A gang of thugs takes over several blocks in a major city and the mayor describes it as a 'Summer of Love." Meanwhile, those criminals within this "block party festival" loot and damage businesses, terrorize residents, make demands. They take possession of a police station. Finally shots ring out. Several people are wounded and one is killed, but the police and emergency workers are not allowed inside the borders to tend to the injured. Even now when the takeover seems to be coming to an end, protesters are refusing to leave. Read the story here.
Had enough yet?
Earlier this month, a young mother with her small daughter in the back, was driving home. At an intersection, her car was stopped by a mob of about 20 Black Lives Matter thugs, who surrounded her car, tried to open the doors and jumped on her car, all the while screaming obscenities at the Mom and child. The mother called 911 for help. The dispatcher told her the police had been ordered to stand down. Help would not be coming. The suggestion was made that the terrified mother could call City Hall to air her grievances. Read about it here.
Had enough yet?
Minneapolis is a Democratic run city. Has been for decades. In Minneapolis there is a lovely park. There are many loyal Democrats living around the perimeter of the park. These truly liberal folks have agreed that no matter what, they will not call the police. They favor defunding police departments. Word has gotten out and now this park is covered in tents, housing at least 300 homeless people. I have nothing against the homeless. But with this encampment comes an invasion of drug dealers and other sorts of low life individuals. I am afraid I can not drum up any sympathy for the people living near the park. They seem to believe that all cops are killers. They are seeing the reality of what they asked for. Here is the story.
Had enough yet?
If you thought that Black Lives Matter was a peaceful organization, this interview with the leader of the New York chapter might change your mind. He has said publically that if BLM doesn't get what it wants, they will "burn down the system." Read about it here.
Had enough yet?
And as if toppling the statues of those who had a part in the making of our country and defacing our memorials wasn't enough, Shaun King, self acclaimed activist, has called for the destruction of all statues and depictions of Jesus Christ because..........wait for it..........white supremacy. Here is the story.
Had enough yet?
So just how much more are we expected to endure before we are done. I have reached my limit of patience and beyond. I am too old to go out and knock heads together, but I still have a voice. And so do you. Maybe it is time we used our voices for something more than grumbling about the state of the world around us. Our country is crumbling and if we don't speak up now, it could very well be too late.
I, for one, have had enough.
Opus 2025-146: Dark thoughts: Maybe
5 hours ago
I used to write my representatives a lot. Maybe if they heard from someone besides liberals they'd do more to stop the craziness.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, Gorges...Anything is worth a try at this point.
DeleteVicki, I am in complete agreement. I have had enough and so have a lot of other people. Problem is we don't seem to have any politicians who will listen to us. They are too afraid of losing their position, power, and source of payoffs. Second problem is we have too many people who are in denial and are listening to the MSM sell them a pack of lies. We could scream the truth to any of them but they are not interested in listening. It's going to be a very nasty summer and fall. Actually, I'm afraid it's just getting started. Keep preparing...CW
ReplyDeleteCW...Somewhere along the line, our country has gone completely off the rails. You are spot on about the politicians. I lay the responsibility for the madness at the feet of the governors and the mayors who bow down and kiss the feet of the thugs. Their job is to protect the citizens within their borders and most are failing miserably.
DeleteThose who live around Powderhorn Park in Minneapolis are poster children for living in the land of unicorns and fairy dust. They believe they are supporting a noble cause by getting rid of the police. They deserve everything they are getting for that error in judgement.
God help us, CW. And yes - keep on prepping. We are gonna need it.
I agree with you, CW. They are afraid. We have all been afraid to speak up for a while, but I'm with both of you, I have had enough as well.
DeleteFrank and I wonder how our country will hold together through the end of the year. It just doesn't seem possible.
Blessings to all.
Food. Have enough or regret the day you didn't prepare.
Vicki~ I know everyone has had enough of this excrement months ago. Those who can stop the idiocy are afraid of being called racist. We've fought Wars to keep from being enslaved. There is a word that fits what is happening. Subjugate. Since jugus means "yoke" in Latin, subjugate means literally "bring under the yoke".
ReplyDeleteTo bring under domination or control, especially by conquest. By not speaking out loud and pushing back against the insanity this Nation is placing itself under the Yoke. Red
Agreed, Red. There was a time when the miscreants would be rounded up, put in jail and would find themselves the next day trying to explain their behavior to a judge. No more. Now if a person dares speak their mind, their job is in jeopardy. Or they get sued for committing 'hate speech.' As I see it, we as a nation can either take the risk and speak out or we can plan to bow and scrape to our 'betters' for the rest of our lives. I do not want this 'new normal.' I liked the old one just fine.
DeleteThe answer for those of us who are old is to pray God will intercede and send armies of angels
ReplyDeleteTo anyone in a car. You have two thousand pounds of steel in your hands
Put car in reverse and turn she'll to drive in a circle that will clear the way to put I forward gear and escape don't be squeamish they will rape your child or burn you both alive they are not squeamish!
