They say the older you get, the faster time seems to pass. They are right. 2017 slid on by at warp speed.
The New Years celebrations of my youth were pretty tame affairs. Mother, being a very religious woman and a teetotaler to boot, made sure our celebrations included nothing more exciting to drink than Hawaiian Punch. She made oyster stew as a treat for Dad and a big pot of chili for the rest of us who considered oyster stew something not to be consumed but should be buried in the back yard.
After supper the board games were brought out and rousing games of Sorry or Yahtzee or Scrabble were played. A big bowl of popcorn accompanied the games. Sometimes Dad would cook up a batch of molasses taffy or maybe a pan of fudge. The leftover Christmas cookies were brought out, insuring that sugar highs would keep us awake until midnight.
My family didn't have a television until I was in high school, so we listened to the radio track the new year until it reached our old farmhouse in Minnesota. Sometimes we stayed awake to welcome the new year and sometimes, not. Depended on how much candy and cookies were available. If we were lucky, we would hear 'Auld Lang Syne' played half a dozen times.
I don't make New Years Resolutions. I learned at an early age that resolutions had a life span of maybe a week. Now I just remember the good times past and look forward to the new year.
Tonight will be a quiet night for me. I am a bit lazy today so meals consist of opening jars. Ham and bean soup for lunch and chili for supper. There will be crocheting on my grandson's afghan, possibly a bowl of popcorn, watching the ball drop in Times Square and some listening to the police scanner, which can get exciting on this holiday.
I wish for all of you a very Happy New Year, no matter how you celebrate. May it bring you peace and joy.
Opus 2025-158: Terminologies
1 hour ago
My wife, and I, are staying home, will try to stay awake for the new year, and enjoy not driving.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Jess...I haven't gone out on New Years Eve for many years. Too many amateur drunks out and about to suit me. :)
DeleteHope you and your wife have a great 2018!!
We're staying, too, Vicki. I've enjoyed reading your posts this year and hope you continue to keep us informed on your daily doings. I wish you and your family a very happy 2018.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the kind words, Gorges. I thought about hanging it up but selfishly, I would miss those friends who read and comment. So I expect to bore you with my quiet life for a while longer. :)
DeleteHome is a good place to be tonight. Here the temp is minus 12 with a wind chill factor of minus 25 degrees. Not sticking my nose out!!
Wishing you, your wife and the Mighty Daschund a very Happy 2018!
Our party days have been long over. The last party I went to 32 years ago I met my wife. As I pen this I am the only one still up hour to go. Plus one of the 3 cats
ReplyDeleteI'm not exactly a party animal either, Rob. Truth be known, I rather like staying home, especially when it is so bitterly cold. Happy New Year, my friend.
DeleteLoved your story! We too played board games. I got some crocheting in last night before falling asleep. I do not make resolutions either. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kristina...Life is so much more simple for those of us who spend New Years Eve with crochet hook in hand!! A very Happy New Year to you and yours!
ReplyDeleteThe dog and I survived another Dec31st. Fireworks started at 930pm and continued until 1am. He'd just start to settle down and then more would go off. Poor boy. We hunkered down in my 'TV room' which is quieter then my bedroom. I was up for the new year because of it all. And am a little tired today. But happy enough. Will make a split pea soup tonight in my instant pot. Love that thing! It made great broth as well as some other recipes.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
SJ...Poor dog. They don't understand what all the fuss is about. They just know there are scary noises out there. I'm glad my neighborhood doesn't do fireworks for New Years Eve. It was pretty quiet here. It has been so cold here that the revelry stayed mostly inside the bars. There was very little activity on the streets. I stayed up too, but only because I was crocheting and watching movies. Real party animal I am. :)
DeleteI still haven't invested in an instant pot, but it is on the 'to do' list after I take care of some other necessary purchases. It sounds like a wonderful way to cook. And now I am hungry for split pea soup. Haven't made it for awhile.
Hope the New Year brings lots of good stuff your way!!
Happy New Year Vicki!! My partying on NYE days are gone. Pizza and movies was our night and I am ok with that. Yahtzee is still a fave game of mine, I played it as a kid with my nana.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you, Jenn...Pizza and movies sound like an excellent way to ring in the new year.
DeleteThe only board game I have now is Scrabble that belonged to my parents. They played it often, especially evenings after Mother went to live in the nursing home. I think I may buy a couple more games just to have when the grands come over. I remember fondly Monopoly marathons with my cousin. He usually trounced me, but it was fun anyway.
Happy New Years, Mom. I hope 2018 is just a little better than 2017! Love you. David
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you too, Son - and to Staci and the kiddos. 2018 will be a better year. We just have to learn to ignore the politicians. :)
DeleteHug your family for me. I love you, too!
I'm right there with you in preferring my quiet life. I don't think I've ever been a fan of ushering in the new year. One of my fondest memories of new years was from my late 20s. My dear college friend and I would go to bed very early on the 31st. Then, at the crack of dawn on the 1st, we'd drive out to the coast north of SF and whale watch. We'd arrive at the beach at sunrise. We did that 4 years running.
ReplyDeleteThe dog and I are back to our normal routines today. Yes, most animals I've had do get very scared from fireworks.
And, from a comment on a post recently - I'm so glad you're still blogging. I'd really miss reading your posts and 'chatting' with you. Cheers, SJ
SJ...What a great way to greet the new year by whale watching! Sure beats the traditional parties. I guess if I were more sociable I might celebrate, but I'm not. So I am content to just be home.
DeleteWe have one of those local festivals here each summer that includes fireworks set off a couple of blocks away on the riverfront. When I had my two little Yorkies, one of them was not bothered at all. But the other one was first agitated by the noise, barking like mad and then became fearful, not happy unless I held her. I felt so sorry for her and was glad it was only once a year.
I guess I hesitated about continuing blogging because my life is so very quiet. I don't garden or travel or have animals any more to write about. Even my food preservation efforts have slowed down considerably due to the physical issues. Sometimes it is a stretch to find anything worth writing about. But, from a selfish point of view, I will continue because I so enjoy those like you, my dear, who comment. That has become a big part of my life, especially now that I rarely venture out. And I just don't want to give that up. :)
g to mary maxim and look at the new catalog on about page 20 or 22 an afghan is shown in blue granny squares made to look like a log cabin quilt.
ReplyDeletedeborah...I think I found the afghan you mentioned. It was done in shades of blue and looked like the granny square stitch. I think I might have a similar pattern somewhere. It looks like it would be fun to make.
DeleteFor many years when I was divorced and in school, I attended NYE parties in Birmingham. The friend who had these died and there went NYE. I could go other places, but I don't like drunken revelry. At the friend's house, she was the drunk, a calm one, though.
ReplyDeleteOne year, I went to four NYE parties, a first for me and lots of fun.
If I had been dying to go out this year, I would not since I was recovering from the flue and a viral thing that had me throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time. I could only wear clothes above the waist for several days. That is not my best party look.
I stayed home and thought at 11 pm when the ball dropped in NYC that it was midnight here. I was so disappointed that I had to stay up another hour. I must be old!
Linda...I used to go out to celebrate the New Year when I was young, but now that I don't drink any more, I just don't enjoy being around those who do. I have nothing against those who enjoy an adult beverage, but it seems to me that so many feel obligated to get drunk on New Years Eve and I would just as soon stay away. I watched the ball drop and called it a night. Not much of a party animal here, I'm afraid. :)