In 4 months, the U.S. transformed into an obedient socialist country.
Government dictated what events are acceptable to attend. Violent protests that instill fear are OK, but church services, family funerals and patriotic celebrations are dangerous. And you bought it without a fight.
Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard". Small businesses were forced to close, but crowds to support the corporate money machine at WalMart, Lowe's and Home Depot are OK.
It's "just a mask" & "safety precautions".
Here's $2,400 that we stole out of your pay check in the first place. Enjoy. Buy something with it, from a big corporation.
Cash is dirty. We can't give change. There's a coin shortage. Use your card. In 4 months, they convinced you to use a traceable card for everything.
In less than 4 months, government closed public schools then "restructured" education under the guise of "public safety".
In less than 4 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to "guidelines" that have NO scientific premise whatsoever when you are fearful.
In less than 4 months, our government successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America that allows them to control every aspect of your life, including what you eat, where you go, who you see and your toilet paper.
And the most dangerous and terrifying part? People are not afraid of the government who removed their freedom. They're afraid of their neighbors, family and friends!
And they hate those who won't comply!
It's absolutely terrifying to me that so many people don't question "authority". They are willing to surrender their critical thinking skills and independence. They just... gave up without thinking. Without a fight.
Do you know what's coming next?
"It's just a vaccine. Come on. It's for the greater good".
Wait until you're told that you can't enter any store or business without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you can't go to public events or get on a plane without proof of receiving the vaccine.
To everyone that doesn't believe this is possible - DO YOU UNDERSTAND that government successfully dictated to people WHEN they were allowed to be outside, WHERE they were allowed to go, and HOW their children would be educated in LESS THAN 4 months? And that a majority of the population followed blindly because they were told to do so?
You're kidding yourself if you think this behavior won't be repeated with a vaccine. Or whatever the next step is.
"I don't follow politics."
"Who cares about that stuff?"
"I don't like to think about it."
6 million Jews were exterminated in Germany because 97% of the population cowed to populist control. Nobody wanted to think about it. It's easier to just ignore it.
But that couldn't happen here, right?
They got you. Without a thought. Without a fight. Just like France. Just like Russia. Just like China.
Welcome, comrades, to what they call the New Normal.
It is not "just a mask."
Posted by a friend on Facebook.
Opus 2025-146: Dark thoughts: Maybe
5 hours ago
ReplyDeleteYep, Gorges. "I will not comply" has become my favorite phrase.
DeleteYou nailed it. It did happen here.
ReplyDeleteI wear a mask in grocery stores because I choose to. I believe it helps reduce transmission rates. I'm willing to err on the side of caution as an immunocompromised individual with one child still at home. What other people choose to do is their business entirely.
Why is there suddenly a coin shortage? It's not like coins get used up. They get circulated. And it's not like everyone decided to start saving all their small change. If anything, in difficult times people would be cracking into the piggy bank so that there would be more coins in circulation. Something is fishy.
I can't help but wonder if this truly is the precursor to the mark spoken of in Revelation. Without proof of having received the vaccine, you would not be allowed to buy or sell.
Interesting times we live in, for sure.
We are China and Russia now. It is what the majority wanted. I hope we all have enough earplugs for when they wake up and realize what they actually got is nothing like what they said they wanted.
Jennifer...The phrase "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. Those who want the power are trying to scare us into submission. And they seem to be succeeding. If they get their way, it is 'welcome to Venezuela North.'
DeleteThat's what I was thinking, Jennifer. The mark in the Bible.
DeleteGosh,, youve sure got a nice economy there.. Be a shame if something happened to it..
ReplyDeleteWatching the Fed and the insane debts for decades. There is Nothing organic or correct ABOUT THE fractional reserve system,, Its GOT to Crash,, and should the economy crash WITHOUT a handy scapegoat to blame the crash on, the ones who have stolen it all from the People would become lamp post decorations,,
I know,, Hanlons razor says bullshit,, thats all just a conspiracy theory,, blahh, blahh,,,
Rememeber it,,
Justin...I am not as well versed on the economy as I probably should be, but even so, someone without a degree in economics can plainly see that everything is blamed on the virus. Therefore, those who put us so far in debt are now blameless. It is all due to Covid-19. (snark)
DeletePelosi is collecting towels for the showers.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Pete, those showers are located in the quarantine camps I have been hearing about. Am I surprised? Nope.
