Monday, September 16, 2024

What's Next

They have tried to get rid of Trump.  Every way they can think of.  Including an attempt on his life and now another.  And the man is still standing.

Nobody will be able to convince me that God doesn't have a hand in keeping this man alive.

And nobody will get me to believe that evil forces are not at work across our land.  Just look around.

Now it is a matter of waiting to see what happens next.  Those in power simply can not abide anyone in control who works for the people.  Who believes that American citizens should come first. 

I talked with a friend this morning.  We agreed that if we could find a time machine that worked, we would send ourselves back in time to a place where kids could play in the park without being kidnapped, where neighbors visited over coffee and cookies on the porch of a summer evening, where it was still safe to go grocery shopping unarmed, that is if we could still afford groceries and where we could let Rover or Kitty outside without worrying they would  become someone's dinner.

My family has ancestors who fought in the Revolutionary War.   They made sure their descendants could live lives free from tyranny.  I believe they would be sorely disappointed that now the fight is over which bathroom to use and which pronoun is acceptable!

Those who are still "woke" and those who reside in the land of unicorns and fairy dust where nothing bad ever happens really need to wake up.  I'm not saying that the next election has the potential to solve all of our problems.  But if we continue down the path of destruction we find ourselves on now, it is all over except the crying.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Canning to Preserve Food

 Canning is my favorite method of preserving food.  My mother taught me this skill when I was still a child and I am forever grateful.  There are those who look on this activity as a hobby, but for me, it is a lifestyle.

Many years ago, my oldest son gifted me a large Presto pressure canner big enough to hold two layers of pint jars for a total of 16 jars per load.  I couldn't begin to count how many jars of food have been run through it.  Lately and for the first time, I have run into problems.  The last couple of large loads of jars I have canned in it ended up with the jar lids on about half the jars not sealing.  

First I thought the problem might be that the newer jar lids weren't as good as the older lids.  Then I thought it might be operator error.  Turns out I need a new seal for the canner lid and there is a button on the lid that pops up when pressure is reached and drops down when pressure drops.  That button isn't working.  So I need to fix the problems.

In the meantime, I tried something new.  A couple of years ago a friend bought one of those electric instant pot appliances.  She loves it and uses it often.  So I did a little research and found information about the Nesco Digital Canner that can be used for cooking and canning.  Ordered one.  Stuck it in the closet and promptly forgot about it.  Sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat!

Dragged the Nesco from the closet and set it up on my kitchen table.  Found it would hold 4 pint jars or 4 quart jars at a time.  Canned a total of 30 pints of my 'meals in a jar.'  (More about those later.)  Every single jar lid sealed.

If you are canning for a large family, it would take forever and a day to can enough food using this appliance.  But I am finding that it works well for me.

I have physical limitations.  It is much easier to fill 4 jars at a time than it is 16 jars.  Removing 4 jars from the Nesco is easier than unloading a large pressure canner.  My pressure canner heats up my entire apartment when used in the summer.  That doesn't happen with the Nesco.  And at this stage of my life, anything that can make life a bit more tolerable is welcome.

I'm not telling you to run out and buy a Nesco.  Don't you just hate those blogs or channels that tell you to buy this widget or that gadget or you will surely die?  Not doing that.  This appliance is a bit expensive unless you find one at a garage sale or thrift shop.  Just saying it solves a couple of problems for me.  And it works!

Whatever food preservation method you use, keep at it!  The way things are going, we may need every last crumb!

Friday, September 13, 2024

She's Back

 My son was right.  He told me that my head would probably explode if I didn't have a place to vent once in a while.  I realize that most of my readers have moved on.  But for the two or three who still check in, here you go!  (Thanks, Jennifer!)

I need a home nursing service to change the wraps on my lower legs three days a week.  The wraps help keep fluid from collecting.  If fluid builds up, pretty soon it will break the skin from the inside out, resulting in infection and probable hospital stays.  I avoid that outcome at all costs.

I don't always see the same nurse.  This past couple of months I have had a new to me nurse.  Nice gal.  Does a good job.  Lives in the land of unicorns and fairy dust.

One day a couple of weeks ago, I was repackaging some pasta and rice for storage when she arrived.  She wanted to know what I was going to do with so much food.  I told her that I have a large family, and the pasta and rice was to be stored so family would not go hungry in an emergency situation.  I asked what she planned to feed her family should something bad happen.  Her answer - "Oh, they can eat peanut butter sandwiches."

Last week I did some canning.  A dozen pints of chicken/veggie soup and another 16 pints of hamburger/veggie soup were the result.  Love these meals in a jar.  So many uses.

Nurse saw the jars sitting on my kitchen table, waiting to be labeled and put on the shelf.    She wanted to know what the jars contained.  I told her.  And then because I am completely out of patience with those who think that in bad times the government will take care of them, I added that while her family was scraping the bottom of the peanut butter jar, my family would be dining on homemade soup or stew or maybe pot pies.

I know.  I am bad.  Live with it.

I went on to explain that a person doesn't need to home can.  Just by buying a few extra food items when grocery shopping, one can soon build up a pantry that will be ready to keep loved ones alive when the world blows up in our faces.  And that time is close.

Take good care, friends.  Keep stacking to the rafters.  And most important, keep praying.  We need Jesus now more than ever!