Thursday, May 30, 2024

Here we are...

 We have known this time was coming.  We really hoped that our beloved country would be spared.  No such luck.

This really isn't about Donald Trump.  He is just the tool the corrupt left is using to stay in power.  

When you can bring bogus charges against your opponent, tie him up in court during the campaign process and use corrupt prosecutors, judge and jury to convict him, you have fallen about as far down as is possible.  Morals?  Nope.  Caring for those you have taken an oath to protect?  Not happening.  Using every foul means to win an election?  Absolutely.

If you think for one little, bitty minute that all of this has nothing to do with you, you are sadly mistaken.

Where do they go from here.  They have already allowed millions of illegal aliens into our country.  Who do you suppose is paying for all of their benefits - housing, food, medical, etc.  How many killers, rapists, terrorists and disease and drug carrying people are here now.  Nobody knows.  And if the left gets their way, there will be no end to that particular madness.

How about the billions of dollars sent to finance a war that is none of our business.  Perhaps our homeless vets could make good use of some of that.

Your grocery bill gone down any?  How about the price of the gas in your car?  Anything else you buy cost less now?  I doubt it.

I am not a huge fan of Trump.  There are things I don't like about him.  And I don't, even for a second, believe he is our savior.  But I do think he loves our country and would do his level best to save this nation, where it sure does look like the opposition is doing everything they can think of to wreck the country we love so much.

Keep preparing.  Watch what is happening around you - stay safe.  And above all else, pray.  Pray for us, our families, our nation.

As a good friend says...powder dry, larder full, Bible open.


  1. Hi again,

    My personal feelings regarding Trump are about the same as yours. I guess I am a bit more naive in that I was thinking he would be found not guilty and the election would be able to proceed. Fool I am.

    There's no way any of this is going to end well. The best we can do is keep preparing in every way--praying to our Heavenly Father for guidance in what to do to prepare our families for the challenges that lie ahead.

    And now, back to doing all I can to be open to the inspiration Heavenly Father will give in answer to my prayers.

    1. My are about as far removed from being a fool as one can get. I think all of us wanted to believe that in the end, everything would be alright. Hope, after all, springs eternal.

      Now that we know for sure that things are far from being OK, (we knew already but now it has been confirmed) my reaction is to do everything in my power to be ready for whatever madness is coming next. Ramping up the preps. Prayer. Lots of prayer. And resisting the urge to just be quiet and hide. Now is the time to shout it long and loud. Before we find ourselves in a dictatorship instead of a republic. Pray it isn't already too late.

  2. I'm with you, Vicki. Trump is no altar boy. Then again, he's never claimed to be one. He is, however, the best choice we've had in a long time to right the good ship America. The Left knows this and will do WHATEVER it takes to eliminate Trump from the race. This verdict was no surprise to me. My hope is that it will continue to do what it's been doing since yesterday; blowing back HUGELY on the Left! These folks don't get it. Americans who LOVE their country, who WORK for a living, whose votes can't be bought, and who want their kids to know the America they did, WANT TRUMP. My feeling is that if Biden can win from his basement, Trump can win from a jail cell... In a FAIR election, of course...

    In the mean time, I continue to prep...

    1. Pete...From what I have seen so far, looks to me like this whole trial fiasco is blowing up in the faces of the far left. Good! It should!!

      I have been wondering what it would take to light a fire under those who think everything will be just fine tomorrow. Perhaps this is the match flame to do it. I hope so. I know that I was considering going 'gray man' just to stay out of the craziness. Can't do it. Time to have our voices heard. Even if my voice is a very small one on a very small platform, it is still a voice and needs to be added to all the rest who are convinced that arrival in Hell, riding in that proverbial handbasket is inevitable if we don't stop the madness.

      Yep. Preparing continues here, too, my friend...

  3. I really am having a hard time wrapping my head around everything that is going on here in the US. I can't believe that so many people think the Democrats are doing anything for them and can't see what is really going on and what their end game for all of us really is. It's scary but all I can do is take care of my family and pray. 

    1. Lori...I think there are many of us that are astounded at the turn of events. I grew up in a totally different country than the one we are living in now. As far as the current administration goes, we are the enemy. And as such, the better prepared we are, the better our chances of survival. I honestly believe this is what it all comes down to. Praying without ceasing is necessary. Take care. Stay as safe as possible!!
