So today I had my yearly Dr. appointment. Looks like I am going to be around a while longer to pester everyone.
Last year I had to argue with my Dr. about coming in every three months like he wanted me to. I held out for a yearly visit unless I became ill. Today, when we were finished, he said, "See you next year." A years worth of prescriptions are being sent to the pharmacy like I requested. All the levels he checks for are in the 'normal' range. I am 20 lbs. lighter than a year ago, through no fault of my own. :)
When a person reaches a certain age they are required to answer questions about their mental health. Judging by the questions, there must be many of my vintage who have no interests to keep them busy and who are suffering from depression. I find that so sad. My youngest son was there with me and while I was filling out one of those questionnaires, he asked the nurse if there was a blank to fill in about being stubborn and ornery. I love that kid and his sense of humor. :)
Even though I was in the last place I cared to be, it has been a lovely day. I got to spend time with my youngest and I enjoyed every minute of it. He has a new car and he was showing me all the features it has. There is a screen showing what is behind him when he backs up. The screen is also his cell phone that he can access with a touch of the finger while driving. When he stops at a stop sign, the engine automatically shuts off and then restarts when he wants to go forward. The seats heat up. Good grief! I asked him what he would do if suddenly all the gadgets failed. Considering that his job requires extensive cell phone and computer use, he said he would probably enjoy the peace and quiet.
I think what is left of my day, having taken a nice long nap, will be spent quietly recovering from climbing stairs and answering questions. But tomorrow, watch out. There are cookies to be baked and bread to be made. All things considered, life is still pretty darned good.
Not bad
35 minutes ago
Did the doctor ask you if you had any guns in your home? Seriously.
ReplyDeleteNope, Gorges, he did not. I imagine if I had suicidal tendencies or deep depression or feelings of worthlessness, which he did ask about, that question might have been next. However, the first time that question is asked is the same day I find another doctor.
DeleteThe reason I ask is because Due to Obama) the government is requesting that doctors ask everyone that question. I don't think all are doing it, though.
DeleteGorges...I had heard some time back that doctors would be questioning patients about gun ownership. I think it was mostly Seniors they wanted to know about. Apparently when a person reaches a certain age, they can't be trusted with a gun. I would guess a few doctors may have tried asking and had their backsides handed to them on a plate, which might discourage the whole thing.
DeleteI'm glad it went well for you at the Doc Vicki.
ReplyDeleteI had a nurse ask me if I had guns. I said "Hell Yes. I've been shooting since I was 14, prints are on file with the DOD and the Alphabets, and over the years I worked with Law Enforcement(True) and did a 3 years stint with the Meth Lab Task Force(True)." What I didn't tell her was I volunteered to keep an eye out and report how many Teen Runaway hookers, and Meth the Bad Guys were running out of the house down the street. The place was finally shut down when it was discovered Moms were selling their kids for hits of meth.
Red...I guess it just gets my hackles up to think that it is anybody's business whether or not I own a gun. I'm sort of ornery that way. :)
DeleteYou are to be commended for your work with Law Enforcement. I guess I am either naive or have been sheltered, for I have never had to deal with the kind of thing you did. I have been blessed with a family who has not ventured into the drug scene. I have always been aware of the problems associated with drug use, but have never been exposed to the reality of it. Knowing that there are parents who would sell their kids for drugs sickens me. I don't know you personally - only through this blog - but I have to say I am proud to know you. And thank you for your service.
What is an example of the questions asked to ascertain your mental acuity. I might need to study!
ReplyDeleteLinda...There were just a series of questions like: Are you depressed? Do you feel worthless? Do you have any hobbies to hold your interest?
DeleteJudging by your blog posts, I'm thinking this isn't anything you need to study for or be concerned about. :) I think they are looking for signs of depression or possible suicidal tendencies. None of which apply to either you or me!!
I have to admit it was awfully tempting to toss in one or two borderline crazy answers just to liven things up a bit, but I played it straight. I make no promises for my behavior next time.
Yay!! Glad it went well!! Wahoo!!
ReplyDeletePs. hope your sons car doesnt malfunction at a stoplight...people are stupid anymore. Would hate for him to goo through that hassle!! :)
Thanks, Mary...I detest going to the doctor unless I am really sick. I think this attitude comes from my father who believed doctors were gods and never questioned anything. Me...just the opposite. They are likely glad to have to deal with me only once a year!!
