I really was. I was going to let the gun control people - the ones who begin their rhetoric before the bodies have cooled - and the defenders of our right to bear arms, duke it out.
But then I had a conversation with a lady who, in all other respects, is a nice, sensible, caring lady, but who is in favor of getting rid of all firearms. She really believes that if we all turned in our guns the problem of mass shootings would be solved.
I suppose I could have given her the standard arguments. Could have cited statistics favoring firearm ownership. Could have pointed out that the gun is nothing more than a tool and is not responsible for killing people. The person holding the gun is the one at fault. Could have said that gun confiscation leaves the honest citizen vulnerable to attack, while the criminal to whom the law has no meaning, will still obtain his firearms. Could have mentioned that while I believe that the mentally disturbed should not possess guns, there are way too many who fall through the cracks. They do not visit mental health facilities. They may avoid the people who might 'see something, say something.' Same goes for the millions of illegal aliens living here who stay under the radar - particularly the criminals and gang members. None of those will appear on a database. Could have said all that.
But I didn't. This lovely lady is not politically minded. As long as she can continue her life in relative peace, she is happy. All of the above would not mean very much to her. So here is what I said...
She is a single Mom, living in an apartment, working hard to make a living and raise a teen-aged son and daughter. We talked about as parents, how our first responsibility is to keep our children as safe as possible. We talked about how things have changed what with the influx of 'refugees' who hate light skinned people and consider it their duty to rid of our civilization of its laws and traditions to be replaced by theirs.
I asked her what she would do if some of those people kicked down the door to her apartment and entered with mayhem on their minds. How would she protect her beautiful daughter from being beaten to a pulp and gang rapped. What would she do if they decided it would be fun to rape her son before slitting his throat. She is smart enough to know that these things happen - here - everywhere - more often than any of us would care to admit.
She came to the conclusion that the only way she could prevent those things happening to her children was to shoot the bastards as they came in the door.
I have the utmost respect for law enforcement, but they have no way of getting there in time to help in a situation like that. We are pretty much on our own. It would take maybe three good, heavy kicks to my door to break in. And once in, how am I going to stop them from hurting me or killing me. Throw a jar of tomatoes at them? Spray them with my choice of defense sprays? That would maybe slow them down a little and is sure to mostly piss them off, which gets me beaten or killed.
Which is why, should our betters - the ones who live in gated communities - the ones who are protected by men with guns - those betters - decide to try to rid us of our protection, I will never, ever comply.
We will get back to our regularly scheduled program in a day or so. But right now I am way too angry with those who think they know best how to keep me and my family safe.
Opus 2024-281: Memorial Haircuts
22 minutes ago
Thank you! I agree with EVERYTHING you said, Vicki...CWfromIowa
ReplyDeleteAmen & Amen. I am as pissed as you are with all of the pissants in government who think they know what is good for us. As to all who have come forward with statements after this horrendous act that they knew this guy would be a school shooter, etc - screw you too. If you saw something & didn't say anything--shame on you. Ok- back to my job as a nurse & proud American.
DeleteCW...Thanks. The more I heard these politicians, who have few links to reality, going on and on about banning guns, the more angry I became. I have a friend who is a retired cop and who teaches conceal carry classes. He says there should be no gun free zones and he is in the process of teaching church members how to make their services safe from attack. With all the craziness going on now, I believe him to be spot on. Schools should follow suit if they want their kids to live.
DeleteNursejoan...In my humble opinion, these politicians are completely clueless. They have no earthly idea how you or I live. Don't know about you, but my 'gated community' consists of a dead bolt on my door and my armed bodyguards are nowhere to be seen, :) To top it off, they refuse to recognize the fact that the banning of certain kinds of guns will not keep them out of the hands of the bad guys, who care not one whit for the law. It would only serve take away one of the methods of self defense. A pox on them all!!
DeleteI have to add that I have the deepest respect for your profession, two of whom come to my home twice a week to care for my physical problems. They are amazing. And finding another patriot is a joy, considering how many are spending time and money belittling our great country. Good on you!
We are like age . . . me born in 1948 & blessed with good health to continue the work that I love. So very glad to hear you have home care nurses to care for your medical issues. My case management kiddos are special needs kiddos - trach & ventilator dependent in their homes. Would love to have a blog but not enough hours in the day to do so. :( PS- don't even get me started on the shits who won't honor our flag or National Anthem as well as the cesspool of Congresspersons & Representatives. Keep blogging!
DeleteNursejoan...1946 for me. I am glad you are still healthy and active. That is one of the better blessings.
DeleteThere are two home care nurses who sort of tag team me with twice a week visits. I have cellulitis and the wounds associated with it. The nurses clean the wounds, re-bandage them and wrap my legs, toe to knee, in ace bandages. I could not do those things myself, and I really appreciate their skills.
I am with you on those who refuse to honor flag and anthem. As far as I am concerned, they are among the lowest of bottom feeders. A pox on them as well.
Thank you for the encouragement. I will keep on blogging as long as I can, although it is sometimes a stretch, considering my very quiet lifestyle, to find something to blog about. :)
I got to thinking about that situation. They reported that the guy set off the fire alarm and threw smoke grenades in. Rather than using a gun, what if those smoke grenades had been filled with a poisonous gas? Evil will find a way to do what it will - Cain killed his brother with a rock or a club. More gun laws will only affect law-abiding citizens. Criminals don't obey laws anyway - what's a few gun laws going to mean to them? NOTHING!
