Tuesday, May 30, 2023

What Happened...

 There was a time when I could walk the street in front of my building, day or night, without fear.  Not any more.

There was a time when there was no question about which locker room or bathroom to use.  Not any more.

There was a time when children could go to 'story hour' at the public library without encountering men dressed as grotesque women.  Not any more.

There was a time when sex education did not include elementary school children.  Not any more.

There was a time when the language I hear coming from some kids would have earned them the experience of learning what a bar of soap tastes like.  Not any more.

What happened?  How did we reach the place where the question of the day is, "What is a woman?"  News flash - just take a peek inside your knickers.  Indoor pumbing belongs to women.  Outdoor plumbing indicates a man.  Easy peasy.

I am so very tired of all the foolishness.  Common sense seems to have left the building.  At what point did so many Americans buy into the culture of 'woke.'

Seems to me we need to pay attention to the ways of our parents and grandparents.  They didn't waste time on silly things like defining a woman.  In my family they were too busy tending the crops, milking the cows, working in the lumber mills or, in the case of my Dad, holding down two and sometimes three jobs to feed his family and care for his invalid wife.

It is my opinion that the downward spiral mostly began when our government decided that God has no place in our schools or our office buildings or in our lives.  The war against religion has escelated.

I am thinking that as we watch our nation sink deeper into the mud and mire, perhaps now might be a good time for prayer before that is banned as well.


  1. Vicki, Folks like you and I saw this coming DECADES back, when God was removed from almost every aspect of American life. And it doesn't matter how much a parent instills God in the children at home, when the kids are being force-fed woke crap everywhere else!

    As for subscribing to "woke," when that's the only choice the young have, that's the way they're going to go! This is being pushed on them before they're even able to speak! My granddaughter was watching a cartoon on TV; something about a kid who befriends a vampire family who runs a hotel. The central message baked into this cake was "Don't be scared. They're not bad, just different." Let's see; don't be concerned about someone who will bite you and make you just like them, feeding on blood and living in the dark?... The symbolism was RIGHT.THERE! ...This is what kids are being fed these days... If people think that God will be any more tolerant of modern America than He was of Sodom and Gomorrah, they're deluding themselves...

    1. I think you are right, Pete. When kids are spoon fed a bunch of lies that are made to sound like the best thing ever, they are bound to buy into it all. What I have a hard time understanding are the adults who are riding the 'woke' train. How on earth can an a grown up human being believe all the pure, unadultrated BS that is presented as gospel?! Nothing makes sense any more.
      If I were God, I would be pissed!
      And I will not be at all surprised when He decides He has seen enough of human stupidity. Noah and the Ark. Sodom and Gomorrah. It is coming.

    2. Vicki, I believe God is pissed. That is why America keeps sinking.
      We need the tearing of clothes, sprinkling of ashes and wearing of sackcloth as we pray to God to forgive our (America's) sins.

      Your statement about parents and especially grandparents. They knew about "idle hands".

      You all be safe and God bless.

    3. LindaG...Unless America gets back to the nation of the founding fathers, we are in serious trouble. I honestly don't know what it will take for people to value morals again.

      Yes - our parents and gradparents knew all about 'idle hands.' My generation pulled weeds in the garden, mowed the lawn and did all sorts of household and farm chores. I like electronics as much as the next person, but there is more to life.

      Take care and may God bless.

    4. My mom grew up in the Depression. I remember once when I was about 10yo saying that I was bored one day.. Mom got a twinkle in her eyes and said 'oh, I can take care of that'...Me...I backpedaled out of the room and made myself scarce. LOL
      SJ now in California

    5. SJ...Bored was a word I learned not to say at an early age - for the same reasons you made yourself scarce. :) When I retired, folks told me I would be bored. Turns out that has never happened. In fact, it is pretty much a given that I might not live long enough to do everything I would like to do!!

