I haven't asked anyone's permission to do anything since I left my parent's home at age 17. I really would like to know just why some government official thinks I now need to ask permission to live my life as I see fit, within the law.
I have a simple solution to the problems facing us all.
Open everything back up. Now.
If I decide to go to a ball game, I go. If I fear catching a virus, I stay home. If a ball player wants to play ball, he does. If he fears catching a virus, he doesn't.
Those business owners who want to open their businesses back up - do it. If they fear catching a virus, don't.
Those who have lost their means of employment, go back to work. If they fear catching a virus, find another means of employment.
If I want to shop at a department store, I shop. If I fear catching a virus, I order online.
If I want to see a movie, I go to the theatre. If I fear catching a virus, I stay home.
There is talk of forcing those who are vulnerable to stay home. That would be me. I am nearly 74 years old with health issues. If I choose to spend time with family or walk the dog or sit on a park bench, that is my choice. If others want to join me, that is their choice.
It really is quite simple. We are grown-ups. We make choices every day and we live with the consequences of those choices. We know how the virus spreads and if we decide to risk contracting it, that is up to us - not some bureaucrat.
I will not comply. I will not live the days I have left in fear. Should my decisions cause me to catch the virus I will do everything I can to avoid spreading it to others. But I absolutely refuse to ask permission of anybody to live the way I choose.
Besides, I already have my permission slip. It is called the Constitution.
Mexican Rice Casserole—Good Eats at the TEOTWAWKI Café
42 minutes ago
Amen Vicki. I couldn't agree more. I wish more people and places agreed with you.
ReplyDeleteLindaG...I'm just tired of being treated like a wayward child by those in charge who have no Constitutional authority to dictate how I live.
DeleteAmen! I totally agree.
DeleteGail...I think there are many of us who have just had enough!
DeleteAmen! This unConstitutional nonsense has gone on long enough.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rev. Paul. I am at the end of what little patience I have anyway.
DeleteAnd what happens when all of the people who weren't worried about catching the virus all end of getting sick at once? The reason we are all being asked to stay home is so we can flatten the curve and not overrun our health system. If you want to go out and go to the beach and then you end up sick, you should not be allowed to take up a bed at a hospital.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to apply that same criteria to everyone who goes out during flu season and gets the flu?
DeleteYou realize no hospital has been overwhelmed, to the point that some have had to close because they didn't have enough patients during this time.
Bobbie...Well then, they all get sick at once. Life has risks no matter what you do. I'm afraid, with all due respect, that I don't understand why someone who is sick should be denied hospital care. We all know that people are injured and die in car accidents every day, but we do not deny them hospital care because they chose to get into a car. Kids ride their bikes down 'Killer Hill' at breakneck speed, knowing full well they will probably crash at the bottom, but we do not deny them hospital care when they do. If a person choses to put themselves at risk, that is no reason to deny them care. Staying home or not staying home should also be a choice and not an order. Last time I checked, we lived in the Land of the Free. We make choices. We deal with the consequences. I can see no reason to sink much of the population into poverty over a virus.
DeleteBobbi, do you smoke cigarettes? I hope you don't, but quite a few are still smokers even though they know it is a bad habit. I suppose we should not offer those who chose to smoke or are smokers, a hospital bed since it was a really risky thing for one to start that bad habit. I guess your way of looking at this is much different than mine...
DeleteEither you're not watching the news or you don't live near a hotspot (I do). Hospitals ARE overwhelmed. Health care workers don't have the proper supplies to protect themselves. My son (Firefighter/EMT) is currently in quarantine because he was exposed while giving CPR (the gentleman died, and his COVID test came back "inconclusive").
DeleteHospitals that were not overwhelmed (smaller populations) just proved that social distancing works - they saw what was happening in Italy, and then NY and started shutting things down.
And CWfromIowa, I do think people who choose to smoke in this day and age (when it is common knowledge that it causes cancer) should at the very least have to pay higher insurance premiums.
