Wednesday, July 3, 2024


There sometimes comes a time when choices need to be made.  I find I have reached that place in my life.

Those who have been kind enough to follow this little blog are aware of the physical limitations I deal with daily.  I find these days it takes me much longer to do the tasks that need to be done.  I jokingly call it 'working at the pace of a herd of turtles.'  And as a dear friend who also has limitations likes to say, "Turtles of the world, unite!"

This is by no means a 'poor, pitiful me' post.  I do not feel sorry for myself, and I would never want anyone else to feel that way.  I say these things to give you, my faithful readers, an explanation as to why chances are pretty good there will be no more posts.

Right or wrong, I believe our beloved country is in serious trouble.  And it is also my belief that there is damn little I can do about it.  I know of few politicians, local, state or federal, who give a rodents behind what those who elected them think.  Letters, phone calls, emails have no effect on what they do or how they vote.  For the most part, they are in it for the ill-gotten gains and the power.

As much as I want to believe that all will be well if only the upcoming election goes a certain way, that is not the truth.  We may have those who wish to correct all the damage that has been done to this nation, but it will take more than one election to bail us out.  And no matter what anyone says, there is only one Savior and He is not running for office.

Because it takes me so long to do what needs to be done, I will be concentrating on preparing.  My family comes first.  Always.  And in the past 14 years that this blog has been in existence, I may have imparted all the wisdom I have.  I really am having trouble coming up with new posts.  And quite frankly, I feel like time may be running out.  My attention needs to be elsewhere other than this blog.

I sincerely thank all of you for sticking with me through thick and thin.  Keep stacking it to the rafters.  Stay safe.  And may God truly bless each of you.



  1. After the 2020 election we started praying for the Lord to shine a light on the thuggery, lying, shenanigans, etc. Well, for sure we got our prayers answered! I will so miss your wisdom and common sense! Take care. I'm praying for the rapture!

    1. Anon...There is no doubt that thuggery, lying and shenanigans abound! I can do nothing about any of it. What gives me some peace is knowing that in the end, our Lord will sort it out! Take care.

  2. Dearest Vicki,
    Weare really going to miss you! Thank you for all the wonderful years you have taught and guided us. I know how difficult your decision was to stop blogging. I found that the hardest part about leaving is not being able to share.
    May you be blessed with better health in your "retirement"! Sending lots of hugs..

    1. Chickenmom...Thank you for your kind words and for staying with me for so long. Yes, this decision was tough. The part I will miss the most is the back and forth with all of you. I hope everyone knows that my email at the top of this page can be used whenever anyone wants. Sending hugs right back at ya !!

    2. I too understand what you're doing. Quitting is so hard, and the 2nd thoughts that keep coming in afterward keep on coming in and you want to speak up again...but won't. My blog only lasted 5 years. But in the face of what we're looking at that's coming at us, I knew I couldn't do anything but hold still and watch.
      - I'll miss your blog so much, Vicki! I miss yours too, ChickenMom - so very much!!


    3. BarbaCat...As a former blogger, I know you get it. There is so much more to it than just writing and posting. As much as I would love to believe that I can do it all, I know that I can't. In fact, when I bite off more than I can chew, I have a dear friend who gently reminds me to leave the Wonder Woman cape in the closet where it belongs. :)

      There is very little we can do to change things. Prep and pray are the only solutions I can find. Take care, my friend!

  3. I have never posted but have been a faithful reader for many years. I will truly miss your post and pray that one day we will all meet in our new home. Take care of yourself.

    1. I am humbled with the knowledge that you have followed along for so long. I have no doubt that in the end, we all will meet. And what a joy that will be!

  4. I haven't said much, and I truly wish I'd found you sooner! Yours is the very first blog I check each morning, and I am always challenged to "keep on keeping on"! Another turtle here...and I fully understand that family must come first. But I will miss you...

    1. Norene...I wish I were the Wonder Woman I thought I was who could do it all, but I am not. As a fellow turtle, I have no doubt that you get it. I don't know the challenges as a member of this club you are facing, but pray that all of us turtles get some relief! And that we can find ways to keep on. I will miss all of you, too.

  5. Cheering you on in your decision. You will, however, be missed. SJ now in California

    1. I know you understand, my friend. Take good care!!

  6. We will all miss your calm, common-sense wisdom and simple faith. And don't forget, simple faith is what Jesus said is needed to see the Kingdom of Heaven. May God continue to bless your efforts. Rev. Paul

    1. Rev. Paul, you have been a solid rock of faith in otherwise sinking sand. Day to day things may change, but faith in our Lord is the one constant. May God truly bless you and yours.

