Who keeps these records? And why? And is there really a permanent record anywhere? And did all of those transgressions of my youth really go on my permanent record? There were threats to that effect!
Oops. I got off the track for a bit there.
The record I'm talking about is the one I keep to let me know how much produce or meat equals how many pint jars full when canned. I found that 25 lbs. of carrots, some sliced and some diced, equals 32 pints and 24 half-pints. Or 44 pints. I can a number of vegetables and meats in half-pint jars simply because that is a good amount for one person - which I am.
So the last canner load of carrots is heating up. Then it is on to the 15 lbs. of hamburger. The excitement builds. (Insert snarky grin here, because canning 25 lbs. of carrots and 15 lbs. of hamburger really is the most exciting thing going on in my life at the moment.) Sigh.
Opus 2025-148: Donald Is Not God
3 hours ago
That's still information that would be useful to people just getting started on canning. I've made a couple of attempts to learn that but never got off the ground. My main problem is that since I don't garden, I can buy canned food at the store cheaper than I can can my own.
ReplyDeleteHarry...It is getting to be a toss-up between home canning and store bought food. As much as I would love to have a garden again, that won't be happening. And my offspring who would bring me truckloads of produce from the Farmer's Market has moved to the other side of the country. So my options are limited. I will home can if I can get a good price that winds up cheaper than store bought. Even with the price of meat heading toward the outer limits, it is still cheaper for me to can my own than to buy already canned. The rest depends on what is on sale this week. We just do the best we can with what we have to work with! :)
ReplyDeleteI love reading about your canning. It's interesting to hear what other people are canning. I can to and I'm always getting new ideal from other peoples canning. There a canning group on Facebook called "Canning Granny Friends Recipe Share" I belong to. Great bunch of canners that help each other with much more than canning. If you don't belong and think you might like it. Just google the name and sent them a email to join. Would love to have you in the group.
ReplyDeletesteakandeggs...Thanks. I probably do things a bit differently than those who are able to garden and raise their own meat, but it is all good in the end. I have been lucky to find those who are into the whole preparedness thing and have gleaned a wealth of information from them. I'll check out the FB group. Sounds interesting.
ReplyDeleteHope you check it out. We do much more than raise our own meat and garden. There are recipes: where to find jars and lid on sale (in stores and online) All kinds of canning questions. Canner helping each other and getting help. If nothing else just reading what other are cannings. Many like you catch store sales or buy in bulk to can. I think you will enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI too will check out the FB page. BTW do you have a page??? email me if you do.
ReplyDeletesteakandeggs...I found the FB page and clicked the "Join" button. It is always good to find new resources and thank you.
ReplyDeleteRob...Yes I have a FB page. I rarely comment but use it mostly to keep track of what my kids and grandkids are doing. You will find it under "Vicki Matheny Miller."
ReplyDeleteAs a custodian at a Elementary school I can tell you that there really are permanent records! We have boxes and boxes of stuff that goes back to the 1950's when the school opened! Why do we keep it? I have no idea. It will only ever go away in the event of a fire. In the mean time it takes up tons of space and is never bothered with. But I figured I'd let you know that there IS such a thing.
ReplyDeleteIrene...The reference to permanent records was sort of a silly tongue in cheek thing. As a kid, every time I would get myself into trouble, somebody was sure to tell me that was going on my permanent record. To know that those records really exist is sort of scary!! I can't imagine why anyone would want to keep 60 year old records. Guess my past may catch up with me yet, if someone wants to dig deep enough. :)
ReplyDeleteMom, I remember being told the same thing about my permanent record. Now we have the NSA to snoop on whatever we do. Love and miss you lots. Duane
ReplyDeleteSon...Any time a teacher wasn't happy with something I said or did or didn't do, the threat of an entry into the permanent record was trotted out. I always thought it was a bunch of hogwash. Who knew!!
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Now the government knows how we spend our money, where we go, what we do, what web sites we look at. And now I hear that TV sets and the newer computers can record and transmit any voices that are within range. Maybe I will sing "99 Bottles of Beer" two or three times through and drive the guy assigned to watch me, crazy. (Grin)
Love and miss you, too, Son!