DeleteWell I'll be sheepish...Welcome to the next chapter of spin the control wheel...
ReplyDeleteThat's what this is all about, Rob. Control.
DeleteCORRECT on every count. And the history you cite in Germany, etc. is UNKNOWN to most of adults under 55. There is so much more that is in the works that will be unveiled little by little by the socialist elite running this coup!
ReplyDeleteCelaina...I can't take credit - a friend posted this and I appropriated it because it is so very true. I shudder to think of what life will be like should those who lust after power succeed.
DeleteI do not agree with any of this post. And, you knew i would not, but i have to speak up. What about "No shirt, no shoes, no service" mandate? Why is a mask so different?
ReplyDeleteLinda...The 'no shirt, etc.' is a choice of each individual business. It is not a government mandate like some governors have done with the masks in several states. I did not expect you to agree. We have agreed to disagree on several occasions and that is fine.
DeletePractical, do you enjoy looking at the chests of hairy men, or women wearing or not wearing a bra while shopping? What about dirty smelly feet? Sometimes Walmart shoppers come close as in bedroom slippers and pajamas...makes me want to barf up my cookies. Nope, I prefer not having to look at that when shopping for my food.
DeleteWell said, CW...Sometimes I think Walmart is more zoo and less store. :)
DeleteVicki~ What gets me are the women wearing tight yoga pants that are stretched so thin you can read the tattoos. Or, wearing a tossed on robe and animal print slippers. There was a time that when you went to the store a person was clean and properly dressed. Not looking like 25 miles of badly paved road. Red
DeleteI have no problem looking at the hairy chests of men and i do not wear a bra while shopping. I never smell bare dirty feet, but i can smell socks and shoes that smell. I am horrified that people with walk in spit and on dangerous, pointy items. These things would not turn me off food shopping.
DeleteLet's agree to disagree!
DeleteComrade Linda, every time you open you trap your ramble gets sillier and sillier. This is more akin to “we don’t serve your kind here” or perhaps “coloreds not allowed.”
DeleteBetter yet those that don’t have “the mark” may not enter.
Or from the level of apparent intelligence on display by those on your side, “those not wearing moo moos may not enter.”
Red...It is all about self respect. I can remember a time when people took care to be neat and clean when they went to town to do their Saturday shopping. Now they look like they just crawled out of bed or like they just finished mucking out the barn. If we have no respect for ourselves, we have no respect for others.
DeleteMatt...One things leads to another and before long there are those who will stop you ask to see your papers. So much of what goes on today reminds me of what led up to the persecution of the Jews in pre-WWII in Europe.
DeleteMs. Vicki, of course we all know when the fun started festering over there. Of course it was the excessive harsh terms laid down by the allies forces in WWI, but even more than that it was confiscation of firearms that the Jews allowed to be perpetuated on them.
DeleteSo for now we’re having these back-n-forths with people like Comrade/Infidel Linda. Soon she’ll be banging on all our front doors wearing a bathrobe, hairnet, house slippers and hot pink lipstick while not wearing a bra (excuse the gagging sounds), trying to take up a gun collection. It’s coming.... we just need to decide whether sooner or, if we re-elect President Trump, later down the road.
Matt...I read somewhere that the reason the government wants to take your guns is because they are about to do something you would shoot them for. If we allow ourselves to be disarmed, we might as well just line up for the boxcars.
DeleteI am tired. I am tired of being told what I can do and where I can do it and with whom. Today our communist governor issued a mandatory mask order. Complete with fines for noncompliance. What is next? Like my son said, if Trump is re-elected, we at least have four more years to get ready. If not, we are just plain screwed.
What about car seats, seat belts, no smoking in many areas, traffic laws, etc. Ellie
ReplyDeleteEllie...I have to wonder why our government leaders think we are so stupid we can not be trusted to put a child in a car seat or wear a seat belt or refrain from smoking where it bothers others or to drive sensibly. Most of us have common sense enough that we do not need laws to mandate those things and yet, our leaders continue to try to control every aspect of our lives and that is what I object to. God gave us free will. Government does not.
