you get more than you bargained for.
My cleaning and decluttering frenzy had some unexpected results. When I get busy canning I sometimes just stick the jars of food on my shelves willy nilly just to get them out of the way. The shelves are now nicely organized. I found that I have one entire shelf ( 48 inches long by 18 inches deep) of just chicken. Either I am the poster child for buying chicken on sale or my memory has deteriorated to the point where I don't remember just how much chicken I have canned. Anyway, I have left open spaces to fill in the foods I am getting low on. But basically both shelving units (same size shelves, six per unit) are full.
And the jams and jellies are in another cupboard.
And I haven't canned pickles yet. Or cheese sauce. Or soup. Or chili.
I gotta buy another shelving unit. I found one that is the same brand as the two I already have. It is 36 inches long with the shelves at 18 inches deep. I think it will fit in a corner of my living room. I can hang a quilt on it for camouflage. Oldest Son said he would pick it up for me and help me put it together. We are supposed to get hot and humid weather starting tomorrow, so I think I will wait until it cools down some. I don't like to can when it is so hot. It doesn't take much to make this little apartment steamy. And Son is no spring chicken any more. Huffing 75 lbs. of shelving in a box up the stairs will be a bit easier if the stairway isn't over 90 degrees warm.
I am not complaining, mind you. I am delighted to have my shelves overflowing with canned food. I use it on a regular basis. When the weather is hot like this, it is nice to be able to open a jar of soup, heat it up in the microwave and keep the apartment cool. Other times I always have the makings of a meal just by opening a jar or two. That's what my parents and grandparents did. I think they were on to something. :)
Opus 2025-152: Time Out
4 hours ago
It used to just be called "planning ahead," now they call it "prepping!" lol
ReplyDeleteI have to start doing the "meals in a jar". There are so many days that I'm not really in the mood to cook.
ReplyDeleteGorges...That's kind of like my grandparents who kept a hog or two, a couple of cows and some chickens. They raised much of their own food. They were farmers. Now they would be called "homesteaders." :)
ReplyDeleteChickenmom...I like having that kind of meal on the shelves. Many days I don't feel like cooking a meal for just myself. Would rather just open a jar.
ReplyDeletethrow me in that briar patch, br'er Fox. I would love to find a huge stash of meat in my supplies I didn't know about.
ReplyDeleteWe reorganize here pretty frequently and we do sometimes turn up things that the inventory missed, but it's generally equipment or supplies other than food.
Br'er Fox...That sure brings back memories. Imagine if you will, a Dad with a Minnesota accent reading Uncle Remus to his little girl. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was my own fault. Should have taken the time to stay organized instead of sticking newly canned jars of chicken here and there on the shelves. I was really surprised to find out just how much canned chicken I had. Showed it to Son. He laughed at me. Said he didn't think we needed to buy chicken for a while, even when it is on sale! I'm still going to have to buy another shelving unit. There are 6 or 7 cases of fruit and soup and chicken broth that need a place to live other than the floor of my bedroom. Not complaining. Glad to have it. We may need it all sooner than we think unless things change soon.