I look at my shelves full of food and think I must have enough to last a year. But do I really?
Danny over at Deep South Homestead put up a video this morning entitled "Breakfast For a Year - Reality Check."
I believe I will need to get out the calculator and do the math. I have a sneaking suspicion I am not as prepared as I think I am.
Mexican Rice Casserole—Good Eats at the TEOTWAWKI Café
48 minutes ago
You probably wouldn't have the room to be as prepared as you'd like to be.
ReplyDeleteI would need a bigger apartment, Gorges...It takes some creative thinking to find room for what I already have. :)
DeleteI watched the video. Interesting. He is keeping the status quo. We do not have to keep up with what we are doing to be well-fed or healthy.
ReplyDeleteLinda...I found it interesting the way he figured out how much was needed for a year of just breakfast. We think we are really well prepared, but I doubt what we have will last as long as we think it will.
DeleteWe can only do what we can do, Vicki, and we've done more than most. We ration. we stretch. We repurpose. We make do, or do without. We stay close to God, and by His grace, we'll get by.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right, Pete...I know people who think they are prepared when they buy 6 extra cans of chicken noodle soup and an extra loaf of bread. We need to do everything we can, but it is the last sentence in your comment that says it all.
DeleteHmm...well that was interesting. In some ways I don't think we'll ever feel totally prepared; even the guy on the video said there were things they didn't have enough of for a whole year. However, I have already started to eat more "carefully" just in case this goes even more sideways.
ReplyDeletesbrgirl...There are always things I haven't added to my preps that I probably will wish I had, but we do the best we can with what we have to work with. Since this virus thing began, I find grocery items I thought I had to have are no longer important. Leftovers are now a priority where before - not so much. I pray this 'sideways' straightens itself out before too long.
DeleteVicki~ I watched his video and that got me thinking. Time to come at food storage from the how many meals can I make for how many days, weeks, months etc. What will run out sooner without portion control and rationing. We'll be planting strawberry plants tomorrow, along with blueberries and an apple tree. I caught a squirrel watching me today from the fence while I planted radishes. Cheeky Critter. Red
ReplyDeleteRed...That was kind of my take-away from that video. How much one has in storage takes on a different meaning when put into the perspective of number of meals. I have to admit to being envious of your strawberries and blueberries. Store bought don't even come close to the taste of home grown.
DeleteMany years ago when I lived in the middle of nowhere, there was a white tailed deer that would come into my garden at night to help himself to a salad until I started leaving the dog outside at night. The dog didn't chase the deer but just annoyed him enough to keep him away from the lettuce. Don't know how you will be able to control the cheeky squirrel. :)
Vicki~We found a Possum Mom having babies in our backyard last week. At least it wasn't the skunk that showed up and made it's home under my front deck. That was fun. Not. Everything is plant or transplanted so far. Planting more potatoes in the next week or so. Everyone be safe. Red
DeleteRed...Possums aren't too bad. I hear they eat ticks and bugs. But skunks - nope! Sounds like you are moving right along with your garden. Good for you! I don't think a person can have too many potatoes. They are filling and the keep well. I have no place to keep them, but I do have at least 24 cases canned in quart jars. Take care and stay well.
DeleteSeems Getting Seeds and Growing Food are not Essential for some states and counties
Red...Thanks for the link. That is terrifying and probably one of the worst attempts of government control I have seen.