Monday, October 14, 2024


First and foremost...our friend Patrick, who is in Florida, added a comment last evening letting us know that although there was considerable damage in his area, the power is back on and he is OK.  So prayers of thanks are ongoing today.

I'm thinking that for many, the past two hurricanes may have served as a wake-up call.  I know that seeing reports of what happened to those in the path of the storms gave me pause to reconsider some of the preparedness things I am doing.

I am not going to list what I think everyone should be doing.  Each situation is different from the next.  Each family has its own list of needs.  Foods that your family loves, another family wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole!  I have a list of medical supplies needed for the care of my legs.  Others may need totally different supplies.  Each person needs to decide what items make sense to store for their family.  

Nor will I try to tell anyone what supplies, gadgets, etc. everyone "has to have or they will die."  There are some who feature iterms that can be helpful in emergency situations.  Those I will consider.  It is the ones who insist I will not survive without their product that I avoid like the plague.

The point is...being as prepared as possible for whatever happens is the smart thing to do.   I have seen reports and videos and even comments here, telling us what worked for their families when things went from bad to worse.  It is my hope and prayer that some of those who were convinced the government would save them have realized that is pure fantasy.  

We know that bad things can happen, sometimes without warnng.  Folks may survive.  But the survival is much easier if some preparations have been made in advance.

Those Boy Scouts - the ones with the moitto "Be Prepared" had the right idea.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Pray for Florida

 By all reports, a devastating hurricane is due to hit the family and friends of this silly little blog.  Florida is in the crosshairs of the most powerful storm within memory of most.  We can't stop it.  We can only watch it as it destroys.

What we can do is pray.  Pray for those who will undoubtedly lose their homes, their businesses, their lives.  

Today is a day of prayer for those who are in danger.  Please add your prayers to mine.

Monday, October 7, 2024


 Let me see if I have this right.

Southern states are in the middle of a weather-related crisis bigger than anyone can remember.  Folks still don't have food, drinkable water, supplies, power or even homes.  What they do have are the clothes on their backs and little else in the hardest hit areas.

And another hurricane is heading directly to the mainland of Florida.

FEMA is nowhere to be seen with one exception.  They are trying to tell civilians who are getting donations and filling trucks full of necessities for the victims that they can't do that without government authorization.

Kick rocks, you bastards.  You sent the emergency funds to the criminals who crossed our borders illegally.  Firing isn't good enough for you.  I'm thinking the methods of dealing with the bad guys in the old West might be more appropriate.

On top of all of the suffering of Americans, our illustrious vice president tells us that 157 million dollars of taxpayer's cash is on the way to Lebanon.  That's the country of Lebanon.  Because the problems of yet another country are far more important than the suffering of our own.

I do believe I now understand fully why the Second Amendment is so important.  It is there so citizens have the ability to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.  Any government that would treat its own citizens so badly has earned the title.  

I have to wonder just how much more abuse we can take before we do something about it.

Friday, October 4, 2024

When Government insults - not helps.

 People have watched their houses collapse or float on down the river.  Vehicles are trashed.  And let's not forget how many have died due to this storm.  And how many have disappeared.  Entire towns are just gone.  Businesses that served the people for years no longer exist.  Many folks are still stranded in the mountains due to roads that have washed away.

Can someone please explain to me why our government thinks a $750 per person is generous?  Billions to Ukraine is generous.  Free housing, food, medical care and cell phones plus cash or credit cards given to illegal aliens is generous.  $750 is an insult.

And where the bloody hell is our government during all of this?  Nowhere to be found.  A couple of written statements given in 15-minute photo opps mean nothing.  

I understand that there is a considerable amount of bs on the internet, mostly to provide clicks to self-serving idiots.  I have been following those who are actually doing something to help.  Pinball and Patara as well as others have had boots on the ground, personally bringing badly needed food, water and supplies to those in desperate need, as well as working to organize semi-trucks of goods that at this point are nothing if not lifesaving.

The cackling hen is today campaigning with her buddy, Barack.  Lord only knows where pudding for brains is.

Many of us cannot do much about the situation in the southern part of our beloved country.  Many of us are having a hard time paying the bills and keeping food on the table.  

But we can pray.  Pray that those in need will get help.  That those who no longer have homes will find a place to rest.  That those who have lost loved ones might be comforted by God's grace.  

I don't care what anybody says.  There is power in prayer.

