Friday, October 4, 2024

When Government insults - not helps.

 People have watched their houses collapse or float on down the river.  Vehicles are trashed.  And let's not forget how many have died due to this storm.  And how many have disappeared.  Entire towns are just gone.  Businesses that served the people for years no longer exist.  Many folks are still stranded in the mountains due to roads that have washed away.

Can someone please explain to my why our government thinks a $750 per person is generous?  Billions to Ukraine is generous.  Free housing, food, medical care and cell phones plus cash or credit cards given to illegal aliens is generous.  $750 is an insult.

And where the bloody hell is our government during all of this?  Nowhere to be found.  A couple of written statements given in 15-minute photo opps mean nothing.  

I understand that there is a considerable amount of bs on the internet, mostly to provide clicks to self-serving idiots.  I have been following those who are actually doing something to help.  Pinball and Patara as well as others have had boots on the ground, personally bringing badly needed food, water and supplies to those in desperate need, as well as working to organize semi-trucks of goods that at this point are nothing if not lifesaving.

The cackling hen is today campaigning with her buddy, Barack.  Lord only knows where pudding for brains is.

Many of us cannot do much about the situation in the southern part of our beloved country.  Many of us are having a hard time paying the bills and keeping food on the table.  

But we can pray.  Pray that those in need will get help.  That those who no longer have homes will find a place to rest.  That those who have lost loved ones might be comforted by God's grace.  

I don't care what anybody says.  There is power in prayer.

For the love of God, pray for those poor souls.


  1. Vicki, if there's anything the past four years has taught me, it's that we're on our own when the wind machine is beset by bovine BM's. Our "government" has become the enemy, and it's done so using our tax dollars. It's literally a tumor, feeding on those who actually produce something for a living. When it ends, one can only speculate. One thing's for sure though, when Uncle Sam runs out of OUR MONEY, the end WILL COME. Until the and following on, prayer is the answer... May God help us all...

    1. You are so right, Pete...Doesn't really matter what the emergency is, we are on our own. Sometimes I'm not so sure that is a bad thing. Was talking with my daughter today about the work ethic that seems to be going away. The conversation came around to my Dad. In his time, the government gave away block cheese and powdered milk. I remember asking him why he didn't get in line for some free stuff. He replied that once a person takes something given by government, they own you. And he said he was owned only by God.

      Might not be a bad idea to get back to that way of thinking. Provided, of course, that it isn't already too late.

  2. Yes - pray and keep praying.

    And read even comments on trustworthy blogs with a dose of skepticism. My two cents of course. All those knuckleheads want nothing more than to divide 'we the people'.
    SJ now in California

    1. What amazes me, SJ, is how many ordinary people are working hard to help those in need while those who should be helping those they govern are just sitting on their hands. A pox on them!!