ReplyDeleteSonia...You are absolutely right. There are too many ways to kill people. If nothing else, wwII proved that. And more gun laws just makes it more difficult for the average American citizen to defend themselves, their families and their property, while making it easier for the bad guys to do harm. I am afraid that will never change unless our duly elected representatives get their heads out of their collective backsides and start thinking about the welfare of those they represent rather than thinking only of their political agendas.
DeleteIt's hard to argue against utter foolishness, but you did well.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gorges...I really didn't want to argue the subject for she is such a nice lady, but I wanted her to understand that bad things happen and we need to be in a position to defend ourselves and our loved ones if necessary. I think she got the message.
DeleteWhat you said to her was the best thing you could have said. You put murderers in her house. She will think about this long and hard. Do not be surprised if she gets a gun. Or, at least changes her thinking on guns.
ReplyDeleteI am a Democrat who really wants a couple of guns. I would have no trouble protecting myself. But, I am like you--throw canning jars at them?
When the people who want to remove guns from our citizens will give up the guns of the bodyguards, maybe I will think about gun control as in taking them from citizens. Yes, and let them get rid of the bodyguards, too.
Linda...I don't want to be telling someone to buy a gun or not buy a gun. That is a personal decision. I just wanted her to be aware of the possibilities.
DeleteI think gun ownership has less to do with Democrats or Republicans, and more to do with common sense. There seems to be more violence and lawlessness in our country than at any time in my memory. Me...I refuse to go down without a fight. Without a gun for protection, I am nothing more than a sitting duck. In my opinion, firearms at least even up the odds. You are right about politicians and their armed bodyguards. Until they live in circumstances similar to yours and mine, they have no right telling me what I should do or not do to defend myself or my family.
That being said, I will never be for gun control. The Constitution tells me I have the right to bear arms and so I will.
Mom,i agree that gun control is not the answer. Spending life in prison isn't much of a deterrent, I would suggest that if you kill, ,you will die very very soon. When you are convicted you get a choice of firing squad or hang. And it will be done in public the day after being convicted. Maybe that will be a good deterrent.
ReplyDeleteSon...I believe I read somewhere that England at one time had laws that declared if a person was convicted of murder and sentenced to die, the sentence was carried out within just a few days. All things considered, it might just be a way to slow things down. It irritates me no end that even if these mass murderers are given the death penalty, they will live for years while their lawyers file appeal after appeal. Those 17 people in Florida had no way to appeal their deaths. Their killer should have the same treatment.
DeleteKeep your soap box out - I love reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteThere's still snow on the ground here but not on the sidewalks. And it's cold, for here. So dog and I keep our walks short. I'm enjoying watching the winter Olympics and sipping cocoa.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...Sometimes I just have to drag out the soapbox or my head will explode at the insanity and stupidity I see, especially from those politicians who should be smart enough to know better.
DeleteI am glad I don't need to go out. Last night we had freezing rain that turned to snow, so that by morning rush hour, the roads were sort of like an ice skating rink. My oldest daughter slid off the road and into a snow bank to avoid a crash ahead of her. Luckily there was no damage to herself or her car and some Dept. of Transportation guys helped to dig her out so she could continue on to work.
I have been watching some of the Olympics as well, mostly the ice skating. But much of the time it is old movies for me, while I crochet like a mad woman trying to finish my afghan. I need more yarn to finish the one for my grandson, so I decided to make mine to make sure I didn't need more yarn for it. That way I need send my daughter to the yarn store only once. And everything is better with cocoa. :)
They've done a number of surveys of convicted burglars in prison and their number one fear is always the risk that they will by mistake enter a home with an armed occupant. Not the cops who eventually show up, but the armed homeowner right there right now.
ReplyDeleteYour friend is protected by all the other families who potentially do have a gun in their homes so she doesn't have to. Make all the nasty guns go away and that protection vanishes.
Uncle Lar...I absolutely agree with your statement. Which is why, sadly, schools are are such a target rich environment. And theaters. And concerts. And any other place that proudly proclaims themselves to be gun free zones. Might as well just hang a sign on the door that says, 'All armed criminals are welcome here.'
DeleteHaving lived in both rural and city settings, I have found that the rural folks, for the most part, have no problems with firearms. They are tools. They are used to kill the fox trying to get in the hen house. They are used to provide additional meat for the table. They are used to dispatch farm animals at butchering time.
City folks, on the other hand, tend to get their knickers in a twist when they see a gun - or lately, even a picture of one. My best guess is that in my friend's apartment building, there are few if any guns, unless an apartment is occupied by a criminal. In my building, I have no doubt that the only occupant other than myself who is armed is my son who lives next door, and he grew up mostly in the country, had firearms training and has a healthy respect for guns, but no fear of them. The thing is, my friend can not count on anybody other than herself to protect her family, just as I can't count on any help should the situation arise. We are pretty much on our own until law enforcement shows up to draw a chalk line around our bodies and investigate our murder. Not their fault. Just the way it is. America really needs to wake up to the realities of life. I am all for well trained conceal carry individuals in schools for the reason you stated. The criminal would be less likely to go where he would be stopped immediately. Just makes sense. Sadly, common sense is sorely lacking in any government house. Kicking my soapbox back into the corner now. :)
many of the 'pissants in government' don't know what is good for the rest of us. that is not their goal.
ReplyDeletethey want absolute power so they can be corrupt absolutely.
some of the real bleeding hearts are actually concerned but naive people.
the rest are hogwash merchants, plus they get to be on tv!
cocoa is great!
deborah...Your analysis is spot on and I could not have said it better. It is all about power and nothing about representing those who voted them into office. A pox on them all!!
DeleteChocolate is it's own food group and cocoa is one of the best ways to use it - at least in my house it is. :)