One of my commenters passed this video on to me. I find it important enough to pass on to you. Thanks to 'Red.'
I have to say that I have found Ice Age Farmer to be a good source of information, particularly about our food supply and the Grand Solar Minimum we are now experiencing. He has both a YouTube channel and a web site. Both contain information that includes documentation. It is all well and good to impart information to viewers and readers, but to extensively back up claims is unusual in this age of digital information.
There are many who believe life will continue as it always has, with store shelves holding every conceivable food known to man being available at all times. To those folks, I am happy for you, living in a world of rainbows and unicorns. Must be lovely there.
However, there are those of us who stay aware of conditions around the world. Our food supply depends not only on what happens here in our homeland, but also depends on conditions world wide. And taking those conditions into consideration, I, for one, intend to continue to put back as much food for my family as is humanly possible.
Anyone who is familiar at all with history knows that there have been periods in history when weather has had a dramatic effect on the food supply. We have gone through times of drought and times of excess rain, snow and the resulting flooding. This has nothing to do with the ever popular 'climate change' hoax, but with the natural cycles in our weather patterns.
Throughout history there have been tyrannical governments who chose to control their citizens through limiting their food. The resulting deaths due to starvation was horrendous. If you think that just because we live in America, those who wish to maintain power won't use some of those same tactics to keep us in line, think again and pay attention to all the rules and regulations that now exist concerning food production.
Procrastination is not an option. Pay attention. Stay aware. And keep on prepping!
Opus 2025-134: Reasons for Election
3 hours ago
I couldn't agree with you more. Look at how crazy the liberals are now with the other half of the country to keep them in check. What happens when food becomes scarce and the number of liberals grows (because they're promising to feed the hungry masses)?
ReplyDeleteI think my all-time favorite meme is a picture of Stalin: "Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it."
I hope you keep encouraging people to prepare for a very long time, Vicki.
Thanks for the encouragement, Jennifer. I realize that to some, my tin foil hat seems to be on a bit too tight, but I just can't stand by and watch what is happening without trying to make folks aware. Today there is debate going on in Congress over trying to limit the President's powers to make decisions concerning public safety. Bottom line - the Dems are pissed because Trump didn't come, hat in hand, begging for permission to take out a terrorist who had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. Amazing. And if they will try to do something like that to a duly elected president, what do you suppose they will try to do to us!
DeleteIf we are prepared we at least have a fighting chance. Thank you for all you do in that regard.
ReplyDeleteRob...Worth consideration.
DeleteAre we not all ice age farmers living in the great frozen tundra we call home??...sounds good in my head anyway
DeleteClimate change is not a hoax. It is science. There have been changes in climate for millenia, but we are assisting the change, accelerating it to the earth's detriment.
ReplyDeleteLinda...We shall have to agree to disagree on this one.
DeleteThe first essay at Woodpile Report ( this week is about agriculture in this country. It's right in line with your post today and well worth reading.
ReplyDeleteJennifer...The Woodpile Report is a favorite. Will check it out this evening when I am not up to my hips in trying to accomplish a few things that need doing. :) Thanks.
DeleteHello Vicki~ Working on another 20 pounds of lemons. Ordered more powdered dry milk, heavy cream, butter and peanut butter. Discovered I need more canning jars. Eek. Be safe and mindful. Red
ReplyDeleteRed...I am green with envy over your lemons. :)
DeleteI am waiting for the sale ad to come out for my Monday grocery order, but for sure it will include more sugar, flour and dry milk. Tomorrow I am canning bbq pork. I will need more half pint jars after that, but youngest son brought me a tub full of quarts and another of pints. So it looks like I am back in business for canning! Take care!
ReplyDeleteVicki~I get the AG Daily Digest. The above link is from a Utah Farmer/AG Instructor. He does the Math about meat and the silly peoples that are virtue signaling. My Husband gave me the lemon tree for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. This years crop is really nice. The last two years were really sparse. Red
Red...That video is absolutely priceless. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Pretty much debunks the science and virtual signaling of 'our betters,' doesn't it!!
DeleteWhat a great gift the lemon tree was! Makes me wish I lived somewhere that growing citrus was possible. But my family and therefore my heart is here in the tundra, so here I stay. :)
That's 'virtue' - not virtual. Darned 'spell check.' :)
DeleteYour tin hat's not on too tight, Vicki. Even if the humans of late weren't manufacturing crises, nature has been dealing out ups and downs since Adam and Eve were evicted! Not preparing is just plain stupid! And that tin foil hat? It's not a tin foil hat, Vicki. It's an ALUMINUM HARDHAT!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pete...You have a way of confirming that I might just be on the right track. :) You are spot on about the ups and downs of nature. I am pretty sure that the 7 years of plenty and the 7 years of famine referenced in the Bible, had nothing to do with carbon emissions. And if I recall correctly, those folks were told to fill their storehouses with grain in order to survive the bad years. Prepping is not a new concept. It is just common sense.
DeleteYeah, there are times when I feel like a hardhat would be useful. :)
thought I'd post here since I'm now reading blogs. Forgot to mention that the tangerines known as Cuties are grown in this area of California that I'm visiting. Although this family likes the ones that go by Sumo as the trademark even better.
ReplyDeleteCheers, SJ normally from Vancouver BC
I don't recall seeing the Sumo brand. Cuties are the ones that are common in the stores here. I have some ordered for delivery this week. I really like them, but only buy when they go on sale.
DeleteSumos are only in the markets about 3 weeks. I think they started in the stores last week.
ReplyDeletePS, the baby let me pick her up twice today!!
SJ...Sumos must be a local thing. I got to thinking after I did my grocery order. I might have inadvertently ordered 2 (buy 1/ get 1 free) which will give me four 3 lb. bags of Cuties! I had planned to toss one bag in Duane's direction and if I wind up with more, I guess I can just peel and can them.
DeleteSounds like the baby is warming up to you. Great!!