DeleteLots of people would not put children in car seats if it were not mandated. You and I did not! Trump is not about giving you free will. People get up in arms about no smoking and the traffic laws make me crazy.
Linds...I do not understand why you insist in dragging President Trump's name into every discussion. He has absolutely nothing to do with car seat or non smoking laws. And of course Mr. Trump did not give us free will. God did that centuries ago. What I don't like is that those who make these laws are treating us like dim-witted children who haven't the sense God gave a goose and can't possibly make good decisions unless they force us to.
DeleteAgreed, it's not just about a mask, not by a long shot!
ReplyDeletesbrgirl...It is not about a mask. It is about control. This was a beta test to see just how far the general public can be pushed before they push back. Sadly, there are way too many sheep.
DeleteI've been trying to get this across to my mom, my coworkers, and friends. No one listens... except to CNN . Funny; they ALWAYS have time to listen to CNN... and MSNBC's lesbian longneck... Of course, other people have tried to get people to listen before, with similar results... Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,...
ReplyDelete...I guess that all we can say is... we're in good company...
Pete...I have long since given up on changing the minds of anyone on the left. All I can do now is continue to speak the truth and do whatever I can to prepare for what comes next. You are right. We are in very good company!
DeleteVicki, I wish the people who want socialism instead of Trump could read this and start to use some common sense, but unfortunately they do not have any. They use their feelings to make decisions rather than their brain. That's why many of them are in situations where they need someone else to take care of them and provide for their needs. It is truly pathetic. I will have no sympathy for those who are ill-prepared. The Bible says it is a sin for a person not to take care of oneself or family. God expects us to assist those who suffer from serious mental or physical disabilities. Otherwise, those who are capable, but choose not to abide by that are to be judged accordingly. Thank you for sharing this great post...
ReplyDeleteCW...I wish I could take credit for the words in this post, but I can not. When I saw what my friend had posted on FB, I knew it needed to be shared for it speaks to truth. Common sense seems to have left the building some time ago. Feelings, virtue signaling and cancel culture has replaced it in the minds of most of the left. Like you, I have no sympathy for those who refuse to take care of themselves and expect the government to take care of them. I believe that God will care for us, but we are expected to do the work - not stand in line with a hand outstretched for free stuff.
DeleteSocialism and Trump are not two poles. And, the Bible does not say it is a sin to not take care of oneself or family. are dead wrong again. Try looking up the following scripture... 1 Timothy 5:8
ReplyDeleteComrade Linda is worse than an infidel....hahaha.
Delete1 Timothy 5:8 "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."
DeleteWell, i have been wrong before. There is too much name calling on here. So, Vicki, i will go away for good.
ReplyDeleteLinda, you don’t mind dragging President Trump through the mud, but can’t take it when it’s your name.
DeleteSays a lot about you. You need to grow a thicker skin.
Linda...Here on this blog we usually have good discussions about whatever topic the post is dealing with. Until you show up and feel the need to bash Trump no matter what. I am sorry that you are so delusional about the state of our county. I believe in free speech. I do not believe in purposeful agitation. That being said, I have decided that you are no longer welcome here, for your comments serve no useful purpose and I refuse to be a platform for the kind of hate you seem to enjoy. Good bye.
DeleteIn response to CWfromIowa’s comment about agreeing to disagree:
ReplyDeleteNope. No more. One does not agree to disagree with an enemy. And make no mistake. That is how they view us.
Lucy and Tigers Mom, you are absolutely 100% right about that. I generally say exactly what I think and stand my ground but...being that this is Vicki's blog I tried to be a little less blunt with my real opinion...LOL. I guess I am better at being sarcastic than nice to the enemy. Thank you for letting me see the silliness and fruitlessness of that. CW
DeleteLucy and Tigers Mom...You are 100% correct. I had hoped that civil discourse was still possible but it is obvious it is not when dealing with the Trump hating left. Thank you for the reminder.
DeleteCW...Your comments are always welcome and I never, ever want you to hold back. Truth is a commodity that is sorely lacking these days and it is refreshing to see people who are willing to take a stand. Too many are willing to hide under their beds until the government officials tell them it is permissible to come out into the light of day. All one has to do is look around to see who the enemy is and the enemy will no longer have a voice here. So get out that soapbox, my dear friend. I value your opinions as well as those of so many who comment here. We need to be a united voice and if not, it is all over except for the crying.