  7. I know the feeling, Vicki. I felt the same when I left the church choir after ten years. I'd given it all I had, and it was time to move on.

    I've looked forward to your posts and feel I know you as more than just a voice in cyberspace. I will miss the posts, but hope to stay in touch with you by other means. Thanks for all you've done for ALL of us!

    God bless you and yours always!

  8. I just knew you would understand, Pete...As much as I enjoy the back and forth with those who have been kind enough to read what I write, there comes a time when the choice is obvious. Arthritis just doesn't get better. And neither does the outlook for our nation. My time these days is spent making sure my family can weather the storm.

    Please stay in touch. The hardest part of this for me is losing touch with those who have become friends.

    Keep stacking. Keep praying. And may God bless you and yours!

  9. Fortunately our Savior doesn't need to run for office. Our Father is in charge. We do understand. And we will always be here, should you find time now and then. :)
    You are an inspiration to many.
    I have been attending Oasis Church online and I have hope for the future. We can but pray and wait on Him.
    You all be safe, Vicki and God bless.

    1. Thank you so much for your long-standing support. You are so right. Our Lord is in charge, even though so many don't understand that part. I continue to prepare. Just takes me much longer these days. Stay safe, my friend. May God truly bless you and yours.

  10. I've never commented, but have been following your blog for a few years now, after finding you through Jennifer Rader's wonderful Prep School Daily. Like others here, I'll miss your stories and particularly your spirit.

    I'll be continuing to check for future posts; I understand the energy drain and turtleness, but some part of me thinks you just might just have more to say some day and I wouldn't want to miss it!

    In the meantime, I wish you peace, good rest, and happy times with family and friends.

    PS... Stinging Nettles have been invaluable for my sister's arthritis. She lets the nettle sting near affected joints (ouch!), but the sting fades within a couple of hours and then she has DAYS of relief from her arthritis.

    1. Thank you for following along these past years and for your understanding. You know that I think unless something drastic happens, we are in for bad times. And should that time come, my family is my #1 priority. Who knows. I may feel the need to write again. But for now, preparedness is at the forefront. Thanks for the tip - worth giving it a try! Take care.

    2. I heard about the Stinging Nettles as well, Vicki. I found out about them the hard way at Rancho Whybother. The previous owner of the house planted Stinging Nettles to help with his wife's MS. I didn't know this when I started weeding out the raised bed garden... ZOUNDS!!! If you do try using the plant, handle with care. Stinging Nettle didn't get it's name for nothing!

  11. Pete...Being raised a country girl, I know about stinging nettles. Mostly by touching them as a kid. :) Will have to see if any can be found near where I am. Anything helpful is welcome.

  12. Hello Vicki...I have followed you for years..I understand and agree with all you say in this post. I am soon to be 81 yrs. old..I too am following all the news/politics of America...I will thankfully say I believe in Donald Trump to be the President, if elected , who will "begin the long road ahead" to bring our country back to some normal sanity, to bring our Republic gov't back to normalty. But like you, I can't do much in this great fight for return of freedom from the Liberal Marxist drive. So I concentrate now on doing all I can to protect my small family, financially and prayerfully. I am still blessed with basically good health (thank you DearLord) but I believe the future does not belong to me anymore...It belongs to my 50 yr. old daughter and 23 yr. old grandson...Now is my time to rest a bit until my days end...that's exactly what I am doing..except I will definitely VOTE in November, unless I'm dead then!!!

    1. lynney62...I am only a couple of years behind you. Like you, my priority is not politicians, but my family. I will vote and I will pray that our country turns around from the horror that it is heading toward now. But in order to physically do what needs doing, my entire attention needs to focus.

      Thank you for being here through the years. The downside of my decision is losing touch with so many. It has been one hell of a ride!!

      Take good care and may God truly bless.

  13. Dear Vicki,
    While I completely understand your need to change your focus, I sure will miss your posts!
    Praying blessings over you and your family.
    Fondly, Robin (sbrgirl)

  14. Robin...Many thanks for sticking with me for so long and especially for your understanding. Stay as safe as possible, my friend. God bless you and yours.

  15. Vicki, I keep checking each morning, hoping to find you here. Of course, I understand and know that I, too, will be joining the turtles sooner than I would desire. (No offense to all those already in the club.) I just miss your "voice." I miss you.

  16. Jennifer...I find I am missing all of you as well. And I am afraid my son was right. It seems my head is in danger of exploding when I don't have a place to vent now and then. I know that I have lost nearly all of my readership, but for the few faithful - stay tuned.

    Thank you for shoving me in the right direction, my friend!
