The weather guessers told us the snow would start right about suppertime this evening and sure enough, it did. There is only an inch or so on the ground now at 9 PM. We may get another inch or so, but that is the extent of this round. No complaints here, but I expect the ski crowd and the snowmobile people are hoping for more.
My weekend looks to be a quiet one. I think I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to finishing Boston's graduation afghan, so I will work on that. I don't do much canning or dehydrating between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Everybody has places to be for Thanksgiving this year. That's the way it goes sometimes when there are families of spouses to share holidays with and that's the way it should be. Duane will be home, so he will roast a small turkey and make the stuffing. I am in charge of mashed potatoes and vegetables. There will be pumpkin pie.
David called me the other evening. He had taken Maddie Mae to her gymnastics practice and then delivered Jacob to hockey practice. He was on his way to pick up Maddie Mae, after which he would collect Jacob and take both of them home. Then he told me about all the stressful dealings he had with customers. He is in charge of snow removal crews in the winter and some customers expect them to be at their place of business two minutes after it stops snowing. Not going to happen.
He asked what I was doing. I told him I was spending a quiet evening with a book. He said, rather wistfully, "Maybe I can do that someday."
There is something to be said about my quiet lifestyle after all. :)
Opus 2025-148: Donald Is Not God
2 hours ago
Every job has its good points and bad. I learned that long ago. Stay warm.
ReplyDeleteGorges...For the most part, he likes his job and he is very good at it. It is sort of like when the first snowfall comes, we forget how to drive on slippery roads. Same with the snow removal contracts. Some customers forget they weren't willing to pay for the services they now expect when it snows. Good thing he has the patience to deal with that.
DeleteMy apartment is cozy and I enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate while watching the flakes fall. It is beautiful, especially from the inside looking out!
Just wait until the big one dumps the white stuff all over the state. Roads will be a mess and it will take 3 times as long to get anyplace. no one will care then about how fast lots get cleared.
ReplyDeleteThe best part of being retired is the frequent naps. Yesterday I had at lest 3.
Rob...I don't know why people, myself included, are surprised to see the first snowfall or two of the season. We get dumped on every year.
DeleteI used to tease my Dad about his afternoon naps, but now I realize, the man was on to something. :)
Beautiful day here yesterday but cold. Woke up to our first hard frost. By mid-morning, full sun and still cold enough to wear a sweatshirt outside. Cleaned up the mess the maintenance guys made earlier in the week when they cleaned the gutters.
ReplyDeleteI think MrDog likes the cooler weather. He's been quite frisky on our walks. Making soup later today in my instant pot. Yum.
Take care, SJ
SJ...It has been warm enough here to melt some of the snow that fell the other night. The forecast is for clear skies over Thanksgiving. Even though I will be at home, I'm glad those who travel will have clear sailing.
DeleteI suspect if you and I wore fur coats all the time, we would be happy to see the temps drop some. I remember my dogs always seemed more energetic when the air turned a bit crisp. Sounds like Mr. Dog is feeling better. Good!
I'm having soup for supper, too, but I am lazy, so I'm just opening a jar of home canned ham and bean soup. If I suddenly acquire some ambition, I may make some cornbread to go with it. Or not. Lazy seems to be the word of the day. :)
Turned out I had no ambition after all. I cooked up a frozen pizza - my go to food when I don't want to cook!
DeleteYes, MrDog is feeling better. We haven't been to the vets in about 2 months and I'm very thankful we seem to have hit on some meds that seem to be working. I just love him to bits and am grateful for each day he is with me.
Cheers, SJ
SJ...I know that according to the purist popular opinion, we are all supposed to cook from scratch and consume only approved healthy foods, but I find the older I get and the more medical issues take over parts of my life, the more frozen pizza and pot pies look good to me. And because my dishwasher consists of the two hands on the end of my arms, paper plates have become a staple in my house as well. I sort of feel like by the time all those preservatives in food kill me off, I will have passed on to my reward already. :)
DeleteI am so very glad Mr. Dog is doing so well. I have had dogs/cats most of my life and it sometimes breaks my heart that I can no longer properly care for them, which is why I sort of adopt those of my blog friends and can send them, like Mr. Dog, an ear scritch or belly rub now and then. That helps.
He's reading over my shoulder as I type.
DeleteI have the same model dishwasher. LOL
SJ...I can just picture him reading over your shoulder. :) Goldens are the best!!
DeleteMy dishwasher broke down over the weekend, but I suppose I will have to fix it after supper tonight!!
I hope you made a little progress on Boston's afghan. I'm really looking forward to seeing pictures when the project is completed!
ReplyDeleteI woke up to 9 degrees and sunny skies (finally) so it has been a "stay indoors" kind of day. I decided that required my making a big hot dish of Shepherd's Pie...a favorite on cold almost winter days!
Take care...CWfromIowa
CW...Our temp stayed in the mid-20's today, so it wasn't too bad. Come Feb. we will consider that a heat wave. :)
DeleteI did make some progress on the afghan. I now have two rounds left on each of about 100 granny squares. Then it is to weave in all the yarn ends and sew it all together. It will need a border. One round if I am really tired of it and two rounds if I find some ambition! Only two more afghans to go and all six grands will have one. Truth be known, it isn't really a chore because the grands love it when I make something for them. Zach said he took both the quilt and afghan I made for him with him to college. I'm glad they are using them.
Imagine that...the weather people were right!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving to you and your family...if I decide celebrate US Thanksgiving does that give me an excuse to eat pie?? lol
Thanks for the Thanksgiving greeting, Jenn. You don't need a celebration to enjoy pie. Or an excuse. Just go for it!!
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving Vicki.
ReplyDeleteI hope your day is wonderful. Hugs, SJ
Thank you, SJ...I know that the Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone, so I will wish you a very Happy American Thanksgiving!! Sending you a big hug as well, along with a belly rub for Mr. Dog. :)