Yesterday I spent a lovely afternoon with my sister.
She and her husband came to see me. We don't often get to spend time with each other, so this was particularly fun for me.
My sister and her family have lived for years on the family farm, which is a hog raising operation, in the southern part of the state. My brother-in-law took over the farm from his father and has now passed it on to his son. I like that the farm has stayed in the family all these years, rather than being sold to a corporation as so many here have.
They brought presents. There was a box filled with pork from their farm - ham and sausage and bacon and a roast and chops. I thawed a package of sausage links and shared them with Duane for breakfast this morning. He said that was the best tasting sausage he had ever eaten. He was right.
And there were tomatoes fresh from my sister's garden. I sliced one for breakfast and have been nibbling on the cherry tomatoes all day. Delicious.
We got each other caught up on what our kids and grands had been doing and we talked of the past. Some memories were shared by both of us and others were new to one or the other of us. We talked of our parents and aunts and uncles, all gone now. They and their stories live only in our memories, which, we decided, weren't all that great any more. We need to write the stories down, but it is doubtful they would be of any interest to the younger generation.
I knew they needed to get back home, but I was sorry to see them leave. It was a truly nice afternoon.
I am adding some pictures here. My sister says she reads this blog, so she should see these and hopefully remember. She is five years younger than me and is the cute blondie in the photos.
I think this is my favorite picture of me and my sister.
There were few hills where we lived, so Sister got her snow sled rides by big sister power.
Mother sewed our clothes. These were Easter dresses. Mother would have preferred we look like this all the time, but to her chagrin, there were bicycles to ride and mud puddles to splash in and trees to climb.
At Grandma Paul's house with Aunt Margaret's Cocker Spaniel puppies.
This is my favorite photo of my sister.
It is a good thing - spending time with one's sister.