Bobbie - how long do you think it's ok to let this quarantine and shut down of everything go on? How many more millions of people to lose their jobs and small companies go out of business? There are a lot of people who take risks in life and get a hospital bed... smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts, all the health issues caused by obesity, just to name a few. I think most reasonable people understood the need to be prudent and stay home these past weeks to help flatten the curve, but reasonable people are also not going to sit back and shut up while this goes on and on and our country and economy gets completely destroyed. My guess is that the elite powers in charge are using this to chip away at our freedoms. "We got them to quarantine and shut everything down for 4 weeks, 5 weeks (however long it ends up), next time it will be even easier to get them to submit". I only wish I had heeded Vicki's warnings and started stocking up on food like she's been saying for a long time now. Now I'm worried it's too late.
DeleteVicki, some people just don't get it! I would not think of taking up space in a hospital bed because...are you ready for this everybody? I fear going to a hospital where I would get hooked up to a ventilator and die!!! I agree with you and when the others finally see what is really happening to our country, they will wish they had listened to you, Vicki. I will not comply either! Great post, by the way. CW
ReplyDeleteThanks, CW...I have been reading articles by doctors who say ventilators work for pneumonia, but the virus is not pneumonia and therefore it is possible they do more harm than good. I might risk going outside to sit on my front stoop, but I will not risk being put on a ventilator until more is known. As far as the rest of it goes, last time I checked I was no longer a child and I resent being thought too childish and too stupid to make my own decisions. What some are forgetting is that all these 'orders' are slicing away at our rights and as long as we comply, we are helping with the process.
DeletePreach it, Vicki!
ReplyDeleteThe soapbox is engaged, Gorges. :)
DeleteYou go girl.
ReplyDeleteCheering you on.
SJ in Vancouver BC Canada
Thanks, SJ...You in Canada are going through much of the same as we are here in the States. So know that you have a cheering section as well.
DeleteI noticed more folks out and about around here. Its like ok 30 days is enough. Besides we have all stayed indoors all winter...
ReplyDeleteRob...There are still very few out and about here, but I am in a downtown area and everything is closed. I think you are right about people are tired of being in after the winter. Now is the time when folks want to get out of the house.
DeleteRob, I think people are finally waking up to the fact that they've been bamboozled. I STILL keep asking people around me if they know anyone, or know anyone who KNOWS anyone who's gotten this virus and they STILL say "No."
Delete'Remember 9/11? You couldn't find ANYONE who didn't know someone or someone that knew someone who died in that event. I've been saying since the beginning of this thing that the pieces didn't fit. beating them into place with a sledgehammer for a few months won't change that!
Well said! You're hitting the nail exactly on the head. I live in a relatively rural small town area and even though there are suggestions in place and a number of businesses are closed, most people pretty much carry on. Those who want to wear masks and use gloves. We don't have a lot of cases in my state, nor deaths.
ReplyDeleteThanks Leigh...Glad to hear you aren't having to put up with some of the more rigorous orders from on high. I live in a suburb about 25 miles from Minneapolis. It is like a ghost town here. Everything is closed except a gas station, grocery store and the restaurant that is allowed to do carry out only. Even though Minnesota has few virus cases compared to other states, our governor seems bent on keeping us under house arrest as long as possible. We need our lives back.
DeleteIt starts with one little thing because they want people to be safe. Then another little thing gets added to the list. Then another. And another. One on top of the other until the next thing you know there are so many little things to keep us safe We The People find ourselves in a prison of our own making. Just because we abdicated Our Rights to another in order to be safe. I was raised to be responsible for my own safety. Will they now blame murders or drug O.D.s on the Corona Virus? The more deaths the better it seems for some. All else fails follow the $$$$$. Who profits? Red
ReplyDeleteRed...You are spot on. "Just one more little thing." It never ends until we are finished. By that time we no longer have a country. At least not a country that is worth having. Never in my worst nightmares did I ever believe the time would come where I would be told I had to stay in my home. Or where I could shop. Or how many people I could see at one time. Never.
DeleteFollow the money. How many billions do you think will be made by the ones holding a patent on the vaccine. Especially when it becomes mandatory. Papers, please, anyone?
