Monday, September 30, 2024

We're from the government and we're here to help

The devastation from the latest hurricane is incredibly horrible.  Lives were lost.  Homes were destroyed.  Millions are without power.  In some areas there is no food - no water.  The people who live in the path of the storm have had their lives changed, and not for the good.

Our government that is supposed to take care of its citizens, especially in a time of need, is silent.  Guess who is stepping up to the plate.  Yep.  Those crazy preppers!

Pinball of "Pinball Preparedness" YouTube channel tells the story much better than I can.  Especially since he is up to his neck in trying to help those impacted by the storm.  The link below is well worth a watch.

"I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Help" - Kiss My Ass - YouTube

Minnesota doesn't have hurricanes.  Instead, we get tornadoes in the summer and blizzards in the winter.  So if our citizens have a shred of common sense left, they prepare.  Food.  Water.  A source of heat to keep us from freezing to death when a blizzard knocks out the power.  Can't do much when a tornado blows your house into the next county, but if supplies are divided and stored in a couple of places, we at least have a fighting chance for survival.

I would hope that the plight of the hurricane survivors would open the eyes of those who think it foolish to buy an extra can of beans or more bottles of water.  But I don't think I will hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  There are way too many who think those of us who prepare are nothing more than crazy conspiracy theorists. 

I will remember that when my family is eating good, stomach filling food and the naysayers are digging in dumpsters.  Mean of me?  Perhaps.  But I am totally out of patience with those who believe nothing bad will ever happen in their back yard.  I would hope this last storm might serve as a wakeup call.  Lives depend on it.

I know I don't need to remind all of you to keep stacking.  Or to keep praying.  Prayers heavenward for those poor souls affected by the storm.  May they get the help they need.


  1. With all due respect, the Federal government is hardly being "silent" with regard to Hurricane Helene. Disaster declarations have been made, FEMA is on the ground, the US Army Corp of Engineers is on the ground, and so on. Give me a break.

    1. When our government can spend less on wars that have nothing to do with us and more to help our citizens who are hurting, then I might have a good word to say about it. Until then, government is as useless as tits on a boar.

  2. On my -- a troll appeared!! Just my two cents...

    Another good YT I've been watching is Appalachia's Homestead with Patara. From Eastern TN. She too gave a shout out to Pinball. I'll watch him next.

    And my thought when I see all these their embroidered shirts and vests ---- that was a good use of my taxpayer money for those shirts and color coded vests. (Snarc).

    Me -- I just bought a WaterBob for my bathtub and I'm taking an inventory of 'stuff' around the house.

    Buckle up. Pray. Listen to Gospel music. And then get to work.
    SJ now in California

    1. At least I have the guts to use my name. Just saying....

    2. Laura Who? No information on your bio. And don't you dare talk against SJ. She is a longtime supporter of this blog as well as a longtime friend. All you are is someone who has nothing better to do than spread hate and discontent. Further comments by you will be deleted.

    3. SJ...Totally agree. I'm doing what many of us who still have common sense are doing. My grocery order went in today. Included were several items to fill holes in my storage. This last storm hopefully woke some folks up to the fact that they are on their own. Government types are too busy finding useless projects to spend money on that we don't have instead of helping our own. They should be ashamed and might be if they had a scrap of humanity left in their souls.

      Good on you, my friend, for doing what needs to be done. Hope many more are paying attention!
