It is cold. It is January and it is Minnesota, so this is not a surprise. Looks like we have a heat wave of plus 30 degrees coming over the weekend. I don't care. I don't plan on going out until the tulips are in full bloom.
I am giving up on watching the news for a while. Today I spent some time looking at several news websites. Most of the news programs consisted of a moderator who announced a bit of a news story. Then they went to a panel of so-called experts who voiced their opinions. Before long all of them were talking or shouting over one another so I couldn't tell what anyone was saying. I wonder what happened to the nightly news where the newsman just read the news of the day. Seems to me we used to be able to form our own opinions without 'personalities' telling us what to think. Phooey. Done with them.
I am feeling a bit spoiled. The lady who comes in to clean once a week does a terrific job, leaving me more time to indulge myself in the things I like to do. I have been working on Zach's graduation afghan. It is coming right along, but will take at least the rest of this month to complete. His mother, my daughter, Jill, gave me two large gift bags of yarn for Christmas. There are skeins of a light teal, gray and some variegated with those two colors. I haven't quite decided just how to put the colors together, but I will show you how pretty the yarn is when I get a few squares made. She said that after making so many afghans for the grands that I might like to make one just for me. She was right.
The last time my sister came to see me, she and her husband brought me a box full of pork from their farm. There were pork chops and sausages and I can't remember what all else. There was one package left in my freezer that contained a large pork roast. Yesterday I thawed it out and slow baked it all afternoon. Duane came over when he got off work and shared supper with me. It is always more fun to cook when the meal can be shared. The roast was delicious. Tasted better than anything you can buy at the store.
And now I am off to do some serious damage to the leftovers. I think a hot pork sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy is just the ticket for a cold, below zero Minnesota night. :)
Opus 2025-151: Strangers and Sojourners
3 hours ago
I'm trying to do a few indoor things, too, Vicki. Even the computer gets old, let alone the TV!
ReplyDeleteI agree, Gorges. I just need to do something other than listening to what passes as news these days!
DeleteMom, I think that roast was one of the best I have had. The leftovers I took made a great lunch. It was nice having dinner with you. Love, Duane.
ReplyDeleteSon...that was really good, wasn't it! Nothing beats the homegrown. I'm glad we do this dinner thing once in a while. Love, Mom
DeleteCold is the worst...we had an almost 40 degree temperature change from before the new year to the next day...crazy!
ReplyDeleteI swear some leftovers are better than the original meal! Enjoy and stay warm!!!
Jenn...You are spot on about the cold! Coward that I am, I still maintain I will not go outdoors until the tulips are in bloom. :)
DeleteI have been known to cook something one day, stick it in the fridge until the next day simply because it tastes better as leftovers. Some of the soups I make are that way. The leftovers from the pork roast supper were wonderful.
I"m with you. I rarely make watching the news on tv a priority. The change for me came when I realized one day that the announcer on the 6pm news was reading from the same script that had been read at the noon time news by a different person. Crazy.
ReplyDeleteI think working on your craft projects or reading beats doing housework. Pretty much anything beats doing housework, imho!! HAha.
Keeping inside myself. The dog is curled up under the foot part of my recliner and is snoring away. We've already walked around the block and that is the extent of my activity for the day. It's not really too cold given the date, but it is really wet.
Fun to hear what you're up to. Looking forward to the pictures of 'your' afghan.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...Here in the States nearly all of the main news outlets are so busy bashing our president that they report very little real news. I look at the local news headlines and weather report online, but I am just sick to death of the politics.
DeleteI'm with you on the housework. I hate that it took a physical condition to get me to the point where I could no longer do the work myself, but I gotta admit that I dearly love having someone else do it for me!! I still wash dishes and do laundry and cook and a couple other chores, but those take little time and effort. It is so nice to have the time to do what I like.
It has been mind numbing cold here, but is supposed to warm up some over the weekend. It was so cold one day that it took Duane until two in the afternoon before he could get his car started. Me...I am comfy cozy in my apartment, where I intend to stay until spring. :)
I am working on getting Zach's graduation afghan done and that will take some time. But I can't stand having all that beautiful new yarn just sitting there, so I have been doing a little experimenting to come up with a granny square I like. Will post a picture when I get it the way I want it. Stay warm and dry!!
I too have giving up on watching the news. The only time I watch local is when it may snow. I catch Fox News in the early AM, but that is it. I used to pride myself on keeping up to date, but there is so much garbage these days...Who cares. Another illegal committed a crime, another black person did something bad. Oh look a old white guy grabbed a young women. A politician lied etc, etc.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, a disabled person parked in handicap parking outrages. on and on and on
Rob...Used to be that the news told us what was going on in the world. Now it seems like all they want to report on is how the Democrats are bashing the Republicans and vice versa. Everything is political. And I just don't care any more. It would be nice if both the politicians and the news reporters learned the meaning of the word 'truth.' I have seen three year olds who behave better than any of them.