That from the country song “Convoy” by C. W. McCall, many moons ago. But it seems that the events of the song are now a reality all across Canada, but for different reasons.
The Prime Minister of Canada mandated restrictions involving the jab on truck drivers crossing the border. The occupant of the White House here in the States followed suit.
So now, smack dab in the middle of a supply chain crisis, these two numbskulls decide to make it worse.
The Convoy of truckers started out as a protest against the virus mandates. But it has morphed into much more than that.
It is now the “Freedom Convoy.” There are 18-wheelers, some hauling trailers and some bob tailing. There are gravel trucks and cement trucks and pickup trucks, many sporting the Canadian flag and protest signs. I even saw a video where farm tractors had joined in.
These drivers are on their way to Ottawa to tell their government officials precisely what they think of their tyrannical mandates. And from what I have seen, it looks like these drivers are willing to stay there until things change. Last I heard, there were 50,000 trucks involved. I expect that number to grow between now and Saturday.
They are done. Done with the masks. Done with the lockdowns. Done with the mandates. Done with the tyranny.
And so are the Canadian citizens who are standing in the snow and cold – along the roads – on the overpasses – waving flags and carrying signs and cheering the passing truckers.
And so are the folks who have donated millions to help the drivers pay for food and fuel. And the ones who are delivering sandwiches and coffee to the drivers. And the folks who are opening their homes to those drivers who would like a shower and a bed for the night.
Americans – take a note. This is what happens when we stop believing what government tells us. When we refuse to accept their idea that we are all racist. When we ignore the fear mongering and get on with living our lives.
When we begin to act like Americans again, we can accomplish wonderful things.