Monday, February 10, 2025

Homemade Seasoned Rice

 In response to a request, over the weekend I tested recipes for Beef Rice Sides and Chicken Rice Sides.  I found these recipes online, but can't recall the author, so I can't give credit where credit is due.  

I keep the commercially made on hand as they are nice to have for a quick meal.  But because of the price hikes and the additions of chemicals with unpronounceable names in the commercial product, I thought the homemade version might be the answer.  I like them both, so I put together a dozen packets of each, using small Ziploc bags for each packet.  

 Beef Rice Sides

1 cup  rice                               1 tablespoon dry onion                    

1 tablespoon dry parsley         1 tablespoon powdered beef bouillon

Combine the rice and all of the other ingredients in a resealable plastic container. I like to use zip-lock bags. Label and seal the container. Store on the pantry shelf. This is enough for 1 package of mix. Make several at a time for the most convenience.

To Prepare:

2 tablespoons margarine                 1 package of Beef Rice Sides

3 cups water                                    1 tablespoon soy sauce

In a 2-quart saucepan combine the margarine, Rice Mix, soy sauce and water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place a lid on the pot. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible flame. Simmer, covered until done or for about 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Chicken Rice Sides

1 cup rice                                  1 tablespoon dry onion

1 teaspoon garlic powder       1 teaspoon thyme

1 tablespoon dry parsley           1 tablespoon powdered chicken bouillon

Combine the rice and all of the other ingredients in a resealable plastic container. I like to use zip-lock bags. Label and seal the container. Store on the pantry shelf. This is enough for 1 package of mix. Make several at a time for the most convenience.

To Prepare:

2 tablespoons margarine                1 package of Chicken Rice Sides

3 cups water

In a 2-quart saucepan combine the margarine, Rice Mix and water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Place a lid on the pot. Reduce the heat to the lowest possible flame. Simmer, covered until done or for about 20 minutes. Serve hot.

I'm thinking that with the addition of a small can or a half pint jar of canned meat and maybe a cup of frozen veggies might make this a meal on its own.  I have done that with the commercial sides with good results.

I don't know as it would make any difference, but my dry onion powder is made by grinding dehydrated onions in a small coffee grinder I use for that purpose.  And in my experiments, I am not fussy about using level product in the teaspoons or tablespoons.  I go for rounded. 

Hope this helps.  As always, keep stacking and keep praying.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 As promised, here are some recipes for make-it-yourself foods.  As grocery prices continue to move skyward, the more I am looking into recipes for foods I can make at home.  

Today my grocery order was delivered.  Who knew that a 15 oz. can of apricots, store brand, would cost $2.79.  Or that a small bottle of Karo syrup would have a price tag of $4.29.  Really?  Won't be ordering either of those again any time soon.

The following are recipes for items I use on a regular basis.  Thanks to Diane who in the comments of the last post asked about sandwich meat and SJ who remembered when I didn't, both recipes for Salami and Summer Sausage that are included.  Hope these will be useful.


2 lbs. lean hamburger                    1/2 Cup water

1 tsp. pepper                                  1/4 tsp. mustard seed

3 Tbsp. Tender Quick                    1/8 tsp. garlic salt

Mix all ingredients very well.  Shape into three rolls and wrap in foil.  (Three rolls fit nicely into a Dutch Oven.)  Refrigerate for 24 hours.  Cover with water and boil for 1 hour.


2 lbs. hamburger                            3/4 Cup water

2 tsp. liquid smoke                        1/2 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp. onion powder                    1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. mustard seed                        3 Tbsp. Tender Quick

Mix ingredients together very well.  Shape into rolls and wrap in foil.  Refrigerate 24 hours.  Punch holes in the bottom of each roll with a fork.  Place rolls on a rack in a baking pan.  Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 35 minutes.


Note:  Most of the other recipes for cocoa mix I have seen call for Nestle's Quick.  Because that product has increased in price, I use this recipe, which tastes much like the Cocoa my mother made when I was a child.

5 cups nonfat dry powdered milk            About 3 cups powdered sugar to taste

1 1/2 cups dry cocoa                                1 cup nondairy coffee creamer

pinch of salt

Mix powdered milk, creamer, and salt into a large mixing bowl. Sift in cocoa and powdered sugar. Mix well. Store in an airtight container.  When ready to use, add approximately 1/3 cup to a mug of boiling water. Stir until cool enough to drink.

You might want to try some of these variations. The recipe is very flexible.

