There was once a 9 year old girl who escaped being molested by her 21 year old cousin. Some 60 years later she remembers every detail.
She remembers her cousin asking her to go for a ride at night to 'shine the deer.'
She remembers the pickup truck was red and white with rusty spots on it.
She remembers the seat cover was red plaid with some spots worn through.
She remembers the smell of stale cigarette butts in the ashtray.
She remembers when they stopped at the edge of a field and he plugged the spotlight into the cigarette lighter.
She remembers seeing three deer in the light from the spotlight.
She remembers how dark it was when he turned off the light.
She remembers feeling sick to her stomach when he started kissing on her.
She remembers crying and him stopping and telling her she better not tell.
She remembers spending the remainder of the evening at her aunt and uncle's house, drawing cartoon characters over and over again with a pencil on notebook paper. Goofy and Pluto and Mickey Mouse, mostly.
She remembers pretending to be asleep in the back seat of the car on the ride home, listening to her parents talk.
She remembers her mother saying something was wrong and she thought the cousin had done something bad.
She remembers her father saying he didn't think the cousin would ever hurt his daughter.
She never told. Her mother had often told her that she was a bad girl, for she was headstrong and tended to get into mischief. Children often believe when something bad happens, it is their fault, so she remained silent. When the girl was a grown woman with a family of her own and when she knew none of it had been her fault, it made no sense to hurt family by dredging up the past. It did not take years of therapy to come to that conclusion. It just took believing that forgiving is the right thing to do.
You just can not convince me that a 15 year old girl now a grown woman has so few memories of an attack except for the name of a man who is up for Supreme Court Justice. A man who has never had even a whisper of scandal associated with his name. It may be what the Dems want to hear as truth. It may be what her lawyers have told her is truth. But you just can not ever convince me that her testimony is the real truth.
Opus 2025-134: Reasons for Election
3 hours ago