For the love of God, pray for those poor souls.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 It isn't very often that I am bothered by trolls.  But just for future reference, here's how things work here.

I don't mind opposing opinions.  Polite conversation is a good thing.  I am so glad that some who comment here will have conversations with others.  That's how we learn.  That's how ideas and information is shared for the benefit of all.  That's a very good thing.

What is not a good thing is rude behavior to other commentors.  Name calling will not be allowed.  Although I have nothing against calling a troll a dumb ass.  If you are dumb enough to attempt to insult others or try to pick a fight, the name of dumb ass is appropriate.

I find that the older I get, the less patience I have for stupid.  So, I am done with warnings.  I have a 'delete' button and I know how to use it.

For everyone else, you are absolutely welcome here.  I am so very grateful to those who comment...who add to the conversation.  We are all in this together.

Keep stacking.  Keep praying.  Especially praying for the folks who are dealing with the aftermath of the hurricane.  God help them.  Please!

Monday, September 30, 2024

We're from the government and we're here to help

The devastation from the latest hurricane is incredibly horrible.  Lives were lost.  Homes were destroyed.  Millions are without power.  In some areas there is no food - no water.  The people who live in the path of the storm have had their lives changed, and not for the good.

Our government that is supposed to take care of its citizens, especially in a time of need, is silent.  Guess who is stepping up to the plate.  Yep.  Those crazy preppers!

Pinball of "Pinball Preparedness" YouTube channel tells the story much better than I can.  Especially since he is up to his neck in trying to help those impacted by the storm.  The link below is well worth a watch.

"I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Help" - Kiss My Ass - YouTube

Minnesota doesn't have hurricanes.  Instead, we get tornadoes in the summer and blizzards in the winter.  So if our citizens have a shred of common sense left, they prepare.  Food.  Water.  A source of heat to keep us from freezing to death when a blizzard knocks out the power.  Can't do much when a tornado blows your house into the next county, but if supplies are divided and stored in a couple of places, we at least have a fighting chance for survival.

I would hope that the plight of the hurricane survivors would open the eyes of those who think it foolish to buy an extra can of beans or more bottles of water.  But I don't think I will hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  There are way too many who think those of us who prepare are nothing more than crazy conspiracy theorists. 

I will remember that when my family is eating good, stomach filling food and the naysayers are digging in dumpsters.  Mean of me?  Perhaps.  But I am totally out of patience with those who believe nothing bad will ever happen in their back yard.  I would hope this last storm might serve as a wakeup call.  Lives depend on it.

I know I don't need to remind all of you to keep stacking.  Or to keep praying.  Prayers heavenward for those poor souls affected by the storm.  May they get the help they need.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Another Day in Paradise

 Ya ever have one of those days where you might have been better off just staying in bed?

Back story:  I have two computers.  One is a desktop with a humongous monitor screen.  It has a humongous monitor screen because my Granddaughter helped my son pick it out for me and she thought Grandma would like the large screen.  She does.

The other computer is a laptop that is used mostly for genealogy related stuff and photos.  

Yesterday I managed to spill a half a glass of cherry Kool Aide all over the desktop keyboard.  Apparently, the liquid shorted something out, because the keyboard no longer works.  Can't say I am surprised!  The mouse works though, so all is not lost.

This morning, I decided to print out some genealogy related stuff.  The very first thing I did was (I really don't know how) I managed to wind up with a piece of paper stuck inside the printer.  After a considerable amount of digging around in the bowels of the printer, spiced up with one or two choice words, I managed to get the printer unstuck.  By that time, I didn't want to print anything anymore!

On to this afternoon, when I got one of those robo calls from my pharmacy telling me I have prescriptions ready to pick up.  Since I am housebound and since my kids and older grands all have jobs, I have had my meds mailed to me for the past two or three years.  But the pharmacy won't automatically stick them in the mail.  I have to call and request the service each time.

I wouldn't mind, but now time is wasted waiting for that auto call to run through the many options.  I used to be able to talk to a real person at the end of all that foolishness.  Not anymore.  Now I need to leave a message, and they promise to return my call within an hour.  It has been 8 hours and no return call.


Life was so much simpler when we wrote everything out by hand.  And when we could easily talk to a real person.  Anybody know where I can find a time machine that will shoot me back to the 60's?

Gonna find me a movie and go snuggle up in my recliner.  I have had all the fun I can stand for one day!  :)