DeletePeople all wore masks during the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. What is so different with Covid and masks?
ReplyDeleteIs there any proof that it helped to prevent the spread of the 1918 Spanish flu? Based on the number of deaths during those two years I would say not. We know much more about the spread of diseases now than they did in 1918.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteCW I am referring to the idea that this is part of our freedoms taken away, not the medical part of mask wearing. They wore masks mandated then and that did not happen.
DeleteThank you for clarification. I misunderstood where you were going with your comment...
DeleteQuote about 1918 "The ordinance was drafted by the city attorney’s office to ensure its legality and quickly passed. Starting on October 25, every resident and visitor of San Francisco would be required to wear a mask while in public or when in a group of two or more people, except at mealtime."
ReplyDeleteIs that proof that it was helpful? No. It should not be mandated, but left to the individual...
DeleteAnn, if you’re saying that it set a precedent and therefore must be followed now, there’s many events that happened in the past that prompted wrong headed laws passsed for everyone to follow.
DeleteFor instance the Jim Crow laws were a bunch of state and local laws that were passed that were just nothing but wrong.
Would you like to try a different angle with what you’re trying to say?
Vicki, I found my way here from Rev. Paul’s blog and have very much enjoyed reading y’all (yep, I’m in the South). I’ve learned so much, not the least of which is that we’re not alone.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you and your commentators!
Welcome to our little family!
DeleteL & T's Mom...So glad you found us! Rev. Paul is a favorite of mine. One of the reasons I keep on with this silly little blog is that I so enjoy the give and take between those who comment. I have learned much from those comments. And it is important that we like minded folks stick together against what is undoubtedly coming our way.
DeleteHi Vicki... I haven't been reading blogs for a while but I'm sure glad I stumbled in here today. I totally agree with this post ... I've been saying the same things to lots of people,and most are clueless. From the beginning of the shutdowns I've been asking questions about why we are initiating these actions and what is the criteria for when they will be lifted? Crickets. I am appalled by how easily people have been lead into wearing masks. For every study that says they are "effective" I can find one that refutes it. And I am not convinced at all that a cloth mask is going to stop the transmission of a virus that is only microns in size. And along with that you have people taking them off and on, putting them down here and there and then putting them back on. How sanitary could that be? And if masks are the answer to this situation why didn't we start with them 4 months ago instead of shutting down the economy?
ReplyDeleteI distinctly remember being told "15 days to flatten the curve" ... stay home, only go out for food or medicine, etc. Well the last I counted we are more than 125 days past that 15 and here in Ohio we are required to wear a mask inside all public buildings and outside when you can't socially distance... but somehow it is okay to go to protest with thousands of people, but not okay to worship in church or have a birthday party with extended family or attend a funeral.
I saw my doctor a couple of weeks ago for my 6 month check up and she asked how I was handling this situation. I asked if there was a box on her form that said "I"m pissed"... because I am... it seems to me that all we've done is extend this situation on indefinitely and continue to stoke fear in people. If this was so serious why didn't we get the worst of it over at the beginning? I still haven't heard any criteria that says when masks won't be necessary anymore, which leads me to believe it will continue and continue. Sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of being told what I can and can't do. I thought I lived in the land of the free.
Take care - sending hugs and prayers!
As the others have said we love those capable or a sharp or snarky but clean tongue. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Ms. Vicki keeps us straight when needed but that rarely happens. And we all hang together otherwise we’ll be bored when we hang separately.
DeleteRant on, Carol! I like what you have to say. It shows me you question the demands of the nitwit politicians before doing something that makes no sense. We need more people like you to be vocal about the issues we are facing. 😊
ReplyDeleteCarol...There is no need to apologize for a rant! What you have to say is absolutely true. We are being treated like children who have no sense at all and I for one am tired of it. Just today began the official mandate here in Minnesota for the wearing of masks. And there is no mention of how long this will last. Sadly, we are divided. Some actually believe the propaganda and others like me are just plain mad as hell. If I hear one more time "It is for the greater good," I may blow a gasket. If some are more comfortable following the mandates, fine. But I will not. God bless you for having the courage to speak up. We desperately need more to do the same.