* crushed peppermint sticks

* cinnamon

* malted milk powder


Makes about 2-2/3 cups mix

1-1/3 cups powdered milk                            3/4 cup flour

3 tablespoons beef bouillon granules            1/8 teaspoon thyme or celery powder

1/4 teaspoon onion powder                1/8 teaspoon sage or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

Mix well and store in an airtight container.

TO USE: Pour 1 cup cold water in saucepan, using a whisk to blend, stir in 1/2 cup mix.  Stir constantly over medium heat until gravy is smooth and slightly thickened, about 2 to 3 minutes.  Makes 1 cup gravy.

You have options to use whatever seasonings you like or try all of them, adjusting the amounts to your taste.


Makes about 2 cups of mix.

1-1/3 cups powdered milk                                    3/4 cup flour

3 tablespoons chicken bouillon granules             1/4 teaspoon sage or poultry seasoning

1/8 teaspoon thyme or 1/4 teaspoon onion powder

1/8 teaspoon pepper or 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder or 1/8 teaspoon paprika

Mix well and store in an airtight container.

TO USE: Pour 1 cup cold water in saucepan, using a whisk to blend, stir in 1/2 cup mix.  Stir constantly over medium heat until gravy is smooth and slightly thickened, about 2-3 minutes.  Makes 1 cup gravy.

You have options to use whatever seasonings you like or try all of them, adjusting the amounts to your taste.

There are other recipes I want to try.  All have been found by using a Google search.  I didn't include them here as I haven't tried them as yet.  But I think I will take a couple of days to put some of them together and test the results.  Included are:

A mix to replace cream of whatever soup.

A seasoning mix to use with a can of crushed tomatoes for spaghetti sauce.

Taco seasoning mix.

Seasoned rice mixes to use in place of the Knorr Rice Sides packets.

I hope to find others that I can make at home.  Guess this is my way of using what I have on hand and to avoid spending crazy amounts of money on groceries.

Keep on keeping on, friends.  Pray.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Aren't we glad that we prepare?

 Many of you know that due to medical issues, I don't go to the grocery store.  There is a really good volunteer service that shops and delivers groceries where needed.

I make my grocery list ahead of time to have it all ready when the order taker calls every other Monday.  I generally browse the online sale ads for the store the service uses.

Prices have become so outlandish that I found only one item in the ads I was interested in or could afford.  Family size boxes of Little Debbie Nutty Bars for $1.99 each.  And because I have an unquenchable sweet tooth and because I know that life is good if one has Little Debbie Nutty Bars, I ordered 3 boxes!

Little Debbie Nutty Bars aside, I find myself changing the way I order my groceries.  

I have been in the prepping world for a number of years and have stashed the required rice, beans, etc.  There are shelves holding home canned foods and shelves holding dehydrated foods.  There are boxes holding powdered milk and flour and sugar and as many other staples as I could think of.

My rent has increased along with other bills.  Perhaps now is the time to use some of my food storage.

I spent some time this morning looking through my recipe file for items I can make at home rather than buying at the grocery store.  The only ones I have tried are hot chocolate mix and a couple of gravy mixes.  But because I cook for only one, I'm thinking maybe some of the seasoned rice mixes might be good.

Just for fun I took a look at the ingredients list on a bag of Knorr Rice Sides.  No surprise to find at least half a dozen ingredients with names I can't pronounce.  I am not a health nut as attested to by my love of all things 'Little Debbie,' but I think I would rather make my own convenience mixes where I know what's in them.  A Google search brought up several websites for homemade mixes.  Pretty sure I can find some that will fill the bill.

This morning, I also set up my bread machine.  These arthritic hands don't do well anymore, kneading bread dough.  The last loaf of bread - the cheap stuff - cost me about $4.  I can make my own bread for pennies.  And it tastes better.  And I can use the machine to stir up and knead dough for cinnamon rolls or burger buns or whatever else appeals to me.  Take that, miserable inflation!!

We are preppers.  We find ways around the high prices.  Some farm.  Some garden.  Some raise livestock.  And for those of us who are past our prime and simply cannot work like that anymore, we figure out how to do what needs doing any way we can.

Especially now - stack when you can.  Pray always.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 I have a morning routine.  So do many of us.  Mine includes coffee.  I admit to being kind of cranky until I am well caffeinated.  I have long suspected that my kids don't call me until I have had time to consume at least two cups.  :)

While getting my caffeine intake up to acceptable levels, I generally turn on the computer and scan the news headlines.   And this is where the lesson in how to lie and politicize begins.