As to liberals around park perhaps God is kindly opening their blinded eyes to reality
Possibly people will now arm themselves, possibly gain some wisdom
Lack of wisdom in the last few generations
Cannot recall where I saw it, sorry, but read that the elite had a big meeting while the USA was being shredded and finalized their plans to take over the economies of the entire world, this is the Beast
We must beg God to intercede, this is urgent cannot emphasize enough that only God can clean up a mess this big
It could not have gotten this big without being an inside job
That is not paranoia, that is truth
deb...You are right about this whole thing being an inside job. There are those who would destroy our country in order to remake it into their idea of a socialist utopia. I believe we have more to fear from our enemies - and that is exactly what they are - within our borders than we do from those outside of them. God help us all.
DeleteShould say. Turn wheel
ReplyDeleteYou know my feelings. Its a sad state of affairs. I pray for you often because for your location. I pray that my friends and family are safe. I thank god, he spoke to me about where we should live. I'm glad I listened and that my wife agrees with me.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rob... Prayers are always welcome. I am glad your family is in a more rural area where chances of riots are less likely. So far, things are quiet here. I pray it stays that way.
Deleteand where are all our conservative/republican politicians with all this? Haven't heard a peep out of hardly any of them. Time for them to do the job we all voted them in for.
ReplyDeleteOne Family...I think there are so many conservative politicians who fear being labeled as 'racist.' And many are more concerned about their own political careers than they are about those who voted them into office. We are on our own.
DeleteYep, we've had enough. Unfortunately, we live in an area that has recently turned blue, and turns bluer each day. We can't fix it, so we feel extremely blessed that my husband was offered a better paying job in a very conservative small community hundreds of miles in any direction from larger cities. Our current house goes on the market in a few days. We can hardly wait to leave.
ReplyDeleteJennifer, I am so happy to hear of your great news!
DeleteJennifer...That is wonderful news! Were circumstances different, I would be right behind you on the move. You are right - we can't fix it. There is no reasoning with the radical left. Better to be as far away from the insanity as possible. Godspeed!
DeleteA blessing Jennifer. Praise God.
DeleteThe fatal flaw of Conservatives is that we obey the law. Unfortunately, the Left does not. America earned its independence by fighting dirty. If America is to remain, its current crop of patriots must do the same...
ReplyDeletePete...I am reminded of a Delaware River crossing on Christmas night when it was freezing cold and the river was full of floating ice. The courage of that crossing resulted in a resounding win for the good guys. If our America is to stay intact, we need those who have that kind of courage and cunning to swoop in and roust those who would destroy us. I pray there are enough left to do just that.
DeleteIndeed, Vicki... and they broke the rules, engaging in battle during Christmas. It was UNHEARD OF to do so.
DeleteAn apt analogy; the Conservatives are the British, marching onto the battlefield in neat, orderly rows. The Left are the guerrilla fighters firing from the trees... The Brits didn't win this way... Neither will we...
Do we have a chance, Pete? Are there enough of us who haven't partaken of the Kool-Aid to make a difference? An old friend often said, "Talk's cheap. Takes money to buy whiskey." Do you suppose those who talk big from the anonymity of the internet will actually put their money where their mouth is and take care of business when it comes to that? Time is running out for me. But I want my grands to live in a world - or at least in a country - where they can experience the freedoms I grew up with. It breaks my heart to see how far from those times we have come. And more than that, to see how few are now willing to speak out and take a stand for what is right and true.
DeleteIdunno, Vicki. Time will tell if there are still"3%" left to do the fighting for all. As for me, it hasn't been about me in a long time. It's ALL been about the ones who come after me. If we lose America, we will have failed the future...
DeleteThe key is the next generation. Homeschool your kids, your grandkids, your neighbor kids. Teach real history, moral values. Reading, writing, arithmetic. Hard work comes with that as well as strong discipline and character.
ReplyDeleteThis is a battle and one that commands incredible sacrifice. And let's not forget to teach our kids the golden rule, what it means to be a true patriot.....add to this list and do it as if home and country depended on it.
Lastly, do not under any circumstances use government canned curriculum, it is totally unnecessary and will undermine all of your efforts.
Anon...I completely agree. In my opinion, we are watching the results of the education system in our country that has strayed from basic learning toward political left agendas. Kids who are taught our true history - good and bad - do not tear down statues of historical figures. Kids who are taught moral values including the golden rule do not loot and burn. Kids who are taught patriotism do not kneel in disrespect for our anthem and do not burn or stomp on our flag. Kids who do the work to learn the basics become responsible for their own actions. And kids who have parents and grandparents who take an active roll in teaching them right from wrong go on to live productive lives. Thank you for your analysis that is spot on.