I just found your blog and it resonates with my exact feelings. And I am 73.5 years old and live in the USA as a fulltime RVer.
ReplyDeleteBarney...Thanks for stopping by and for the comment. It is good to know there are others who are as tired of this foolishness as I am. :)
DeleteI fear this could be a slippery slope. I also think that there are enough guns around to resist anyone who tries to force us to isolate ourselves without a good reason. The part that bothers me the most is the order to not meet in groups of more than ten, five some places. However, I also think it would be good for all of us the be circumspect about the danger we can bring to others. Bobbie has the right idea--it is our duty to not harm others. And, I do get it. We have listened to orders to stay in during bad weather, when dangerous people are on the loose. What about locking children in schools for their own good when a dangerous shooter from a bank robbery is in the area? Thomas Hobbes was born in 1588, premature, born when his mother heard the Spanish Armada was coming up the Thames. Thomas Hobbes said his mother gave birth to twins--himself and fear. He followed people to France who could be his protector. He was not about to be harmed.
ReplyDeleteSo, what does this have to do with us? Some people fear losing control. Yet, we obey speed limits, get license for driving, tags for car, all sorts of govt edicts. So, who does not obey these laws? Most of us except for a few hard core rebels.
Some of us are afraid/cautious. I will stay away from the same places that are closed right now, wearing my mask, gloves and carrying my wipes.
Once a guy friend and a female friend were getting out of the car to slide down a hill in our town. As I got out, the guy friend told me--Linda, you stay in the car. Don't get out, you might fall down and hurt yourself. I was furious and got out. I do have the right to get hurt.
That could have resulted in broken bones. Covid19 could kill me. I am not torn as to what to do. I will be just as cautious later as I am now.
Those who give up essential liberty to purchase temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin was extreme in making this statement. But, we agree he was sort of correct.
Part of our problem here is listening to someone, swallowing lies hook, line, and sinker without examining the facts. And, when the truth is submitted, listening to our orange god and refusing to hear or believe honest men.
Linda...I'm somewhat with you on this one. My whole point is that we are adults who, for the most part, are fully capable of deciding for ourselves how much of a risk we want to take. I don't mind obeying the laws or even the rules that are reasonable. But when someone says "I'm from the government and I am here to help," the very best thing I can do is run as far and as fast as possible.
DeleteYou’re trying to equate speed limits, driver’s licenses, car tags, i.e. laws and taxes that are not prohibited by the constitution, to the constitutionally protected right to assemble.
DeleteI have a right to practice my freedoms. This business you mentioned of “our duty not to harm others”, is code for restricting freedoms and is communism. That sort of thinking always gets used to restrict other protected rights..... all for the good of the state.
Too bad you just had to take a swipe at Trump here, you totally exposed your bias.
Vicki, don’t fall for that trap, “rules & laws that are reasonable”. “Reasonable” usually gets decided by communists.... think Orwell’s “Animal Farm” and the “logic... what seemed reasonable” that the communists/swine used to take over the farm.
DeleteWhen it comes to the garbage we saw last week with these democrap governors and local officials, we saw on full display that some of us animals really weren’t equal to those in charge.
The last time someone demanded that I be reasonable was in 1976. That was followed with my kicking him in the nuts. SOB went after every new female in the place. Red
DeleteAnon...Reasonable may have been a poor choice of words. I don't mind, for the most part, adhering to the laws of the land, even though I think there are far too many of them and some are just plain stupid. What I do mind is the country in lockdown, millions of jobs lost, our economy in tatters. I'm pretty sure my governor Walz in Minnesota doesn't stay awake at night worrying about being able to pay his rent next month. My son does, though, after losing not one but two jobs to decisions made by this self same governor. Not much in the way of equality there!
DeleteRed...A girl after my own heart. A standing ovation ensues.
Constitution has been t.p. For many in government for many years.
ReplyDeleteThe 'orange God' is doing his level best.
How about praying God's blessings on him and on all officials?
Only God can fix the messes, political,medicinal, financial and He is the arbiter.
deb...You are spot on. It is all in God's hands.
