There was a time when I could walk the street in front of my building, day or night, without fear. Not any more.
There was a time when there was no question about which locker room or bathroom to use. Not any more.
There was a time when children could go to 'story hour' at the public library without encountering men dressed as grotesque women. Not any more.
There was a time when sex education did not include elementary school children. Not any more.
There was a time when the language I hear coming from some kids would have earned them the experience of learning what a bar of soap tastes like. Not any more.
What happened? How did we reach the place where the question of the day is, "What is a woman?" News flash - just take a peek inside your knickers. Indoor pumbing belongs to women. Outdoor plumbing indicates a man. Easy peasy.
I am so very tired of all the foolishness. Common sense seems to have left the building. At what point did so many Americans buy into the culture of 'woke.'
Seems to me we need to pay attention to the ways of our parents and grandparents. They didn't waste time on silly things like defining a woman. In my family they were too busy tending the crops, milking the cows, working in the lumber mills or, in the case of my Dad, holding down two and sometimes three jobs to feed his family and care for his invalid wife.
It is my opinion that the downward spiral mostly began when our government decided that God has no place in our schools or our office buildings or in our lives. The war against religion has escelated.
I am thinking that as we watch our nation sink deeper into the mud and mire, perhaps now might be a good time for prayer before that is banned as well.