Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Jury is Still Out...

but the general opinion is that I will likely live after all.  Still feel somewhat crappy and I have learned the art of hibernation, but slowly I'm beginning to feel somewhat human again.  The biggest thing I have done since Monday is to open and heat jars of home canned soup.  My appetite is slowly returning and I added a sandwich to the menu this evening.  Thank you for the comments and concern.  With any kind of luck I shall be back to annoying the general public in another couple of days.


  1. Glad to hear it, Vicki. Looking forward to your new posts!
    Amish Heart in New Mexico

    1. Thanks, Amish Heart...I am afraid it will take a few more days before I am back to regular posts. This flu kind of knocks you down and then stomps on you for a while! But I am slowly getting better. :)

  2. We look forward to your "annoying!" ;-)

    1. Thanks, Gorges...I always said I wanted to live long enough to become a problem to my children. I seem to be succeeding admirably. :)

  3. Take your time! This is a tough bug and has been laying bunches of folks flat on their backs for far longer than usual. So no wild parties yet!
    Keep up the soup, add some garlic to the soup and some yogurt to your diet, both will help with boosting up your immune system. And some extra sleep/naps for a few more days are also a good idea.
    Don't worry about us...we will be here when you are feeling up to pestering us again :)
    Feel better!!

    1. Thank you, Suz...I think I got the wild parties out of my system years ago. Too much like work to indulge now. :)
      I am taking it slow and easy. Lots of naps. I add garlic to much of my food, but will have to pass on the yogurt. Can't stand the stuff.
      Thanks for sticking with me. Hope to be back to whatever passes for normal in a few days.

  4. I was going to post something sarcastic, but its way too early..

  5. Probably just as well. Don't think I am feeling well enough yet for a snappy comeback. :)

  6. Just stopping by to say Hi and to wish you a speedy recovery. SJ in Vancouver

    1. Thanks, SJ...Getting better every day. Hope all is well with you.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. Sometimes with us oldsters getting a common thing like the flu ends badly.

    1. Thanks Harry...I am nearly back to normal today, whatever normal is. :)
      So many of us start out with a common cold only to have it turn into pneumonia. Not good. Not good at all. Son still has that lingering cough, but luckily that part missed me. Hope you are doing alright.