DeleteYou know, I thought about that very thing when he was showing me how his car shut off and then restarted at a stop sign. He's a pretty smart cookie, though, so I imagine he could find a way around it should there be a malfunction. I told him his car had way too many gadgets. :)
Glad your check up went well. I have been wanting to make cookies here too. Fall weather sort of brings on the baking for me.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kristina...I'm glad it is over and done with for another year. I do have to admit, however, that it is reassuring to know that the chances of my keeling over any time soon are relatively slim. :)
DeleteCookies have been on my radar for a little while, but what with one thing or another, it just hasn't happened. However, come hell or high water, today is the day. I have a strong hankering for chocolate chip cookies dunked in a glass of milk. It's called a guilty pleasure. :)
Glad your doing well. It was such a beautiful day yesterday, it was a great day to be outside.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rob... It was so nice to be out and about yesterday. I was surprised to see so many trees with green leaves yet. David told me that his neighborhood has maple trees that are in full color now. I imagine that within another week or so, my neighborhood will be all fall colors. My favorite time of year.
DeleteGreat that your doctor would write a year's worth of your prescriptions. Here, if don't see my doctor quarterly, I run the risk of being dropped as her patient. Tends to get me into the office. Same for prescriptions, they tend to only write them for 3 months. I"m with you, I'd rather only go into the office if I have an issue that needs attention.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 20 pounds!
Interesting about the questionnaire. I remember getting the gun question years ago when living in WA state. And I answered Yes which totally shocked the doctor. My roomie at the time was in law enforcement and I just answered truthfully.That was back in the early 90s.
Thanks for your prayers. Started the new meds last night and so far no side effects. Dizziness was a side effect I wasn't looking forward to but so far so good.
Happy baking today!
SJ...Last year I argued with the doctor for a while and then finally told him if he didn't want to get with my program, I would find a doctor who would. This year my health has improved so much that he said he felt much better about seeing me once a year. I still have the leg thing going on and the lung thing, but the oxygen and nebulizer have helped so much that the improvement was obvious. Or maybe he was just happy I wasn't giving him a hard time. :)
DeleteOn the weight loss - I think that is due to the fluid pill I take every day. I sure haven't been dieting. I had to bite my tongue when he said I must be eating healthier now - didn't have the heart to tell him that on occasion I have considered two brownies and a glass of milk a balanced breakfast!! Or about the occasional evening when cheese and crackers were enough to satisfy me for supper. :)
I had read some time back where doctors were encouraged to ask patients about gun ownership. Of course you know that would tick me off. The only time when firearms have been mentioned to me was when I spoke with the company who sends the cleaning lady to me. They didn't ask if I had firearms but merely said that if there were guns in the home, they would appreciate it if they were kept out of sight of the cleaner. I had the impression that this was more of a safety issue for them as well as for me. I have no problem with that. Better than to have someone go off the deep end while here and have access to a gun. It is easy to have a gun hidden that I can get to quickly but they can't.
Prayers, my friend, are continuing that the side effects stay away and the new meds will do their job.
I am waiting for the nurse to show up, after which the baking will begin. I will have a cookie or two in your honor. :)
I made rice crispie treats again yesterday. Thanks again for that inspiration!
DeleteDay 1 went well on the eds, no side effects. I am so encouraged.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...Those treats are addictive, aren't they. I made myself another batch earlier this week. :)
DeleteI'm so happy to hear that the new meds are going well. I am praying for no side effects and that they do exactly what they are supposed to do.
Me...I'm having one of those quiet days. Life has conspired against me this week, what with the doctors visit Thursday and the nurse being three hours late yesterday, my schedule was relegated to the dumpster. I did manage to can 16 pints of hamburger but the cookies did not happen. The past two days have been warm and sunny but at noon today the temp is only 38 degrees, which is kicking my arthritic butt. Hello, green fuzzy blanket.
I am all done whining now. :)
Some days are like that, right? My to-do list is always longer then I can get done. And for some reason, going to medical appointments really takes a lot of energy out of me as well.
DeleteI found a new mystery series that's quite fun, Well, at least the first book of about 7 was really good. The Darling Dahlias by Susan Wittig Albert. Set in the 1930s, a group of women from a garden club solve mysteries. Also included in the book are old time recipes. Very fun combination, imo.
It was foggy-cold this morning when I took MrDog out for his business but will be sunny and in the low50s later today. Perfect fall day.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...We sure don't bounce back like we once did, do we! Still a bit slow going, but much better than yesterday.
DeleteYour mystery suggestion sounds like something I would like. I'll have to see if our library has that series. I can get books to read online with my library card. Will add it to my growing wish list.
Sunny but cold here this morning. I have a little bit of clean-up to do in the kitchen and then I think I need to bake some bread. As long as the machine does the work, I think it is manageable. :)
Glad to hear you're doing well Vicki!