goeth before a fall.
Here I was. All self satisfied, patting myself on the back for avoiding the flu bug that is running rampant across the land.
I had two bouts of the stuff earlier, but both only lasted a couple of days each and were comparatively mild.
Then BAM!! Right between the eyes. Tired. Yucky. Cranky.
Like my friend SJ who often comments here and who has been dealing with the flu for a couple of weeks now, I am reduced to a diet of Jello for that is the only food I seem to be able to handle at the moment.
I am off to curl up in a corner, dragging my green fuzzy blanket behind me, and take yet another nap. I am here to tell you, this flu bug is one nasty little creature. I will return just as soon as I can kick it on down the road.
Opus 2025-151: Strangers and Sojourners
3 hours ago
Hope you feel better soon Vicki!! It has been nasty this year for a lot of people!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jenn. This is some nasty stuff, alright. But I think the worst is over now.
DeleteLord, please heal Vicki quickly!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rev. Paul. Prayers are always a good thing.
DeleteI am so sorry you have the crud. I'm still dealing with it - I think I was exposed when I was waiting for my dermatology appointment! Doctor's offices are vectors of disease, imho.
ReplyDeleteTake good care. I'm still dragging a bit. And still eating Jello.
Part of it, though, is the dog has been sick the last two nights and has woken me up each of the last two nights at 1AM. Poor boy.
Update - Vet recommended not feeding him dinner last night. Very unhappy dog and he was banging around his dish. Oh well, he got over it. Slept through the night which was much appreciated by me. He's better today. Yea. I'm on the mend but not 100% yet.
DeleteHope you turn the corner soon.
This strain of the crud just seems to last forever, doesn't it. Glad to hear you are getting better, even if it is slowly. I agree with doctor's offices being a great place to catch the bug of the day. I couldn't figure out where I caught it as I don't go out, but then it dawned on me that twice a week I have nurses coming in after dealing with other patients. Guess that is a risk I just have to live with.
DeletePoor dog. I feel so bad for them when they get sick. They are miserable but can't tell us why. So very glad both of you are getting better.
DeleteI'll pray that you're better soon, Vicki.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Gorges...Seems to be working. I am on the mend in less time than so many. I knew I could count on you, my friend.
DeleteIt IS awful. I had the flu a week before I went to dr. A week later, I called and asked how long until I would be better--2 to 3 weeks! And, almost 5 weeks later, I am still not recovered. Good luck. Oh, I have caught another virus twice and a uti. Rest and try to eat more than jello. A little gravy pulled me through.
ReplyDeleteLinda...This crud really is ugly. Sorry it is taking you so long to recover. I am really lucky in that I am not 100% yet, but at least am to the point where I want to do more than sleep. I swear it was the chicken soup that put me back on the road to recovery. Never heard of the gravy cure, but whatever works. :)
DeleteSo the mighty have fallen. Too many outsiders coming around. My 5 kids all got sick from where they work. Target, Best Buy, Applebees, etc.
ReplyDeleteRob...I think you may be right about outsiders. I understand this flu that so many have is spread through the air. Pretty tough to stay away from it. Hope your family has recovered and are doing well.