Sunday, March 23, 2025


 I wish I were one of those people who stays blissfully ignorant.

If I am blissfully ignorant, I see no reason to spend time and money to stock up on food or water.  Recently I spoke with someone who was totally amazed that anyone would preserve food, be it canning or dehydrating or even buying extra canned food at the grocery store.  And it sort of blew their mind when they saw me filling several saved 2 ltr. bottles with water.  They could not imagine a time when those things could become unavailable.

Me...I look for sales and ways to add to my stash of food and water.  I am not at all convinced that stores will always remain open or that food will be affordable (not so much right now).  Should we lose power, the pumps that keep water flowing in my building would cease to work.  

If I am blissfully ignorant, I keep every dime in a bank account, convinced there is no reason at all for banks to close.  I'm pretty sure that those who lost everything in the bank closures of the Great Depression were of the same opinion.

Me...Every now and then when I can afford it, I add to a stash of cash.  The object is to have enough cash on hand to pay my rent and bills until I can decide what my next move might be.

If I am blissfully ignorant, I have no clue about what is happening in the world around us.  I believe every word coming from CNN.  I avoid truth at all costs.

Me...I find it difficult to keep track of current world events.  But I see enough to know that unless we get our act together - and soon - we are in for really hard times.  Lately I can see that some in charge are on the right path, but their efforts need to continue.  I still have hope.

What prompted this post was a conversation I had not too long ago.  Questions were asked about my preparedness activities.  And then, in utter disbelief, I was told that all of my efforts are a total waste of time.  I was told that nothing will ever change and everything I would need will always be available.  And to top it off, the opinion of that person was that nothing happening around us would ever have an effect on her.

Me...I am of the opinion that anything can happen without a moment's notice.  Pretty sure those in Pearl Harbor in 1941 when bombs were dropped thought they were safe.  Those victims of storms in the southern states lately have left many homeless, having lost everything.  Just the other day, tornados wreaked havoc in parts of our country.  To say nothing of the crime rates all over our land.

What others think or say matters not to me.  I will continue preparing.  And I will do so even if it turns out that it is never needed.  I pray that is the case.  But just in case my family needs what I can provide, then it is worth every penny spent and every minute used.

My family will not go hungry.  Ever. 


  1. You are prepared, but you rent a house?…..

    1. Some of us are out of the housing market. For me, it was due to a divorce and I never could get back into one. Now, I'm retired and a senior and I prefer having a landlord who can tackle the maintenance and landscaping. I'm good with that and it works for me. And I think embracing our differences is one of the positives of this community. We do what we can but we don't all prepare the same way.
      SJ now in California

    2. Thank you, SJ, for expressing my thoughts on the subject. The important thing here is that we prepare - not where we live.

    3. Not everyone can AFFORD a house, "Anonymous..." Not everyone is in a position to MAINTAIN one either.

      Say; How prepared are YOU, "Anonymous?" Vicki puts most of us TO SHAME, and MOST OF US PREP TOO!!!

    4. Thanks, Pete...Trolls will be trolls, even when they are dead wrong. The entitled seem to hate how we choose to live and what we do to get ready for every eventuality. My guess would be that come hard times, the trolls will be the ones knocking on the prepper's doors, begging for a handout. Good luck with that!! My tolerance for fools is at an all-time low!!

  2. You know they say ignorance is bliss.
    I would just keep doing what you're doing. You may never need it but if you do...well you've done what you needed to do.

    1. You are right, Lori...I would rather have it and not use it than to need it and not have it!

  3. 'Makes me shake my head in wonder, Vicki. I live in a place where an earthquake could change the situation in a few seconds, and very few people I know give half a thought to being prepared. True, contrary to popular belief, earthquakes of any consequence in any specific area of California are rare, but it only takes ONE good, solid local jolt to make a big mess of things. Still, most folks here are more concerned about how the Dodgers are doing... I just don't get it...

    1. I don't get it either, Pete. What universe do these people live in? Has to be the land of unicorns and fairy dust. Can't possibly be in the real world.

      Here in Minnesota, we don't see earthquakes, but we do have all sorts of other fun stuff. Summer gives us thunderstorms with straight line winds and tornadoes. Winter is lots of fun with snow and ice and blizzards.

      Our generation and those before us were preppers and didn't know it. It was just a way of life to put back food and supplies to get them through the year. Common sense stuff. Perhaps that's what is missing now. Common sense.
      God bless you and yours.

  4. Hi Vicki. You’re doing things right. Prepare, prepare, prepare. You live in an apartment. Could you lose it? Sure.
    Talk to the families in NC. Some owned houses. Did that keep them safe? Nope. Their homes are gone. Owning something doesn’t mean you’re special and nothing will happen. Things happen, usually when you’re least expecting it. So keep on prepping.
    And did you hear about DoorDash? Eat now pay later. I think I’ll stick with pay now eat later….Jan

    1. Jan...We never know what is waiting just around the corner. Could be really good stuff - or could be devastating. The whole point of this exercise is to make sure we don't find ourselves cold and hungry. But then you know all of that, as do so many who stop in here. There have been a couple of times in my past when I had no earthly idea where the next meal was coming from. I will not do that again!! now - eat later! Sounds like a plan to me. :)

  5. I concur, Vicki. I am sitting on TOP of the rock, not under it. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Food, household goods & ready cash!

    1. Joan...That makes sense to me. I just don't understand the mindset of those who can't - or won't - plan ahead. Been there - done that when I was young and not too terribly smart. Never again!!