I am old enough to remember when news reports actually contained real news.  Today...not so much.  Seems like mainstream media is incapable of honesty.  Wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit them on the bum.

And have you noticed that it doesn't matter what happens in our world, it is the fault of the current administration?  I am convinced that if the current president found the cure for cancer, the left leaning news outlets would spin that into something awful.

I'm not saying that our side never stretches the truth.  It does.  All too frequently.  But anyone keeping score knows which way the news outlets lean.

What really chaps my hide is that those who believe themselves to be better than we are actually believe that we are so stupid that we believe everything we are told.  Apparently, the recent election didn't teach them anything.

When my kids were young, there was a house rule.  That was if they did something bad, there were consequences.  If they lied to me about it, the consequences doubled.

Too bad that rule can't be applied to news outlets or to politicians.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Here I am.

 Dear Friends...

I have been AWOL. But then you knew that, didn't you.  :)

And if you know me as well as most of you do, you know that my kids and grands come first.  And that's where I have been.  Working on the things that might affect my family.

I found a sale on beef and ordered some roasts to be canned.  Except that the grocery delivery service sent the wrong meat and 12 pints of beef cost me nearly $100.  Partly the fault of the order taker.  Mostly my fault for not being specific enough with my order.  Better be some really tasty meat at that price!!

The quilt I am sewing for my next Great-Grandbaby due in March is nearly finished.  I have been truly blessed to have 6 grands and soon 3 great grands!!  And making a quilt for each of them has been - and still is - pure joy.

I have to admit to not being very well organized sometimes.  So time is being spent going through the jars of home canned food on my shelves.  I admit to enjoying experimenting with some of my canning.  Sometimes an experiment I see on a canner's YouTube channel looks interesting and I give it a try.  Sometimes works.  Sometimes - not so much.  So, I am getting rid of the failed experiments.  No point in keeping what nobody will eat.  Better to have jars of tried-and-true food should the time come when we need it.

Wading through my gene pool has taken up time.  There are names and dates and places that need to be verified in order to show my descendants who their ancestors were.  Working with old photos helps as do the family stories from years past.  

The political side of me is enjoying watching left leaning heads explode, what with the fast-paced work being done by the newly elected administration.  I don't agree with everything our new president says or does.  But it is purely joyful to see changes actually being made in favor of honest-to-goodness American citizens rather than for those who have broken our laws by showing up here illegally.  About damn time!

I am fully aware that our new president doesn't work miracles.  There is only one who does that and He isn't an elected official.  But miracles aside, I now am beginning to think that there may be some hope for our nation.  Haven't been too sure about that the past few years.  

Regardless, we keep stacking and more importantly, we keep praying.

Thank you to those who reached out in my absence. Each and every one of my readers is so very much appreciated.  I make no promises, but I will do my best to not disappear again.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


 My wish for all of you is for a blessed Christmas and a better New Year.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Still Here

 No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.

Just now I have been working on putting together albums of old family photos.  When I am gone, I want my kids and grands to know who the people in the photos were.  And I am trying to add the stories behind the photos.  

I found a picture of my Dad holding me when I was about 2 years old.  If I don't include the stories, how will my family ever know that the coat and bonnet I am wearing then was sewn by my Mother.  And they would have no way of knowing that because money was tight back then, Mother took an old coat of hers, took it apart and made my coat and bonnet from the pieces of coat fabric.

When I do take a break, I have been trying to catch up on what is happening in the world around us.  Not an easy task.  Seems like the world situation sort of resembles the tea party scene in Alice in Wonderland.  And those currently in charge look like the Mad Hatter to me.

We are going to war.  We are not going to war.  Ukraine is getting more billions of dollars to fund their war with Russia.  There are folks in the path of the last hurricane who are still living in tents with little access to the fundamentals of life.  Many of our seniors find themselves in the position of having to decide between paying for meds or groceries.  And of course, we now know for sure that laws only apply to the people and not for the political crackheads.  And on and on it goes.

I can't change anything.  But I can say a prayer or two directed to the one who can.  Right now, I pray that those currently in charge don't completely wreck our country before January 20.  I'm not saying that the next administration will work miracles.  I just have the hope that changes can be made to at least give us some sense of the country we seem to have lost.

Posting will likely be sporadic while I am in the middle of this project.  I tend to lose myself in whatever I am working on.  And I really believe it is important to let my family know about their history.  I am old.  Time is short.  I wish I had thought to do this sooner.

Take care, my friends.  Stay as safe as is possible.  Stack and pray.  But mostly pray.