Deleteif you choose not to stay at home just remember that i and others in society will have to pay for the charges you run up at the hospital while you die, either through higher medical insurance costs or higher fees from hospitals that have to care for you. i would hope you would think through whom you are hurting in order to have your "constitutional rights" selfish!
ReplyDeleteWell if you are using Guilt to keep people home and others bearing the COSTS for going out, what about those that drink to excess, take drugs, both legal and illegal, engage in unsafe sexual practices, eat badly etc.
DeleteThis virus will pass just like all the previous viruses have passed. Influenza kills how many people, even those that have been vaccinated, every year? No one freaks out about those deaths or the associated medical costs. Same with Cancer, Smoking, Suicides, HIV/Aids and old fashioned bad luck. The Good Lord gave us Free Will. We all pay in the end. Some More and Some Less, but we all pay. Red
Remember this as you sit isolated in your room because someone "in authority" told you it was for your own good, that someone out there might give you a bug. These same "authority" figures are the same ones who have been letting illegal aliens STREAM into our country with whatever bugs they're bringing with them...
DeleteYup...the very same!
Deletedindin...There is nothing 'selfish' about the desire to keep our God given rights that are so blatantly being stomped on right now. Those who replied to your comment said it better than I can. I stand with them.
DeleteI would have found this "lockdown" more believable if EVERYTHING had been locked down. Instead, it was left up to "governors" to decide what goods and services were "essential." These "authorities" determined that tomato seeds were not essential, but that abortions were. They decided that buying a gun for self-protection was not essential, but that buying weed and liquor was. They closed restaurants, but left the DMV (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) open until enough people asked "Why this, if not that?"
ReplyDeleteThis has been a sham to allow the Left to ram its agenda down our throats under the guise of being "for the public good." Even now, Pelosi and company are holding a relief bill... and its beneficiaries... hostage until they get their Left-wing pork attached to it. If this virus was REALLY such a danger, don't you think DC would put politics aside and get the help to the people who needed it? Even now, as it's realized that Coronavirus isn't the Great Evil it was portrayed to be, the media is STILL desperately trying to pump hot air into the leaking balloon to keep the "crisis" airborne as long as possible, preferably until November. These people couldn't sink the captain, so they're intent on sinking the ship.
No, this has been compacted sack of bovine manure since the beginning, and people are finally waking up to it... FINALLY...
Very well said, Pete...You are absolutely spot on. The Left doesn't seem to care how many lives are ruined as long as they can get what they want. Thank you for your comment. It speaks volumes.
DeleteAs far as responsibility goes, for a long time, I have been reading the blogs of many people who have commented on this thread, and I have found then to be very level headed with good common sense.
ReplyDeleteI trust them to take reasonable precautions and to stay home if they feel ill. I believe we are in more danger from this "lock-up" than from any virus on this planet!
sbrgirl...I am blessed to have some of the best readers and commenters on the planet. Most take a common sense approach to life, which is a good thing. I don't think that anyone would intentionally put another person at risk, but at the same time, we don't need 'big brother' breathing down our necks about something we can handle ourselves. Thanks for the positive comment.
DeleteAs for Matt who said I showed my bias, I am not worried since everyone has their own bias and show it on this blogs. So, why target me?
ReplyDeleteDear Practical...if I had ever referred to Obama by his physical characteristics I would have been called a racist...oh wait, those of us who did not vote for him WERE called racists.
DeleteLinda...You know you are always welcome here even though we do not see eye to eye on political issues. But you are targeted because you just can not resist tossing in a Trump zinger. This has nothing to do with Trump, although I believe he has been given bad advice from his deep state inclined advisors. This is about the governors, mayors, etc. who are imposing unnecessary restrictions on the population. I wish someone could explain to me why a father was handcuffed in front of his young daughter simply for playing ball with her in an otherwise unoccupied park. Or why a church congregation was fined for holding services from their respective cars in the church parking lot. Or any of the other many, many instances of overreach due to government officials playing god over our lives. It is about losing our Constitutional freedoms. It is about all of those things and snarky political remarks have no place in the discussion.
