When will the government types learn that all most of us want is to be left alone to live our lives the way we want. Within a civil society - Yes. Within the law, provided stupid is not part of our laws - Yes. Without hurting others - Yes.
Apparently, the first virus go-around didn't scare us enough to knuckle under to whatever the powers that be think we should do. From what I have seen from those who know more than I do, another round of idiocy with more of the same regulations is on the horizon. Some health facilities and schools have already issued mask mandates. My answer to that is...
accompanied by a double middle finger salute!
I also have no doubt that the next rounds of vaccines are already bottled up, waiting to be plunged into the arm of some poor person who actually believes politicians.
I wonder why we hear nothing about flu season any more.
On another note:
I have tried over the years, without being too preachy, to introduce some of the younger nurses I see weekly to the concept of preparedness. I might be sitting at my kitchen table when they arrive, repackaging food items for long term storage. Or I might be filling water bottles. Or there might be several jars of home canned foods ready to go on the shelves.
A couple of the older ones have gotten busy stocking up. When I see them, they like to tell me what they are working on. But most of the younger ones - far the majority, look at me like I have grown an eye in the middle of my forehead.
Sometimes, in order to get rid of the headache, we need to stop banging our heads against the brick wall.
I am so done. If asked, I will answer to the best of my ability. But time is becoming too short to waste it trying to teach those who have no desire to learn.
Although arthritic hands tend to make pressure canning a bit of an adventure, after taking stock of the chicken I have on the shelves, I am orderng 12 lbs. of chicken breast this time around to can in half pint jars. Living alone as I do, I find the half pints just the right size for sandwiches or to have slathered in BBQ sauce for supper or for adding to a cold macaroni salad. So I will give one more try to pressure canning. The small jars are light enough in weight to be manageable.
One thing about us preppers - we rarely give up. We soldier on even when things get tough. For we know that if bad things happen, our families will be taken care of.
And that's what it is all about, isn't it!