be "politically correct." I am expected to bend over backwards to respect others religions or their lack of same, but I don't see much respect for mine.
My America was a place where kids were taught the basics of reading, writing and math. They were taught so that when they left high school they were either ready for college or a job, depending on what they wanted to do. Now they leave high school without being able to read. They can't even figure out how to make change. They are being dumbed down under the guise of fairness. And if they choose college, they wind up with so much debt that chances are pretty good they will be paying for those loans for many years to come. And most still will not be suited for real work.
My America was a place where government welfare was considered an absolute last resort. We now have millions jumping onto that gravy train, encouraged by our leaders in Washington. In the town where I grew up there were maybe one or two families who had the reputation of being career welfare recipients. They were scorned by the rest of the population who believed that working for a living was honorable and right. In my family, if money got tight we did not stand in line for a handout. We stood in line at the employment office, looking for a second job.
My America had two genders - male and female. And yes, there were gays and lesbians among our friends and relatives. But nobody thought anything about it, for we believed that whatever happened within the privacy of one's home was nobodys business. Now kids are being taught that it is perfectly normal to choose from several different genders. Bathrooms are for whatever gender they think they are. I have to wonder what the reaction of my son would be should he discover that hormone driven teenage boys are allowed to use bathrooms or gym showers with his daughters. Guess I don't have to wonder. The resulting explosion will be seen for miles.
My America was a place where a kid could just be a kid. We rode our bikes all over town. We walked to school without parental supervision. We climbed trees. We built forts. We had snowball and water balloon fights. And we were not wrapped in bubble wrap topped off with a helmet. Yes, we had skinned knees and we got dirty playing in the mud. But we were kids. That's what kids are supposed to do. Today we are raising a generation of wimps who are so afraid of anything gun shaped or of getting dirty or of getting a scratch or bump that by the time they reach adulthood, they will be afraid of their own shadows.
How did we get to this point? Were we so wrapped up in television and video games and cell phone apps that we didn't see it coming? Or are we so self centered that we just don't care. The part I don't understand is why so many are content to let the government dictate how they live their lives. Maybe I have just turned into a grumpy old lady, but I resent the hell out of some joker in Washington telling me what I can say and what I can eat and how I should think. And if I am offended, so what! Nobody said life was fair and nobody said that feelings would not be hurt. Get over it.
I really do miss my America.
Opus 2025-100: Justice Will Be Adequate
35 minutes ago