DeleteLinda.... so now after posting a fairly long reply yesterday, you’re now gonna play the “poor innocent victim”?
DeleteYou weren’t targeted. You were responded to. You don’t speak or in this case type your opinions and get to expect that no one else will respond. That’s how it works.
To be quite honest, you’ve always done this. From back on Stephen’s blog back when you were Lotta Misery’s seemingly constant companion as well as that cranky old dude, Mohave Rats, you like to chime in with your support of them and then moan and groan when someone handed you your hat. Your own history puts you on the wrong side of all this. You like to always spout your opinions but can’t stand it when someone calls BS on your comments.
Grow up.
DeleteI have no idea who Lotta Misery is. I was never a supporter of Mohave Rat.
Linda, Lotta joy. Dana wyzard ..... Witless protection program blog. She put her Real name on her blog so I’m putting it out here.
DeleteMohave Rat. I remember it different than you do.
I know someone who has COVID and he is very sick. if you don't want to be treated like a child quite acting like one
ReplyDeleteAnon...There is nothing childish about having our Constitutional rights removed by force.
DeletePrayers needed!!! My nephew(my niece’s soon to be husband)  has been diagnosed with COVID-19! Billy is a 28 year old healthy truck driver, Who is now in the hospital fighting for his life! Billy is a standup guy, and awesome father and stepfather!  He makes my niece happy, he is the best person for her! Everybody thinks Covid is blown out of proportion by the media and it can’t happen to them,or it’s only is bad for old people! Well that’s not the case! It’s hit home for me! Please keep Billy Schulz and his family in your prayers. We love you billy, keep fighting!!”
ReplyDeleteYour Nephew Billy is in God's Safekeeping. Here is a link with some information on the Virus and what is does to the body and blood. My daughter is a breast cancer and kidney failure survivor and has lung issues from childhood illness. She survived Covid. She said being hit by a train would have been less painful.This Virus is insidious and how each infected person reacts to it varies. What the long term health issues are unknown at this time. Red
Red said it better than I ever could. Prayers for nephew are happening.
DeleteIt's temporary people. Temporary. If you can't sucks it up and do for others instead of worrying about your right to do this or that you are a selfish ass.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that you can not see the forest for the trees. It isn't just about my "right to do this or that." It is about the millions of people who no longer have jobs that earn money to pay their rent, to pay their mortgage, to feed their families, to take proper care of their children, to buy badly needed medicines. It is about all the small business owners who are the heart of our economy and whose doors may never open again. It is about the farmers and meat producers who no longer have a market for their goods. But most importantly, it is about the shredding of our Constitution by those state governors who are imposing completely unconstitutional mandates on their citizens. For without the Constitution with it's list of our God-given rights, we are no more than a very large gulag. And if fighting for our rights makes me a "selfish ass," I wear the title proudly.
DeleteAnd by the way - I put my name out there so others can see who is voicing these opinions. How about you?
If they are dead or sick they can't work either. That's the reason finance people say to have several months of pay for emergencies. And if you are going to say you can't save that I want you to look around you at your house, your car, your tv, your DVD your clothes you big trips you took or any of the other foolish purchases you've made and shut up. Also that's what things like unemployment aND food banks are for. Sometimes you tighten the belt to do what's right for others. Not a selfish ass. How's that for a name.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think “Smart *ss” would be a good name for you. (Sorry Vicki)
DeleteIt’s quite literally none of your business who does what In this country when it comes to exercising their freedoms. Others pay their taxes just like you. So if you mind, you go mind own business and you won’t be minding mine or Vicki’s or anyone else’s.
My name is Matt and you can go bite me.
People get sick. People die. For a number of reasons. I expect to die fairly soon. If people get sick and die because of choices they made, then that is just the way it is.
DeleteLet's talk about my living conditions. If you had read this blog for any length of time you would know these things.
