It is easy to find all sorts of things to complain about. Our world has become a madhouse of biblical proportions. But today, on the day we are setting aside to count our blessings, I would like to do just that.
I am thankful for four adult children and six grandchildren along with various and assorted spouses and significant others who are all healthy and happy. Everyone who needs to be gainfully employed has a job. They all have roofs over their heads and food on their tables. God has truly blessed my family.
I am thankful for those adult children, for they are always there for me when I need them to be. I seem to need their help more now than I did when I was still able to get out and about to do for myself, but they don't ever refuse and they don't ever complain about being inconvenienced.
I am thankful for the wonderful nurses who come to my home three times a week to change the dressings on my legs and re-wrap the ace bandages for me. They are a cheerful lot and their expertise keeps me free of infection and out of the hospital.
I don't know if I have ever told you the story behind my use of oxygen, but I think now is the time to tell it. One of my nurses sat me down and explained that when a person is not getting enough oxygen, the organs in the body begin to deteriorate and shut down. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she didn't want me to die. And when my stubbornness got in the way, she went over my head and called one of my kids, explaining the situation to them. That's when two of them showed up at my door and bundled me off to the doctor's office. The efforts of that nurse and my kids are the reason I can walk the length of my apartment now without having to stop to catch my breath. They are the reason my health has improved and I am no longer sick half the time or too tired to do anything. They are the reason I am enjoying my life much more than before. For them, I thank God every day.
I am thankful for the friends I have made through this silly little blog. Even though I will never meet you all in person, you have become an important part of my life. I so enjoy reading and answering your comments and emails. Sometimes I have lots to say and sometimes, not so much, but you stick with me anyway and that means much to me.
So this is me.....wishing all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. May God bless each and every one of you.
Opus 2025-148: Donald Is Not God
2 hours ago
Vicki, you are truly and wonderfully blessed woman. Thank you for sharing your life with us and including us in your giving of thanks.
ReplyDeleteIt is I who needs to thank you for showing up and reading and commenting even when I don't have much to say. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
DeleteWe are blessed, Vicki. And we readers are blessed greatly by your "silly little blog." I'm thankful that you're still at it!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gorges...It works two ways, you know. I love reading your blog every day. Sometimes it is a stretch to find something to write about, but if I didn't, I would miss all of you too much. :)
DeleteWithout your silly little blog, I wouldn't have found you. So for that I am thankful.
ReplyDeleteAnd, BTW, I celebrate both the Canadian and US holidays.
SJ...I am so very glad we found each other, for I so enjoy our 'comment' conversations. And celebrating both holidays sounds like a plan to me. I may give it a whirl next year!!
Deletewhen I first started living in Canada, I learned after the first year to buy two turkeys in October. None were to be found in November.
DeleteCheers, SJ
Here they run great sales on turkeys just before Thanksgiving, so I was going to buy half dozen to can. Sadly, the fine print said, "One per customer at sale price." Buggers!!
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving, dear Ms. Vicki. I'm grateful for our on-line acquaintance, and rejoicing that your health has improved.
ReplyDeleteAnd a very Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Rev. Paul. I am sure the prayers and encouragement from on-line friends has had much to do with the improvement in my health. I am blessed by you all.
Deletedaddy said he didn't want to be 'addicted; to the oxygen i said we are all addicted to it! thank God we live where it is gettable.
ReplyDeletedeb...I am really thankful for the oxygen. Even though I still hate being tethered to a machine, I know my life would be severely limited without it.
DeleteOur parents sometimes had some funny ideas, like your Dad not wanting to be 'addicted' to oxygen. My Dad had a relative who sadly had a mental breakdown. She was deeply interested in genealogy, so when I started tracing my family tree, Dad told me in all seriousness that I had better be careful or I might lose my mind! So far, so good, I think. :)
Thank you for being so willing to share your life with us and for the inspiration you send us through your blog. I truly admire those who approach life in a realistic and common sensed manner. I know so few people who understand that they should be preparing for the difficult times ahead. Being able to communicate with you and read the comments means a great deal to me. CW
ReplyDeleteCW...Thank you so much for your kind words. Many times it is the give and take in the comments that keep me going and give me ideas on different things to try to add to my preps. I so appreciate all who read here and comment.
DeleteI, too, know very few who think it necessary to prepare. Me...I was raised by parents who believed in hard work, in taking care of themselves and in the necessity of putting by as much food as possible to get through the cold Minnesota winters. Now it seems like so many believe the stores will always be open and will always have shelves full of food. They don't understand that could change in a heartbeat. There was a time when I had no earthly idea where my next meal was going to come from. I will not allow that to happen again. Maybe the younger ones now haven't been hungry enough. If they had, they might take preparedness more seriously.
(kicking the soapbox back into the corner)
Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
Hey, I found an old Websters Dictionary the other day. I was surprised that when I got to stubborn there was a photo of you.. LOL. Glad your still kicking butt and giving us all life lessons.
ReplyDeleteThe two youngest have been working crazy hours at Best Buy. Crazy I mean middle of the night starting shifts. ugly
Yep, Rob...that would be my portrait right there next to 'stubborn.' I don't accuse any of my kids of being stubborn any more because they always say they inherited that quality from me. :)
DeleteNot much fun, going to work in the middle of the night, but it is good both have jobs. Must be the holiday season to blame for such crazy hours.