  2. Let me just say...again..how much I missed your posts!! At my last apartment, I witnessed wild children who's parents thought it just fine for them to trample my garden, scream at all hours of the day and night and just generally make living with them as neighbors a nightmare. And these were all kids under the age of 5 with no boundaries and no respect for their parents let alone other adults.

    Your post reminded me of being in high school where it was expected that we stand up and shut our traps when a teacher or any other adult entered the classroom. Those days are long gone.

    Keep writing!! SJ now in California

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, SJ...Seems I can't just let the insanity go without expressing my opinions. :)

      Being housebound, I don't have to put up with the badly behaved children. But through my open windows, I hear all sorts of conversations. It was fun to listen just a few years ago. Now - not so much. You have heard of "Minnesota Nice?" Used to be common for people to be polite and friendly. Sadly, I don't hear that very often any more.

      Take good care, my friend.

  3. Separation of church & state. It's in the Constitution. Read it.

    1. The words "separation of church and state" appear nowhere in either the Constitution nor in the Declaration of Independence. Personally, I don't care what politicians think on the subject. I will continue to practice my faith in God and continue to pray for our nation. And since your comment was designed to try to start a fight, you can go elsewhere and pound sand.

  4. None of what's going on made sense to us until we realized we are in the midst of an all out assault by the forces of evil.

    Although the battle has been going on since the beginning, they have ceased to hide who and what they are. This latest thing with Target using an image of the evil one on t-shirts is just one example.

    And everyday there's something new...

    1. sbrgirl...When I take a look at what is happening to this country that I so dearly love, I can't help but think that the demons from hell have been turned loose on us. I can think of no other reason to kill babies in the womb, to celebrate every sin known to man or to think it is OK to convince children that the mutilation of their bodies is a good thing. God help us all.

  5. Vicki, you and all the other commentators, with one exception, got it right. I believe our country is in for a mighty rough time of Divine Judgements. Can't stand what is being done Against! the children. What is Wrong! with the adults who think it's funny or great or smart!? Ramona/NC

    1. Ramona...There are laws pertaining to the treatment of children, and yet kids are so very badly hurt every day by those who should be protecting them. I don't understand what is wrong with the adults who think this is just fine, but I have no doubt that there is a price to be paid for this behavior, either in this world or the next. If we don't pray for anything else, we should be praying for protection of the children. And quite possibly, for the demise of those who hurt the kids.

  6. I, too, am so tired of the foolishness, Vicki. Pete’s words about Sodom and Gomorrah keep coming to mind these days. Unfortunately, I’m not convinced there’s any relatively peaceful way out of this beyond divine intervention, which is what I pray for.

    We’re in a sort-of rural area that we thought was fairly safe. But lately, not so much. Crime, property mostly at this point, seems to be creeping closer and we’re really avoiding going to town unless absolutely necessary.

    Sigh…. Everyone stay safe and keep praying.

    Lucy and Tigers Mom

    1. LTM...I agree that our only hope is divine intervention. With a good share of the population expecting the rest of us to believe that which is totally absurd, I really don't know what else to do.

      I don't know if a really safe place exists any more. We had better be prepared to defend ourselves and our families. Don't see Superman coming to save anybody.

      Take good care and yes - keep praying!

  7. Hi Vicki. Good to hear your comments again.
    Another view is that when publishers (ie, big content providers (think "mainstream media") make money from the sensational content. It generates more ad revenue (perhaps because we read more of the bs in utter disbelief trying to find some truth). A pocket full of ad revenue then becomes the pot full of "political donations" to their favorite candidates.
    Some of the stuff is so silly, that I refrain from reading it because it crowds out the real news and it feeds their "beast".

    1. Anon...It is good to be back. I agree that many of the content creators are more interested in views and dollars than in actualy providing truthful news. I find that rather sad as now is not the time for fairy tales. We are on our way towards really bad times at an astonishing speed. I find that many of those who are trying to sell me something just are not paying attention. Take care and stay safe.