I live on Social Security. I have no savings because my husband who died several years ago needed extensive medical care. Hospital stays and ambulance rides do not come cheap. It takes a lot of money to pay off medical and ambulance bills. Let's take a look around my spacious, luxury 3-room walk-up apartment in a downtown area that is furnished mostly with furniture given to me by my children. Can't look at my car. I don't own one. Can't check out my TV either. Don't have one of those. DVD? Nope. Clothes - mostly from Walmart, what few there are. The last big trip I took was with my parents to the Black Hills of the Dakotas when I was 12. The only thing in my apartment that might be considered a foolish purchase is my computer which is definitely not top of the line. And I do not consider that foolish because it is my link to the outside world. You see, medical issues keep me housebound.
Unemployment - I do not fault anyone for collecting unemployment, especially in these hard times. I have never in my 73 years collected a dime of unemployment nor did I collect any kind of welfare. I don't use food banks. Those are for people who really need them. I buy my groceries. If any money is spent unnecessarily in the opinion of others, it is the extra food I buy to can or dehydrate and to store so that if times get so rough that my family needs to be fed, the just need to come here - all 15 of them.
So here I sit in my luxury apartment surrounded with all of these beautiful and expensive things. You are an idiot and I am all done fooling with you. You might not be a selfish ass, but you certainly know how to talk out of yours. Any more foolishness from you will be deleted. Good day.
Thank you for your comment, Matt. It is truly appreciated.
DeleteAnd there we have it folks. with "unknown" showing up making various sounds best heard in the restroom, we finally have enough to start a mini version play of "animal farm" as was mentioned up above in another comment.
ReplyDeletethe role of "Old Major" will be played by Bonnie
the role of "Napoleon" will be played by dindin
and, if I can get someone to give a drumrole... the part of "Squealer" will (of course) be played by Linda (Practical Parsimony).
and with the previously mentioned gaseous sounds of "unkown", we will add the part of a Jack*ss, so that he/she/probably an it won't feel left out.
enjoy everyone,
P.S. with the swine still walking on all fours (4 legs good, 2 legs better), we will have them join "unknown" outback for their restroom breaks as we want all the animals to be equally "equal".
Smiles for the rest of the day! Thanks, Matt!
DeleteWhile everyone is fixated on the Wuhan Chinese Virus, has anyone looked around to see what else is happening in their neck of the woods? How much underhanded sneaky crap is happening that would get the miscreants either tossed into jail, run out of town or hung from a Tyburn tree? I know there are some that are up to no good looking to cause US harm in one form or another. Red
ReplyDeleteRed...I hear that 22 states (maybe more) have activated their National Guard units to "help."
DeleteI hear that in some states you had better have official papers stating you are an essential worker before driving anywhere other then a grocery store or pharmacy.
I hear that your gov. is threatening to arrest anyone driving around sightseeing.
I hear that some states are using the virus as an excuse to collect personal data on citizens.
I hear that the new guidelines for re-opening the country mandate a downturn in in the numbers of cases. However, in addition to virus cases, they have added the regular seasonal flu and pneumonia to those to be counted. When the numbers go up, states are required to go back to square one - lockdowns with a 14 day minimum. In other words, we remain on lockdown until at least after the election. Rumor has it at 18 months. We will never be free of this. There will always be a reason to keep us under the thumb of the powers that be.
I vote for tar and feathers.
Vicki~ Hot Tar and Feathers are really messy.Then medical care needs to be provided after. Whereas rope is reusable and you need one guy for burial detail.
DeleteThe actual Death numbers from Covid are suspect. I truly think they are way lower than what is listed. End stage Cancer deaths are being listed as Covid. Old Age Ill Health Deaths are being listed as Covid.
My Grandfather was in the hospital during the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. He was 10 years old and kept seeing people dying all around him. He got up, left the Hospital and walked home to his family ranch. His Nana did red flannel plasters on his chest with cooked onions inside, and fed him garlic soup.
If you see U.N. Blue Helmets in the streets, the Fan has already been hit. Red
You are right, Red...I'm OK with the rope.
DeleteI completely agree about the numbers. The higher the numbers, the more the public panics. The more panic, the easier to control. There are so many who haven't a clue as to how to take care of themselves that the gov. can just step right in and take charge of them easily. "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." Sends chills down my spine for real.
I have no doubt that should any of the protests get out of control, the blue helmets will arrive en masse.
Thing is, we don't have to be doing this. There are no laws on the books requiring us to hide in our homes. Or to close our businesses. Even if some power hungry governor issues executive orders, the Constitution overrides them. But yet - here we are. It is past time to take our country back.
ReplyDeleteYou can be contagious for more than two weeks and give someone else this often terrible disease without knowing it or having symptoms, , or ever coming down with it. So from what I can see, you're asking for permission to make anyone sick as much as you choose just so you can assemble.
I can avoid a smoker or people who smoke. I can get a vaccine for the flu (which mainly works for me) and avoid sick.people. I can also hope that people having the flu or coming down with illness knowingly have the good sense to stay home from work.if not and they are I'll I can run the opposite direction.
None of those apply in this case. You just want to say "trust me" and if I become ill.and you stay healthy and just pass it on, well then that's okay?
I am not asking anyone's permission for anything. I am protesting the infringement of government on my God given rights. If you fear the virus that much, by all means, stay home. I prefer to take a risk to live my life without hiding behind closed doors.
DeleteDear Barb, please find somewhere else to lecture others with your nonsensical blather. If you have not figured out that the government is not your best friend, then you still have a lot of learning ahead of you. Some of us figured out (a long time ago) that the less we depend on government and the more we do for ourselves, the better our lives are. Give it a try; bring more joy and less strife into YOUR life.
DeleteBarb you said, “ just so you can assemble.” This is just another version of the “Don’t be selfish” argument.
DeleteNo matter how many times you or anyone else says “hocus pocus” you are simply not gonna pull a rabbit of some communistic hat. If you want to stay in and play it safe then by all means do. It’s your right. And guess what, due to various health issues both I and my wife are doing just that. That’s our choice. But if Vicki wants to mount the Harley and go out and raise hell with her leather boots and outfit on, then more power to her. That’s her choice and she already knows what the consequences can be if she catches this bug.
Just because I’m playing it safe it doesn’t give me the right to fault her for making a different choice. It doesn’t give you the right to fault her either.
I just don’t understand why we have to keep going through this over and over and over. The Bill of rights give each of us the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. The First Amendment gives us the right to assemble. It’s there in print for all to read.
No where in either document will you find anything that mentions the “collective good” or “for the good of the state.”
Move on.
Anon at 8:15pm is Matt by the way.
DeleteMatt, you said it so well. People like Barb want to change the rules in the middle of the game. And most of them never bothered to read the rules to begin with. I am like most of you. If you let me live my life according to the Bill of Rights, I assume you should be able to do the same. Thank you!
DeleteMatt and CW...Thank you. The whole point of the post to begin with is that we should have choices. We are individuals with different interests, different dreams, different ambitions, but we all have the same God given rights which have lately been denied us. If I had the slightest interest in living my life for the collective, I might consider living somewhere else. I don't fault anyone for staying in for whatever reason. Nor do I fault anyone for going out. But I find that more people are being hurt by these new regulations than are being affected by the virus and that is just wrong.
DeleteAnd Matt...As much as it would just tickle me to roar down the street on a Harley, I do believe those days are gone. However, a walk on the beach or a picnic at the lake with my family would be most welcome. :)
Until then, I doubt very much if I have the patience or the temperament to wait for some medical expert who has been wrong about the numbers from the get-go, to give me permission to leave my apartment. Just sayin'.
Well darn.... it was a fun visual though !!! ;D
Matt...I never was much good on a motorcycle, but there was a time when I was an absolute terror on a snowmobile! Ah, the memories. :)
DeleteWhy am I portrayed as a Squealer? A pig?
DeleteLinda...That was a reference to a character in "Animal Farm" by George Orwell. Look it up.
DeleteWell a little late to this party but the most common word I hear in the above responses are I,I,I,I,I and me,me,me,me............ I (ha!) feel sorry for you all.
DeleteAnd I feel very sorry for someone who would give up their God given rights without a fight.
DeleteComrade Linda, this might help: